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Posts posted by AngryJesusMan

  1. Hi,


    I had a couple of suggestions for capes.


    Suggestion #1: I originally came here to post about possibly having capes that adhere a little less closely to the character model. Long capes as they exist now end up clipping with some of the larger belt and/or boot/foot options, not to mention the obvious shoulder and helmet option clipping. Some of these are unavoidable, but a few of these could likely be corrected by having the cape/collar situated slightly farther away from the character, allowing a kind of cushion for those bulkier objects. I think this kind of adjustment (possibly titled "anti-clipping") could open a lot of extra costuming possibilities, which almost always leads to greater enjoyment within the community.


    Suggestion #2: Brooches for high-collar capes. As soon as I mentioned in our Discord server that I was posting about capes, a couple of members of our Discord mentioned that they would greatly appreciate brooches being an option for the high-collar capes. They feel that it's a fairly obvious oversight and likely wouldn't result in a heavy coding investment to add this option for those that might make use of it.


    Cheers COX community! Keep being amazing!

  2. I took a hard look at the numbers for the Hybrid Incarnate power Support Core Embodiment. The detailed info says that the power grants +12% Strength to all Defenses. However, when I use the power, my character's Defenses are only increased by 7.2%. Is anyone else encountering this?


    I'm not averse to being told that I'm misunderstanding the Detailed Info of the power, so if that's the case please feel free to straighten me out. Thanks.

  3. Temp power jetpacks are a thing. They make getting around certain zones possible, so I like to have them. However, I would like to be able to use flight without having the visual of a jetpack on the character. For a lot of my characters, having a jetpack takes away from the thematic presentation of the character. I know I could get Fly, Hover, or Arcane Flight, but that requires a power choice when all I want is to use it from time to time and am willing to pay the INF to do so. I'm just hoping that, at some time in the future, characters can have this as an option.

    • Like 5
  4. Hi,


    Let me preface this by saying that I know this seems like a big ask. However, it seems to me that having the ability to import and export base settings should be possible using the architecture that is currently in use. That could just be my own ignorance talking, so I'm fine with that statement being shot down as being completely off.

    My understanding is that the information for a base - like the plot, the rooms, the walls, the ceilings, all of the base items, including the locations of all of these things and how they interact with one another - all of this information is stored... somewhere on the server presumably. When I log out and log back in on another computer, the base is still there, just like the costumes and character builds are still there. So the information is stored on the server in a format that the server can interpret and produce on command.


    What I'm hoping is that there is a fairly simple means by which to export that information into a file that can later be uploaded by another character, much like costume files. I can make a costume file, save it to my computer, send it to a friend via email, p2p transfer, cloud storage, etc, and they can import it and have exactly the same costume. I'm hoping the same thing can be done with base files. Granted, I'm certain the resulting file would be necessarily large, but I'm hoping that the idea has some merit. 


    Or, maybe if downloading the file isn't possible, maybe it would be possible to create a base "clone" tool, where someone can copy an existing base's setup directly to their own SG's base file. If I can access bases using teleport codes, then the idea of telling the system "don't take me there. Instead look at it and give me the same thing for my SG base" shouldn't be too far of a stretch. Of course, even if this is possible, it should definitely be gated by some kind of permission, because I wouldn't want anyone straight-up stealing base builds without permission. Just like handing out your base's teleport code, you can give it to as few or as many people as you please.


    In my mind, this would enable and possibly encourage accomplished base-builders to produce a few sets of "base templates" that could be used as starter kits by less adept base-builders. I enjoy the dearth of bases out there, and I hate that I can't produce a fairly elaborate base for any of my groups. We can get by with doing the teleport code tourism for some RP stuff, but I would really prefer having something more for our personal use.  There are ways around that - taking the time and effort to trip my way through base-building for each of my groups, or recruiting a base-builder to my SGs/VGs and possibly paying them with Inf or whatever it takes. Even then, if base-builder had a go-to template that they could just import, that would make their job that much easier and quicker.


    Anyway, thanks for reading. Have fun out there!

    • Like 1
  5. As I understand it, the higher Stealth numbers (a la Invisibility) don't kick in immediately with the recent changes to the Stealth power. I think it takes a few seconds, as if you had attacked or been attacked. I'm not certain about the timing/number of seconds it takes for the higher numbers to come online. Maybe you were activating the power and then being spotted prior to the higher numbers kicking in?

  6. My pleasure. The description on the wiki was vague. It stated:

    "Sets the number of degrees for rotateleft/right".


