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Everything posted by Perky

  1. Will this license allow us to reclaim our old live server accounts?
  2. I started on Triumph, was even in Wild Cards or one of its spin offs until toward the end of my tenure there. Moved to Freedom during one of the slack times. Krystalee Ice/Storm troller.
  3. It kind of sounds like your default save and default load locations are not the same. I'll have to look into how that could be possible. What OS are you using Windows, Mac, Linux? By default, CoH saves costumes into a folder named "costumes" in the same folder as your cityofheroes.exe file in your game directory. The costumes get saved as "whateverinamedit.costume" in that folder. When you hit the button to save the costume, it should tell you that folder right below where you type in the costume's name. One possibility is that you are using too long a name or invalid characters for a file name. Avoid spaces and special characters, try just calling one test and saving it. Do you see any options in the list when you try to load a costume? If so, make note of a unique name from that list and search your hard drive for it. Also search your hard drive for that costume you saved. Do they both appear in the same directory?
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