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  1. I tried it.. didnt like it.. I think ill try it again... maybe I need a better concept for it..
  2. If you havent.. Download Mids Hero Builder. Dont rely on other peoples builds. Ive seen a lot of builds that look like they were built by a lunatic. Learn what you like and what works for you, and sometimes discovery is the greatest thing. I never saw a Dark Bio Sent... Never saw a build and it turned out to be one of my best characters.
  3. It does tend to woek best on Corruptors.. I have a Storm Blast/ Storm Corruptor.. and that thing is ridicolus.. However my Storm/NRG Sentinel never gets stunned and leverages the Immobilize in the Epic Pool to keep mobs nice and packed together for Category Nine to get full effect.. No Mobs running away..
  4. The single reason I made one.. That animation..
  5. Im going to say something that is incredibly obvious so please forgve me in advance.. "Fun" is something that is completely subjective. Its really difficult IMO to determine what will be more " fun " as peoples gaming goals and taste vary so widely. I have played many Blasters and enjoy them. However what I dont find " fun " is being mezzed into oblivion.. and yes while in the later game you can build more defense or get clarion to mitigate that, The Sentinel just ignores that completely. Yes it is true that Sents so slightly less damage (they did get a buff recently which has helped) and have lower target caps, how often are you trying to blow up the entire map ? And yes it is true the nuke isnt as strong as a blaster and hits less targets.. but with even a moderate amount of recharge that same nuke can be up pretty much every mob.. or at the worst every other mob. AND most of My Sentinel builds have MULTIPLE fast recharging AoE that you can string together. Vulnerability is Auto-Hit and ignores level differences. Vulnerability debuffs the following: Damage Resistance Defense Mez Resistance Stealth Resistance to Endurance, Endurance Discount, Recovery, Regeneration, ToHit, and Recharge Many Sentinel builds can also take very good advantage of procs.!!! Especially those sets that have holds. Great place for procs. My current Sentinels. All level 50 and fully built. My favorite Sentinel Builds Fire/Rad/Fire- Single Target Damage. AoE damage in spades. Two good heals. Cna fight ranged or melee easily. This is my goto for everything especially TF's Elec/Elec/Elec. This is my baby. One of the only characters that I have T4'd everything. I always wanted a " sapper " build and I had an E3 blaster which was pretty good, an Elec/Elec Dominator thats also decent, and an Elec/Time Corruptor also decent ( The Corruptor is actually this heroes nemesis.. kind of a Reverse Flash kind of thing in my head cannon), but this guy does it the best... Can EASILY drain mobs of all their end and keep them there.. Some say.. so what.. they can still attack.. and yes they can... but they will pretty much only use their weakest attacks.. which aids my survival. For me THIS is one of my most fun characters... Dark/Bio/Dark- Single Target Damage.. check.. Two Single target holds with tons of Procs.. check, AOE Damage.. yup 4 of those.. Survivability?? Between Ablative Carapace, Parastic Leech, Rebuild DNA and Barrier LOLOLOLOL yeah good luck killing me.. I think this character died ONCE because I was being stupid AND lazy.. This character turned out WAY better than I had hoped Storm/Energy/Mu- What makes this character a win for me is the Immobilize from the Epic Pool. This keeps everyone tighly packed for Storm Cell and Category Five to affect as many people as possible. Throw in Chain Lightning, Jet Stream and Static Discharge for More AoE love.. I also have Psi/Regen/Psi DP/SR Water/Ice/Ice and I recent;y rerolled my Rad/Rad Corruptor into a Rad/Rad Sentinel which I like much better. I am also considering a Sonic/Inv/Psi. I tried a Beam Rifle.. decided I dont like Beam Rifle. Ive played every AT to 50 and I have found that I can find fun in almost everything.. MM's and Scrappers are the least fun for me. MMs toon much attention and and 58 years old I dont have that attention span I did when first playing this game 20 years ago LOL.> Scrappers have always been kinda BLAH to me.. Id rather just roll a Brute or Tank. If I want a boss killer melee I find I like Stalkers better.. But thats my short take.. Im a HUGE fan of Sentinels.. I find many people have a mindset of.. Oh its not as good at blasting than a blaster.. so why make it.. BECAUSE ITS FUN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have found often that my Sentinels are the Glue that holds a team together. Who defends the Defenders - Sentinels. Who Plugs the holes the Tank/Brutes miss? - Sentinels. Who chases down the runners - Sentinels? Who holds the line when all else fails? - Sentinels. Who is still pew pewing when the Blaster/Corruptor is stunned our out of break frees - Sentinels Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?- THE SENTINELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHOW THEM WHO YOU ARE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. I went Elec/Elec/Elec mainly because I already have a lot of Energy Aura toons already and wanted something different. But that combos is very solid. If I did it again I would probably go Elec/Energy/Mu to get ThunderStrike
  7. I went with Electric Armor because it fit my concept and my goal was to make a sapper, which would allow the " Shocked " mechanic in Electric Blast to trigger more often but Bior Armor and Super Reflexes would both be good options IMO.
