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About SoylentPlaid

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. *Sends a condolences letter to the family of poor Archibald Pelago* =T T=
  2. *menacingly wiggles pool noodles* =^.^= *Realizes pool noodles wiggling is very tiring, and nearly approaches the level of ..work * =0.0= *Takes a nap* =z.z=
  3. *pokes at the pirate ship with wiggly, krackenesque pool noodles* =^.^=
  4. *drifts by on a rootbeer float, leading the rest of the fizzy beverage parade* =^.^=
  5. *walks by holding BOLDER CROSSING sign* =^.^= 🛑
  6. *pulls the lever to unleash the NERF boulder avalanche*. =^.^=
  7. *sets up a stage. * =O.O= *Strings up a banner announcing Puppeh and The Meddlin' Hugberts* =^.^= *Sets up merch table*
  8. *Films dramatic footage for documentary of the life of the ferocious sack person*
  9. *builds an ice cream igloo, surrounds it with whipped cream snowdrifts, and releases a bunch of polar bear shaped sugar cookies*
  10. *suddenly melts into a flood puddle on the FBBC*
  11. *Films the epic tussel, zooming about with the FBBC mounted steady cam*
  12. *sets up the squared circle for the Royal Roomba Rumba Rumble* =^.^= *Rings bell*
  13. *releases the 4 roombas of the apocalypse*
  14. *starts a hurricane of shed fur, burying the land in a kitteh blizzard* =O.O=
  15. *Stampedes the FBBCs through the Rookery. with wild abandon* =^.^=
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