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Everything posted by Manchu2

  1. Kicking it off: Cloud Burst is currently a ranged attack. This power should clearly be either a cone attack or a ranged AoE. The name itself defies a single target ranged attack, unless you’re a fan of cartoons with a tiny cloud raining on one person standing between two others.
  2. I generally don’t watch the boards, so my question may have long since become irrelevant. However, I’m really interested in understanding what happened to the name release policy. Can anyone help me out?
  3. It's very nice of people to check names to give people ideas, but I think the really important thing would be to have a sort of clearinghouse of names. A central location where people looking for names could advertise it and others could see it. I imagine it could be done blindly. Given that people on this thread say they lock down names against potentially creating characters, that would be helpful.
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