  8. hmmm WHY did they say not to do a Sentinel.. just wondering if they gave a real reason or was it just bias?
  9. I dont know if I would classify some of these as " weird " more of " different" because I rarely see these combos. All of the are effective Dark/Bio Sentinel Ice/Spines Tank Stone/Bio Brute Elec/SS Tank (aka Malta;s worse nightmare) Ice/Storm Defender Elec/Time Corruptor Water/Ice Sentinel Ice/Ice Stalker All Human Peacebringer All Human Warshade Some builds I no longer play. Ice/Thorn Dominator Very Melee Centric..Made a lot of scrappers really jealous. Rad/Fire Blaster... also build very melee centric. That build could easily hold a door on BAFs by himself..
  10. I dont know if I would classify some of these as " weird " more of " different" because I rarely see these combos. All of the are effective Dark/Bio Sentinel Ice/Spines Tank Stone/Bio Brute Elec/SS Tank (aka Malta;s worse nightmare) Ice/Storm Defender Elec/Time Corruptor Water/Ice Sentinel Ice/Ice Stalker All Human Peacebringer All Human Warshade Some builds I no longer play. Ice/Thorn Dominator Very Melee Centric..Made a lot of scrappers really jealous. Rad/Fire Blaster... also build very melee centric. That build could easily hold a door on BAFs by himself..
  11. From childhood Arthur Ames suffered from constant spasms and seizures. As he approchaed puberty he was also seemed to develop a type of ADHD. His mind was always moving, he was constantly active, running around and had trouble sleeping. Then one day Arthur while at home with his parents, he released a pulse of energy that knocked out every electrical system in the house. His parents took him to GIFT and they discovered that Arthur was a metahuman that drew enegry from an unknown force that seemed to focus on energy and velocity. This force which Arthur dubbed "The Juice" increased his speed, reaction time, thought processes, and even his healing Factor. The constant influx of energy increased the electical charge in Arthur's body allowing him to create and even absorb electrical attacks. Arthur is also highly resistant to energy based attacks. He can even boost the speed of others. Arthur now works with GIFT as the hero "Overdrive". This is my build.. I made him and kind of an idea of a Electric Super Speed Character. Based of the characters " Juice " from Justice League Unlimited and " A-train" from the Boys. While I did not build in any defense in the build I also have a T4 Barrier Incarnate built for tougher things that I can switch to. He plays very well as a sapper quickly draining mobs down to zero end to limit their attacks and to increase the chance of the " Shocked " mechanic to trigger. OverDrive Sentinel BuildThreeVS - Electrical Blast - Electric Armor.mbd
  12. Why not just make a corruptor?
  13. Strangely enough you can actually do BOTH.. You can make a theme based build that is also highly effective.. Imagine that..
  14. I made the shield electric looking.. Took Ninja Run as a power.. This changes the position of the shield to be in front of you when moving so you are running BEHIND the shield.. Looks much better than the standard run. Nothing beats the AoE of Shield Charge, Lightning Rod, Thunderstrike combo for AoE on a Stalker, especially since SC and LR dont break hide.
  15. Here is what I used to determine what proc im going to put in which power. I dont know exactly how accurate it is, but so far it seems to be pretty close. https://proc-calc.weebly.com/
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