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  1. Second to last mission of Billie Heck's first arc, completion dialogue. Presumably that should be "start to settle this".
  2. The tip mission "Floating Purple Goo" repeatedly spells "kheldian" without a capital K. Didn't bother with a screenshot because it is in several places in the mission dialogue.
  3. Several Invulnerability powers have "No FX" options. In the actual game these work as expected and have no effects. However, with the exception of Invincibility, in the power customization screen the preview shows them as having the same effects as the default version.
  4. Yeah, I know. I was just saying that it's hard to see how you could turn them into walkups / add them to Find Contacts while preserving that system.
  5. He should have introduced you to a level 20-24 Magic contact as soon as you hit level 20. (Or possibly 19, for some reason they sometimes get introduced early but still don't give you missions until the correct level.) If he didn't, it is probably because someone else had already done so. The origin contacts don't do anything special when you complete their arcs, they but will always just introduce you to another origin contact of the same level once you've done a couple missions for them and introduce you to the same-origin contact in the next level range when you reach the correct level. Find Contacts doesn't include contacts that require introduction, which the old origin contacts technically do. I say "technically" because they are actually always available: if you don't have a current-level contact of some origin you can always be introduced to one just by talking to the highest-level contact of that origin that you do have. If you've never talked to any contact of that origin then you can go talk to the City Hall contact and get an introduction. I suspect the main reason that they haven't been turned into walkups and added to Find Contacts is just because of the weird thing where there are usually several contacts for each origin in each level range and you can only be introduced to one of them.
  6. As a vigilante, the mission computer in my base can give me redside villain/rogue tips as well as the vigilante-to-villain tips. If I create one of the former it only appear in my list of tips while I'm in the base, which makes it impossible to either do the mission or dismiss it. I assume if I switch alignment to villain it will be available, but as far as I know under normal circumstances (i.e. without using the mission computer) it would be impossible to even have such a tip so this seems like it's probably not intended?
  7. Arguably this only draws more attention to the continuity issues, since IP and Faultine have overlapping level ranges. You can easily take a break midway through the Faultline story to do a Yin TF, then go right back to doing missions where she's a kid and it's supposed to be a big surprise when you find out she's a super powerful psychic. At least with the current arrangement you can assume she's a time traveller and for some reason it just isn't mentioned anywhere.
  8. Even completely setting aside all concerns about difficulty and assumed familiarity with the Primal storyline, I wouldn't recommend Praetoria to a new player. Praetoria's storyline is more engaging and cinematic right up to the point where the path you're following abruptly stops because you unknowingly deleted the next contact off the face of the earth in another mission. Moral choices are fun unless you level up too much in the arc leading up to one and just never get to do it. There are just too many sharp edges to cut yourself on.
  9. These specific Longbow are the ones you need to beat up in Kuzmin's arc, so I guess these were both done to avoid problems if a lot of people are trying to do those missions at the same time. The Hellions across the street from Atlas Plaza work pretty much the same way, but I guess the difference is that Mercy is much more cramped so you're more likely to run into them by accident.
  10. Graham Easton's arc does the exact same thing, and makes a really big deal out of it by giving you a different badge and temp power depending on whether you choose to kill the guy. It definitely seems like the original devs were moving in the direction of doing more of this stuff. In HC-original content, Agent Watkins's arc has a moral choice of a different kind, though that one actually gives you a hero or vigilante point. I can see the point that it's sort of out of place with older content, but I personally would like to see more of this kind of thing, not less.
  11. Sentinels had more than everyone else previously.
  12. Yeah I remembered this after posting, sorry for the ninja edit.
  13. This might be because Darrin Wade (who is in the find contacts screen) will introduce one of them after doing a couple missions for him. Although Ashley McKnight does the same but Shelly Percey was still made into a walkup. Personally, I don't really understand the logic of making just one of the original contacts per level range into a walkup anyway. They don't introduce each other, so you still have to do paper missions if you want to do one of the other contacts. I like to work with different contacts on different characters, so it just ends up being this completely arbitrary thing where sometimes I have to do paper missions and sometimes I don't.
  14. Long Range Teleporter can teleport you to your base. There are several other powers that can also do this, but going to Ouro does not unlock any of them. Fast Travel does not do anything except give you quick access to powers you already have.
  15. The Praetorian tutorial explains bodyguard mode if you're an MM. All the more reason why that part should be copied into the other tutorials.
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