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Zephyr Star

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Posts posted by Zephyr Star

  1. 6 minutes ago, Krimson said:

    Maps with loops can be problematic, but eventually, maps will start becoming familiar.

    I'm fairly familiar with all maps, but not every map has things/hostages in the same place every time. Sometimes there are open doors that can be overlooked and don't get me started with Oranbega. Regular caves aren't as bad. Even outdoor maps can be troublesome especially the one with all the hills and such. I use the find macro for open maps but it's not really helpful in office/caves for targeting blockage.

    I'm also just lazy and want my hand held. I got a job and a kid now, I'm not the carefree gamer I was in the early aughts with loads of time to find things!

    • Like 3
  2. 44 minutes ago, Krimson said:

    When I bought my latest computer, I made sure it had no speakers. I play the game in complete silence. If you are looking for glowies or hostages, there are a limited amount of map layouts the game uses. Consider using the same tactic you would use if you found yourself walking in a maze. Make all right turns and keep following one wall. Eventually finding those things will be second nature and sound won't matter.

    I just tried that on a different mission and kept going in circles lol. Turned down the left hallway on another floor and heard the glowie and found the boss. Might not be the same on every map! I like the sound effects in this game and always play with them on.

  3. Big Oranbega maps and office buildings with tons of nooks and crannies are the worst for hostage rescuing! It would be so helpful if the poor citizens had a sound effect, like maybe scared vocalizations or maybe crying? Or even the hostage takers making a mua-ha-ha! villain sound!


    Someone that has been searching for twenty minutes for that last hostage in an enormous office building and needed a break.

    • Like 2
  4. I have my "main" character, meaning he's the one I focus on badges, TFs/Trials, etc and influence gaining to fund all my alts (which is a frightening amount). I will be playing him in something, then inevitably get an idea for something else. First, I will think of a name and check to see if it's available. If so, I snag it immediately, then decide on powersets/costume/etc.

    I do this a lot.

    It doesn't take as long to get to max level as it did back in the day, so rolling alts isn't as big of a deal. If you get an idea, make it! The creativity available in this game is astounding, and always has been.

    • Like 2
  5. I couldn't find any topics mentioning this, though admittedly my powers of searching is not impressive.

    After my character robs a bank, I see the text pop up that a hero is on the way. They never show up. I've tried:

    Waiting by the vault. Only Longbow and then the Kheldian Cops show up.
    Waiting downstairs. The same.
    Clearing cops around the bank.
    Clearing any side missions.
    Exiting and reentering.
    Clearing entire map.

    All I want is to get the badges from mayhems, including Hero Slayer. I know there's other ways to obtain that particular badge but I was hoping to get them all together.

    Is there anything I'm missing to get this to work or am I just not a good enough villain and the hero has better things to do?

  6. Hope it's okay I'm giving new life to this post! While I haven't had much problem with capes since I posted this way back in ol' 2019 I have run into one again. I rolled a Titan Weapon Brute and her cape seems to either be magnetized to the weapon or just stands out straight when she's holding the weapon ooc. Anyone else have this problem? She needs her cape 😢but can live without it. All of these screenshots were taken after standing still for 5 or so seconds. If she hasn't had the weapon out then the cape usually acts fine.




  7. ((No longer an active SG. Possibly once again in the future))



    Group Name: Night Hall

    Alignment: Hero/Vigilante/Rogue (some restricitions may apply)

    Roleplay: Heavy

    Discord:  (none yet)

    Recruitment Officer: @Zephyr Star, or character Lady Domino, @Rastille or character Rustbane

    Recruitment Message: Welcome to the mysterious Night Hall, a haven for mutants that need a home, or a place to feel safe from the world where they may be treated poorly. Located in a pocket dimension, mutants and their friends can feel free to enter the house unencumbered. 

    ((Hello! Lady Domino here. I am looking to start a mutant-centric RP group! I would love to have an intimate collection of roleplayers interested in grouping for missions, task/strike forces and events, and hopefully start storylines within the group! While the main idea is mutant RP, I wouldn't turn any character's origin away within reason. I hope to garner some interest to get this off the ground! I will be posting random recruitment ads in game! Send me a DM here or in-game for more info.))