    This description left me with the mistaken impression that you could use /speed_turn 180 and it would spin the character in place 180 degrees. Upon some testing I figured out what it was actually doing. I have changed the description on the wiki to the following:


    "Changes the speed of your turns using keyboard keys. (Sets the number of degrees per tick when using keybinds for rotateleft/right)"


    The reason the system wasn't throwing an error is because it was executing the command; I just didn't understand precisely what it was doing. With some trial and error, I believe that the default rotateleft/right setting is 5. Using /speed_turn 180 ended up making my character turn when using the default q and e or left arrow and right arrow keys on the keyboard approximately 36 times faster than default, making it unmanageably fast.


    I looked at the /turnleft and /turnright commands as alternatives because of their descriptions on the wiki. Those descriptions are patently wrong, but I can't precisely pin down what it is that the game is doing when you use the command. I would update the wiki, but the fact that I can't quite determine what the game is doing means makes it impossible for me to accurately describe it. 🤥

    • Thanks 1
  7. I know this is a niche command, but I was trying to test the slash command /speed_turn before trying to add it to a macro or bind. When I type it (example: /speed_turn 180, which should spin my character in place to be facing the exact opposite direction), nothing happens. When I say nothing happens, not only does the command not execute, but the error and system channel does not send a prompt telling me that /speed_turn is an unknown command. Am I doing something wrong or is there something I'm missing? Thanks.

  8. I skip Web Grenade when I have the chance, just because of my personal tastes.

    Caltrops - Proc-trops are okay with me. Not as useful as the days of yore, but still useful. Oh, their intended use? Secondary for me because they're not very good at it, as detailed above.


    Triage Beacon - Mobile Triage would be a worthy change. Hell, give it tank treads and let it roll around behind you lol. I would also favor a change in the way it provides its benefit. It's a pitiful alternative when compared to other powers of the same kind. I would also favor a change in the way it provides its benefit. It's a poor alternative for other powers of the same kind.


    Acid Mortar - meh. No strong feelings one way or another, but I agree that other ATs do it better and more reliably.


    Force Field Generator - I'm with the others. Good power, poor speed.


    Poison Trap - not a great power, and seems almost strictly inferior to the Poison AT's power of the same name that does DoT.


    Seeker Drones - take 'em or leave 'em. Not bad, but not so great that they merit inclusion in all of my builds using this set. If others have something to say about them, listen to them because I have nothing to add.


    Trip Mine - Throwable mines would be perfect. Leave the setup time, but make in not interruptible and deployable over there. I could take or leave the different damage-types options mentioned above. I just don't want to have to run into melee and stand there in the hopes that the agonizing animation time doesn't get interrupted.  Setting them up as-is with the hopes of bringing enemies to them means I have to stealth past the mobs and hope to drive the enemies to them, set them up before getting to mobs and hope to draw the enemies to them, or set them up randomly and hope an enemy happens upon it. The power is already hard to use, but being completely unable to rely on it to provide any kind of consistent benefit makes it a questionable pick. Taking Presence for a Taunt or Fold Space to bring enemies to the traps is a very poor choice for having a power that can be reliable on its own, especially when most of the ATs that get the set absolutely do not want the attention, especially at melee range.


    Time Bomb - no new ground to cover. Everyone before me said what needed to be said. It's almost completely useless. Abysmal Recharge, interruptible melee setup, very little bang to justify the drawbacks. The Doomsday bomb suggestion has some merit. As for me, I say make it a sticky bomb. Target someone and it stays on them. In 8 seconds, they detonate. If they drop before then, it goes off at that point. And for goodness' sake, reduce that crazy Recharge time!

  9. 1 hour ago, Outrider_01 said:

    Infiltration is more of a weak travel power, the stealth/DEF are kind of mute.  Decent jump and run, that's about it.


    IIRC, the run and jump increases that come with Infiltration match those that come with the Prestige runs (Beast, Ninja, Athletic). Sure it comes with out-of-combat Stealth and Defense bump, but both are strictly inferior to the Stealth power. All Infiltration gets you (besides and extra LotG mule) is an effective and minor trade-off of less Endurance for less Defense/Stealth.

    • Like 1
  10. The biggest benefits, IMHO, that I've seen in this thread are:

    1. Hasten needs some rivals in other powersets so that Hasten isn't an automatic go-to power for most power-gamer builds.
    2. Flurry is seriously lackluster and either requires rebalancing or replacing. 

