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Everything posted by aob13

  1. Hi all, Just wanted to know if I could get some opinions on my build. Please note this is my first blaster, and my first character on Homecoming as I'm relatively new. I was lucky enough to get some influence from people and followed two builds to make this one. I know there are some issues with it and with some things powers I picked / slotted, however I got to a point where I didn't know what to do or where to go. Ideally I'm just looking for good hitting power at range and up-close, but also good defence. I don't mind it being a budget build as I don't really have influence to spend on IOs. I haven't put any incarnates, I do have them though. Thanks again! Blaster (Dual Pistols - Martial Combat) - LUCIO.mbd
  2. Hihi JJ, Sorry to bother you with requested, just wanted to know if you have a Sentinel - Storm/Elect build, or if you can recommend a Storm/Something sentinel build? Not sure if its a good build, Im reading it may work better on corruptors.
  3. Hi all, As the title says, I'm just looking to make a savage / something build. I'm told Bio is good, as well as Rad, and potentially Dark. Would anyone happen to have any builds for this? Thanks!
  4. Ohhh sorry I'm still pretty new. Blapper is more melee right? Either is great!! Ty!
  5. Hey JJ, got any dual pistol / MC blaster builds?
  6. Hi hi Captain Myotis here! Started back a week ago. Nice to see some familiar names x
  7. Hi all, Can I kindly get some recommendations on street justice with super reflexes build? Looking to get combat jumping but flight as a actual travel power. Thanks!
  8. Thank you kindly, I didn't see this, I'll have an nosy now.
  9. Hi all, I used to play CoH back in the day, and I've recently just become interested in playing it again. I'm hoping to find more of a social group EU/UK wise, so I'm open to suggestions as to which server I should play on, any groups that may be actively looking to recruit, etc. However, in terms of a build I find myself a bit lost. I used to play a MA/Regen Scrapper called Captain Myotis. I was thinking of going back to that as I was fairly familiar, but I thought I should venture out and try some builds. I was thinking Blaster/Corruptor, or even Arachnos Soldier (mostly for RP purposes too), however I was recommended by a friend to look at Sentinel for both mid-range and armour (Or melee?). I was looking around and I'm not quite digging some of the builds. I was hoping I could get some guidance or build ideas to go off of. I'm ideally looking to stay a bit traditional, so Dark/Dark, Dark/Rad, Fire/Fiery, Fire/ice, Electric/Electric, Electric/Rad, etc. Stuff that kinda jive together in an RP sense but also in a gameplay sense. I'll admit, not too fussed about the RP stuff, I just don't like Plants or Stone very much ahah. Could I get some opinions on builds (As in, pick this power at level 1, this at 3, etc, this enhancement or IO, etc, or maybe even picking a different AT if it doesn't quite suit my style? I guess I'd say I'm not one for pets, I think I want something that hits hard and doesn't die as fast haha. Thanks for the help, really appreciate it. x
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