  8. I teamed with some wonderful RPers today! It was so much fun, I will likely make this a regular thing (until I can't!). Probably a little earlier in the day (12pm PST/3pm EST). I'll make a note of it here when I have another arc ready!

    I love this server.


    Edit to add, which I should have done in the first post: The character I am using for this is named Lady Domino, Dark/Dark Scrapper!

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. Hello Everlasting!


    I love teaming! I love IC teams even more! 

    I have a new character I've been playing the past few days and I'm trying something new-- after collecting every block of contacts that give story arcs available to a level range I turn off my XP so I can finish without levelling past them. But Zeph, you're probably not asking yourself, why don't you just do flashbacks?

    Because I want to be able to invite another player into the group in case someone has to leave, which you can't do with flashbacks. Just that simple.🤷‍♀️


    I'm looking for a change from scanner/newspaper groups, and blazing through TFs/SFs. Which are great for levelling of course, but I have a fair number of level 50s collecting dust on my alt shelf and am not looking to do that with this character.

    Anyway. Today, April 13 2022 at 3pm PST (6pm EST) I will be doing the Vahzilok Pollutant Plot, a level 14 story arc! It's 6 missions long, and I'm guessing with being IC and running around with 7 other players, this will probably take about an hour-hour and a half! And yes I'm picking Vahzilok for this because I am vaguely mean.

    Any level will be welcome. Any AT will be welcome. Anyone at all will be welcome, I only ask that you're willing to roleplay!

    If you're at all interested, I'm going to start the invites about 15 min before starting (so, around 2:45pm PST). Just send a whisper to my global, @Zephyr Star to see about an invite!

    • Like 1
  10. 23 hours ago, Frostbiter said:

    I enjoyed it. His English accent is really bad though. It made me cringe in the same way as hearing someone pronounce Appalachia as Appalashia.



    I think it's the point. He's not English, instead it's just one of the personalities. The woman he called was confused as to why he was speaking like that. 

     I don't think this is spoilery but doing it anyway.


    I loved every minute of the show. I was not at all expecting it to be as funny as it was and I was impressed with Oscar Issacs' comedic timings. I loved that there was only one brief mention of someone else in the MCU but even then I think it was a mild easter egg. I have very little knowledge of Moon Knight, so I wasn't going in with any expectations. It had my attention from the first scene (nope, no thank you) to the end scene. I am really looking forward to the rest of the series.


  11. (Sorry just saw this come up in the BIG RP thread, don't mind me) One of the things that has given me frustration all the way back to Live was the personal ID window. It's hard to type in the window, especially if you need to go back and correct a typo or grammar. You will often have to deal with spacing bugging out and need to start completely over. Copy/pasting is a pain since it often doesn't recognize spacing correctly.


    Also, 1023 characters is hardly enough room, especially since it uses sentence structure (spacing and paragraphs) as characters! I'm not thinking of room to write a novella but sometimes a character has a fun background and it's frustrating to run out of room and either have to restructure the spacing or cut off the last sentence. I understand wanting to just glance at a background to get an idea of a character, but having more room would help for a TL;DR at the top or something similar so people wouldn't feel like they have to read everything else. I sometimes enjoy sitting in Pocket D, just reading character backgrounds when I'm taking a break from other things in the game.

    Just a thought I've often had! Sorry if this has been brought up before, I tried searching but I didn't find anything right away.



    • Thumbs Up 4
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  12. Hello everyone, Landscaper here! The Septimus Academy and I will be running weekly, Mon, Wed and Fri ITF runs starting tomorrow August 2nd! Monday and Friday will be mid morning/early afternoon 9amPST/12pmEST runs and Wednesday will be mid afternoon/early evening runs 3pmPST/6pmEST! If my team fills up, Omnimancer can start another team depending on his availability.

    Must be level 35+ with access to Cimerora!  Come to Cimerora and ask in Broadcast for a spot. DM me here, or in game @Zephyr Star or on Discord at nonsequiturlass#0840 with any questions. You can also get a hold of Omnimancer here, @Omnimancer in game or on Discord at Tai#3785 with any questions.