    I'm personally a fan of changing things that 1) never or very rarely get used, or 2) absolutely must be used unless you're specifically ignoring mechanical superiority. Alternatives to a mechanical must-have are a fair compromise.


    Having a defensive power as part of a Speed pool, from a design standpoint, seems like a no-brainer from my perspective, but the original devs went a different route and the Homecoming devs seemingly haven't found enough reason or inspiration to deviate from that vision. The theme for Flurry is sound, but poorly executed and simply needs to be adjusted if it's going to be considered worthy of inclusion in most character builds.

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  11. With the new changes to Fly, it is a serious sacrifice to use Prestige or Temporary Travel powers that are thematically aligned with your character. I know I and several of my SG-mates are agonizing over losing the benefits granted by the Issue 27 page 2 changes for the sole purpose of using the Temporary Powers available at the P2W vendor just because it matches out costumes or character theme. This includes options like the Goldbricker Rocket Pack or the Small Longbow Jetpack and all other temp powers of that nature. It's a shame that something that is a simple clone of an existing power isn't available as an optional visual customization in the costume creator for the original power.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  12. 3 AE Mission seems far too few. I'm sure this served a very specific purpose on Live, with its subscription-based model and all. But with the current setup, I believe the limit doesn't serve any particular purpose and is doing a disservice t the community.


    I mean, sure, I've created a couple of different accounts to get around this specific limitation. That's always an option, but it seems unnecessary and somewhat wasteful. How much extra effort is wasted on creating and maintaining these accounts, both on behalf of the player and also the devs (extra login accounts, extra forum accounts, etc).


    I scanned the AE forum and found at least two topics there that showed a fair amount of support for this idea over the past couple of years.


    For prolific AE creators, increasing the number of slots can help to create some name recognition for them, rather than attributing their AE arcs to accounts that are essentially nameless and faceless. If I find missions that I enjoy, I usually want to search the AE for more missions from that publisher. Under the current paradigm, they are only likely to have up to 2 more offerings that are identifiable in this way. And if I like something and want to share it with my friends and SG-mates< there's no guarantee how long that mission will be available. Who knows how much quality AE content has disappeared from the community because an AE publisher had to Unpublish something of quality just because they are limited on slots and wanted to do something new? There are likely some fantastic missions, with stellar stories that might actively encourage others, to which we no longer have access based on this artifact.

    • Like 1
  13. On 2/17/2021 at 2:49 PM, arcaneholocaust said:

    If you could make level 50 hellion minions, they better not give much more xp than rikti monkeys.

    I'm fine with that. I just want it for the story content while allowing the players to portray their characters at their full potential.

    • Like 1
  14. In creating AE content, I have had a few ideas that I wanted to pursue but have been hamstrung by some of the limitations of the existing system. I would like to make some suggestions that might make things slightly more open for creative storytelling through the AE system.


    • Standard enemies are restricted to their original level restrictions.
      • I believe it would be tremendously useful to be able to use standard enemies outside of those level restrictions. I understand that enemies raised to higher levels would be inherently inferior because their attack options would be lacking in comparison to the player characters, but it would at least enable higher level characters to experience the content without losing access to powers. I think this can definitely cause players some frustration in portraying their characters when they are forced to engage the content at a lower level.
      • The ability to adjust the Tier of standard enemies (Minion to Lieutenant, Lieutenant to Boss, etc) might also help to alleviate some of this.


    • I think it would be helpful to be able to use character models for Standard enemies when creating custom characters in the AE.
      • If this were used for custom characters as the system currently works, I would admit that this could be quite jarring, considering that you might end up with Storm Elementals that use Mastermind powers or some other truly odd combinations.
      • Alternatively, it might be good to be able to adjust costumes for Standard enemies within their own group (so you might be able to produce a character with a Minion's costume and a Boss's powerset to indicate a Minion that advanced in the ranks, or something similar). This might help to avoid some of the problematic interactions of the suggestion above.


    I think any or all of these would allow for a higher quality of AE experience for those that wish to tell stories that engage their audience and build upon the fantastic content that is told through the canon stories that already exist within the game.


    Thank you.

    • Like 2
  15. I found some PPD that gain access to White Dwarf and such. Unfortunately, I'm trying to make enemy Nictus. 


    Fountunately, I was able to work around some of it by creating a Custom Group and importing only Dark Dwarfs and Dark Novas from the Nictus Enemy Group. It means that the only enemies that spawn in those mobs are always Dark Dwarf and Dark Nova bosses, but I guess it's better than nothing.

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