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Posts posted by Hardship

  1. 4 hours ago, Gerald_Deemer said:

    They can do server maintanance during a runnig game just by creating instances???

    I believe there are some settings that only take effect when a zone first spins up. By spawning a new zone (with the changes active) and locking the old zone, they can let it drain somewhat naturally until few to no one is in it and then shut it down and let it respawn with the changes.

  2. I've noticed similar behavior as well with attuned enhancements. The conclusion that I came to was that the attuned enhancement is at my CHARACTER level for determining what it could convert into. This may not be correct, but it seemed that I could never get a set that capped out lower than my character level to come up when converting attuned enhancements.


    If not attuned, then the enhacement is "fixed" at the level of the enhancement for what it could convert into.



  3. On 3/5/2024 at 8:57 AM, Number Six said:


    It's a bit more than a display bug, and I suspect I may know what's going on, but it's proving to be difficult to reproduce in a lab environment or even on the beta server because it's something that can only happen when there's a lot of item histories getting recycled at once due to ongoing transactions.



  4. Every 10 levels your character is given a free Tailor Token and also a free Respec. If you have one, I'm assuming it is from leveling that character to 10.



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  5. Great news!! Thanks to all of you for your hard work and dedication getting the license for the IP. I never thought it would happen, but I'm glad it has.


    Hopefully now there can be some advertising and maybe a client hosted on Steam! That would help bring in some new players.



  6. What would be nice is if the FIRST time you alter a costume slot it was no charge. It doesn't impact me much, I have tons of free costume changes and other than just a couple of characters I typically have one costume and stick with it -- making some changes very early in the game where they are typically free anyway. But it would be nice if once I hit level 30 or something and wanted a 2nd costume, since it was free for the first time I altered the costume slot.



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  7. I just tried out the web character planner. Bravo!! I didn't complete the build, but started to work on it. I had some difficulty with how it worked for a moment, but overall it is intuitive and responsive -- once it loads.


    Thank you for sharing!!



  8. Yes, that is the maintenance message. Since most of us lived through the actual shutting down of the servers, the wording that you've been forabley disconnected and the servers are shutting down still hurts a little.  Luckily, in this case, they are just shutting down for maintenance and will likely be up within 30-60 minutes.

  9. I remember reading somewhere that people that take a lot of photos often create a second account and make a character as small as possible and also give them flight so they can be the photographer and get the camera angle "just right".  I've not done that, as I don't take that many screenshots / photos / videos, but it may help you accomplish what you are trying to do.

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  10. On 2/10/2023 at 10:24 AM, lemming said:

    Probably want to make the red side separate badges instead of just rebrand since you can do all six missions to unlock costumes.  And then the unlock via Halloween salvage could be a separate badge as well, though you'd have to make it that people could still turn in salvage to get the badge if they already unlocked all the slots.


    Wait, wait... So how many TOTAL costume slots can you end up with on one character? I have a character concept that includes "random" transformations to other forms. I thought that the 6 starting, 3 unlocks from the tailors and 1 Halloween salvage was all that were possible for one character? Can I get 3 more by going villain side and running the costume missions there?

  11. 4 hours ago, GM Impervium said:

    NOTICE: There are a couple database-related changes in Page 4, which means characters transferred to Brainstorm from Homecoming may have some oddities, specifically in regards to the weapon changes. Please verify any weapon-related issues occur on a new character created on Brainstorm before reporting them.


    These will be fixed retroactively on existing Homecoming characters by a database fix that will be applied to all characters when Page 4 is launched on the live servers.

    Can this datafix only be applied once for existing characters? If it can be applied multiple times (doing nothing if already fixed), then maybe running it periodically on Brainstorm to catch the newly copied over characters would be helpful? Depending on how taxing it is to run the datafix, maybe every hour or once per day would be sufficient.

  12. I would say that Seeds of Confusion and Carrior Creepers are MUST haves, the rest depend on play style. I guess technically both SoC and CC also depend on play style, but if you play a plant dom you should change your play style to include them!  😉



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