    Hope to see you there!

    • Like 1
  13. Hi, Mitchell Langstrom here, sometimes known as the hero Landscaper. Are you considering entering the hero world and need a helping hand? Or would you appreciate someone watching your back while fighting crime? Look no further than the Septimus Agency, an Arcane Consultation and Detective Service located in beautiful Paragon City! The Omnimancer is offering his arcane guidance to anyone searching for mentorship. He’s looking for any talented and driven individuals interested in a life of crime fighting, arcane knowledge and protection of those in need. Contact The Omnimancer directly (@Omnimancer) or leave a message with his associates! ((feel free to reach Omnimancer on discord at Tai#3785))

    (Our focus is going to be RP during badge missions, Flashbacks, and Task Forces! As well as just RP and hanging out in general! Think of it as a middle ground between a Super Group and a pick up group! If you're looking for a mentor or guiding hand for your fledgling characters, look no further! You don't need to be magical, but that background is more seamlessly integrated! We are an inclusive space, as well, but that should go without saying!)

  14. I was running the "Rise of the Vampyri" arc via Ouroboros and as I went through the missions I noticed that the mission objectives (glowies) weren't making their usual sound to aid in finding them. I haven't come across this in any other missions. I'm not sure if this is a bug just for this arc. I checked all my audio settings in game and on my PC as well as restarting and it was still happening. I was able to complete the missions fine. I thought I would mention this anyway!

  15. When the game was first released it was shown to me and I was skeptical. I'd never really been much of a gamer so it didn't hold much interest for me aside from the subject matter as I'm a lifelong comic book fan. After much cajoling, I finally relented and rolled my first character, an Empathy/Dark Defender. The person that had talked me into playing had a MA/Invuln Scrapper and we tripped through the first few levels having a blast even though we didn't know what we were doing. Once we met other players and eventually made a SG together is when the game really opened up for me. Eventually I was introduced to roleplaying and that's what got me completely hooked. I am still in regular contact with a handful of people I played with during Live, which means a lot to me.

    Now I play mostly out of nostalgia. Only a few people I played with during Live have returned and most of them only log on occasionally. I'm on Everlasting so I still enjoy roleplaying, just don't have the time or energy for it like I once did.

    I just roll alts and enjoy running through old content while trying out new powersets as well as talking too much in General chat. This game is very relaxing compared to other games I turned to after Live shut down and I am so glad it's back.


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  16. Vigilante or Rogue? Your character can start as Villain or Hero, that's not important to the question. All I want to know is what you choose to go to blue and red zones?
    I usually choose Vigilante. No other reason aside from those are the types of heroes I usually enjoy in movies and comics. Usually good but not too good to do what it takes to bring down those who need it! I will choose Rogue once in awhile though if the character concept calls for that more.
  17. I'm fond of the alignment powers (Fear Incarnate for Vigilante, Frenzy for Villain and so on) but I dislike using them often due to the character not being able to move/cast other powers for at least three to five seconds afterwards. I was informed by one of our wonderful DMs that the root time is intentional 😢. I would like to suggest looking into this to make the powers easier to use, even if the recharge time would be pushed back a minute or two! Thanks for any consideration!

  18. Something that I have wondered since OG launch (which I should have figured out by now but oh well) is:

    How is 'Superadine' pronounced?




    (suggestions from in game general chat on Everlasting:)





    Help! Such an important question!

    • Thanks 2
  19. I started the Warrant storyline through Ouroboros and the mission 'Save Syfotine Industries' seems to be bugged. It won't complete though I have gone through it carefully and tried to log out to reset the mission.

    Since it's through Ouroboros, there doesn't seem to be a way to abandon or use the complete mission feature as it's considered a task force. I can't get a hold of any other contacts due to this and my character is essentially stuck.


    Any tips?

  20. Capes have been staying stiff when moving, fine while stationary. Especially bad when stopping from using movement powers (fly, jump, etc), though it happens while using attack powers as well.

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