Okay.... buckle up. This is going to take a long while...
So me and my roommate were playing waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back around just after i2. I was running a fire blaster with devices and super speed. This was back when super speed had a cloaking element to it. My roommate was running assault rifle, flight, and I think devices as well though I could be wrong. That's not relevant.
So we made it to needing to do things in Perez Park and our mission entrance after zoning in from Atlas Park was all the way around the top of the map to the other side. I started running for it. Now I made a macro that when hit, would make a snarky comment about the targeted player. This was after I'd seen one too many cloned character and was a bit fed up (petty I know, I was young). As I started to run I spotted yet another clone, targeted them, and popped the macro. They started haranguing me in tells and I put them on ignore.
I moved on and again started to head to the mission. I got just around the NE corner when I ran face first into a mob of 5th Column (this was before they were Council) that were level 35. Thank the gods I had cloak and super speed going as they would not aggro on me as a result. Now I'd _never_ seen mobs like these up to that point so I was zoomed in pretty close checking out the detail of the big robot looking mob. Next thing I know, it suddenly opens fire right at me!
I fully expected to die but all the shots went around me. I turned 180 degrees just in time to see the cloned character I poked earlier fall over dead. I snarked off one more time in general and my roommate decided he was going to try something that was pretty stupid in hindsight but hey, that's how we roll. He targeted the big bot from a distance, flew as high as possible, queued snipe, and then slowly sunk down until the attack went off. He had just enough time to turn and try to start flying away when he was one shot outta the air by the tiny little floaty bot that was in the group.
We were cackling with laughter and he dared me to do much the same. Welp, I backed up, targeted the large bot with a fireball, then ran up and past with super speed. Somehow I actually managed to wind up on the other side of the map with a sliver of health left. lol
By this time someone had come across the body of my roommate and gave him a rez. We were shouting at each other across the apartment with excitement. When he decided he was going to try it again I announced in the general channel "Everyone back up! He's doing it again!" and the map literally CLEARED! LMFAO it was an amazing moment of the sheer level of stupid hijinks we could get up to in the game that people were actually totally game with us doing. Everyone in the general chat were cheering on our silliness and just getting a kick out of it all. I don't remember what happened as a result of my roommate taking a shot at the mobs again other than being dead. I think we decided to go somewhere else at that point.
Still, one of my most vivid memories of the game. 😄