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Posts posted by Takehai

  1. Okay. I'm done fighting with this today. Over two and half hours. I've deleted the game, Island Rum, and the coh directory _twice_, uninstalled wine, reinstalled wine, had wine reconfigure by running 'wine start', deleted the .wine file twice. Rebooted the Mac several times. Still nothing,


    Manga, I do appreciate you creating Island Rum and continuing to work on it for free. But it is still frustrating and upsetting to have an update that makes it completely unusable again. I can't get into Homecoming, Homecoming 64 bit, HC Beta/Beta 64 bit, Paragon Chat, Titan Icon. Safe Mode are all greyed out. I'm walking away from this for now before I throw my keyboard through the screen.

  2. I had the game working just fine after update last week. Reading through posts, it may have been running the Wineskin version. But at least it was running. Go to launch it today, it downloads an Island Rum update, and the Homecoming 64 Bit is grayed out. I remove CoH.app from Applications, relaunch, and after downloading some files, 64 bit is no longer greyed out. Attempt to launch game, get green check mark, but nothing happens. I remove the coh folder. Island Rum says no client, downloads all the files.

    Attempt to launch again. Green check mark. Again, nothing happens.

    Read through this again. Remove the .wine file from Applications. Try to launch again. Nothing Happens.

    Reboot Mac. Run ReScan in Island Rum, Reset Path in Island Rum to Applications/coh. Attempt to relaunch. NOTHING HAPPENS.


    I spent MORE THAN 4 HOURS fighting with this last week to get back into the game. I've been at this an hour and half this week. I'm more than a little upset right now. I love this game, but if I have to do this every time Island Rum is updated, I may give up on it.

  3. I found after doing these steps, it still didn't work, Island Rum would launch, but got hung up on "Scanning..." and wouldn't install game files. But I tried a reinstall of Wine in case Wine needed to reinstall after the directory delete, and got a message:


    Warning: wine 4.0.1 is already installed, it's just not linked

    You can use `brew link wine` to link this version.


    So I did as it said, and tried Island Rum once more, and it started downloading files. After some trial and error (see below) I got it to successfully launch.

    Things to note, however: 

    The newest version of Island Rum probably can be anywhere you want, but CoH.App MUST be in the Applications folder for it to actually successfully launch it. The "coh" Folder must be there too. Resetting Path did not seem to help Island Rum actually launch the game, only let it know where to look for the files to verify and install. I actually put Island Rum directly in the Applications folder.

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  4. 14 hours ago, Manga said:

    Before you access the 64-bit Homecoming client on a Mac, you'll need to do the following:


    1.  Your Island Rum should update automatically to version 082220191.  If it doesn't, download it here: http://telstar.eekstudio.com/islandrum-mac.zip


    2.  The preferred new way to load the 64-bit client is to install Homebrew and Wine.  Follow the instructions at http://brew.sh first, and after Homebrew installs, run "brew install wine" in Terminal. After that, Island Rum should move all of your CoH files to Applications - if it fails to do so, you can right-click on your old Wineskin client, select Show Contents, and find your CoH files in drive_c/Program Files/coh.  The auto-copy is not supported for the Cider client, so you will have to move those manually (they should be in Contents/Resources/transgaming/drive_c/coh).


    3.  If you wish to use the Wineskin client, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO USE IT WITH THE 64-BIT CLIENT, OR WITH CATALINA.  If you still want to use it, rename it to CoH.app, and move it to Applications.  Occasionally, the Wineskin client might break; in that case, re-download it from http://telstar.eekstudio.com/macclient-wineskin.zip and put it into Applications (move your existing one out of the way if needed).  You can move your CoH files into the new copy if you wish by right-clicking the app and using the Show Contents option - the CoH files are in drive_c/Program Files/coh.


    4.  If you wish to use the Cider client, it's much the same warnings and method as above, except it's called "City of Heroes.app" instead.  Also, it's no longer available for download, because I lost it.


    5.  Island Rum defaults to the /Applications/coh folder by default when using Wine.


    I apologize for the difficult installation process; Getting it all working and tested properly before the 64-bit client went live at Homecoming was a herculean task.  I do have plans for Island Rum to handle the entire Wine installation itself, but there simply wasn't time to get that part working properly.  So I took the simplest route I could with the time I had.

    So, I use a Mac, and I'm somewhat at a loss. I had to download the Island Rum update manually, I installed Homebrew, installed wine. When I run Island Rum now, it immediately gives the error "Unable to move CoH files - Please Do So Manually." Do I have to Create a new folder in Applications named "coh" since there isn't one now? I've been running it from a folder named Paragon Chat because that's what I'd originally installed Island Rum to run. When it installed Homecoming on its own is when I actually made a try at playing this, and have been pretty avid ever since.


    Also, Island immediately freezes after displaying the error, and won't react to me clicking on the "OK" button it displays, and -very- slowly flashes 'SCANNING...' on the left side. I eventually have to force quit it, because nothing seems to be happening.

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