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About CapnFreedom

  • Birthday 11/17/1972

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  1. The Fiery eyes effect looks really good, as does the Fiery Body. But I was wondering if it is possible to have both effects combined. As of now, they are exclusive. Thanks Dev team.
  2. Two of us did! Amazing luck.
  3. Our controller got control of Becky. I believe he was a Vigilante. She behaved fine during the first stage of the final mission's map, and transferred to the second stage map fine as well. She was set on Passive. After the third glowie was destroyed and we drug her, flying far up to avoid accidental agro to under the globe to the next portal to the Zoe/Rodney fight. Becky did not go through the portal. She was just freaking out, trying to figure out where to go. The controller who controlled her died, not exactly why he decided to solo into the AVs but it is good that it happened because Becky exhibited even stranger behavior then. On rezzing back on the other side of the portal (before Zoe/Rodney) he still had Becky in his pet window, but she refused to obey his commands (and kept fleeing off map... through the map zone wall borders). While she could be targeted via Teleport Other, she did not reappear. ATT also did not tp her. We Incan'd the team twice and both times Becky would appear but then flew off speedily again, through the map borders to wherever. I asked the controller to log, to test. During the log-out countdown timer, Becky flew back to her BFF controller! He regained control of her. We were able to complete the Aeon SF fine and were awarded the BFF badge for those that did not have it already. Strange behavior still from our favorite Arachnos agent. If there's anything else, I can try to remember what state our team was in to help with determining her deal. Thanks for reading.
  4. I was leading an Aeon SF today and had control of Becky in he final mission. When I was changing her behavior mode into Defensive (Blue) I got a "P2333826159" response from her dialogue. When I switched her to Passive or Aggressive, she spoke in English (I don't recall the exact funny Becky-ism she said). Still, I am very happy with the update to Becky's controls. She's still a spaz in the first mission, but being able to reign her in during the final mission is a godsend. Thanks for reading.
  5. Thanks for the honor and privilege of being a part of the raids and trials. Also thanks for the kind global name drop. You were a beacon and a wealth of information on the game, and I thank you for taking the time to answer. Thank you for the selfless aid in uncovering evidence on Symphony Control/Reverbrant weirdness causing Hami to get defeated super-quick (I still need to figure out which character to load Bug Hunter into). Your dedication & kindness is appreciated and will never be forgotten. /e salute @Amperella (Twilight Avengers SG)
  6. Dream Doctor's mission "Find Tub Ci", "Defeat Rub Ci & Recover the God-killer Sword". Same bug. No staff on his back nor in his hands when actively using his staff attack powers. Assuming it will be the same for the rest of his story arc. Will keep you posted if his staff reappears.
  7. Sister Solaris, Investigate the Island of Death. DD is break dancing (i.e. staff fighting) but his staff is not in his hands... invisible-like. Have not checked other DA missions yet. Will update this post if the problem continues. Thanks.
  8. Bummer. Was going to be creating a Mu-themed character and I thought it might be nice to have the bound & hovering rig/costume as an option despite her not being affiliated with Arachnos exclusively. Secondary question... are there female Mu mystics? I honestly haven't paid attention. I've been seeing male Fortunatas and female Banes. Thanks again.
  9. I noticed that there isn't a Mu aether option. Is it possible to unlock, or work on getting unlocked in the future? Or is it impossible due to the lack of motion that the Mu have? Thanks for replies from those who know.
  10. I'm not against revisiting the other ATs inherent powers. Many are lackluster or reliant on the ATO sets. I did not create a new thread, but was only concerning myself with making a suggestion for Defenders (at this time) and saw that someone ages ago started the topic. If Corruptors are generally more desirable than Defenders (it seems at least so in the circles/server I play with), then it sounds like Defenders need a little sumthin'. Especially in a game where the Devs are saying that the are encouraging team play and role diversity, support-based sets have been in need for a while. Maybe it is the circles I run with. Damage is king, it seems.
  11. Just trying to find something to make Defenders more desirable in the current meta. Yes their buffs are nicest. But if Blasters' shtick is a 'best offense' mentality and they can use it almost all of the time... Defenders could/should be able to defend/buff/support their team members the best/most often/even when in a pickle because that's what they do... despite being in a pinch. Being low on END just doesn't happen enough to make their current Inherent that desirable. Just my 2 inf.
  12. What if Defenders got an inherent power similar to a Blaster, being able to cast 1 or 2 signature abilities from their support set even when mezzed? I don't know if copying the code for simply letting them cast tier 1 and tier 2 powers... have not looked at all the power sets. Random thoughts. Thanks for reading a resurrected thread.
  13. I've gotten that pop-up window message before in the past as well. But it did not pop-up for me on the times when I would collect INF on a large batch, where the total INF cash-out would place me over the 2B mark but a partial batch would not. Simple fix is to just pay better attention when I am reaching the 2B mark. But I wonder if it is something that the Devs can look into: putting in some sort of script to determine the total INF cash-out and having a check to the character's current INF total... then aborting/denying the cash-out en masse. Thanks again for your replies all.
  14. First world problem here. Sold a bunch of stuff on the AH and had somewhere between 25 and 40 items sold, pending me taking the INF profits. I was not really checking my current INF total (but I was around 1.93B on my character) and pressed the collect all INF button. The odds on having sales to place me to exactly 2B is far-fetched, and the napkin-math should have probably put me over 2B. Did I lose the excess INF or does the AH add any excess sorta of 'in escrow'? Pretty sure this has happened at least twice before, and I usually collect each sale line-by-line... but I was tired today. Thanks for your attention and kind replies.
  15. What do the Anniversary inspirations do? I saw one gives +DEF and another Debt Protection. Are they clones from the Presents?
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