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Posts posted by Voldine

  1. 8 hours ago, 5haggy said:

    One of the stellar attractions of this game is that it has the old-school 'trinity' feel, DPS/tank/healer and not the modern 'everyone is a DPS' bullshit.

    There are no words to describe how completely STUPID this statement is considering CoH was the first game to ever say 'FUCK THE TRINITY!' by making content in such a way that everyone could solo effectively and every team composition can complete content. (Itrials aside)


    8 Controllers? Can complete any content in the game. No tank or DPS needed.

    8 Blasters? Can complete anything in the game. No tank or support (Heelor) needed.

    8 Scrappers? Can complete anything in the game. No tank or support needed.

    8 Defenders? Can complete anything in the game. No DPS or tank needed.

    8 Tankers? Can complete anything in the game. No DPS or support needed.

    8 Masterminds? Can complete anything in the game.

    8 Corruptors? Can complete anything in the game. No tank needed.

    8 Dominators? Can complete anything in the game. No support needed.

    8 Brutes? Can complete anything in the game. No support needed.

    8 Stalkers? Can complete anything in the game. No support needed.


    8 Soldiers? Will STOMP anything in the game without being touched.

    8 Widows? See Soldiers.

    8 Kheldians? Something tells me voids/quantums aren't going to be much of a problem.


    8 Sentinels? Things are gonna die too fast for their defensive gaps to matter.


    CoH is a NON-TRINITY game, and ALWAYS has been. Here's a shoehorn, should help alleviate your back pain.

    • Like 5
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  2. 7 hours ago, Zolgar said:

    Now, ideally they would instead add a new set that does the global, instead of changing the existing one, and it's possible that's their long term plan, but in the testing phase they're just changing an existing set to see if they can make it work and test it's balance.

    This is really the only option they have in the end. They MUST make a new set for this proposed 'global change' unique piece or else they completely invalidate everyone who currently uses the existing converter in their build in a granular manner and would not wish to see their build completely changed because of a bunch of loud jerks who can't stand knockback, and a bunch of other people complaining about 'slot tax' because of the loud jerks that constantly complain about knockback.


    The current devs must keep in mind that the existing set piece already serves two different purposes which would be used in two different ways by two different powers on the same character, and that turning it into a SINGLE effect that is effectively NEITHER of those two purposes and instead changes all powers in only one of the two ways it used to function...to paraphrase an old webcomic; that would be pants-on-head-retarded.


    Call the new set: Vocal Minority Pacifier. Make the icon a pink baby pacifier. Make it a Knockback set, meaning a grey background, that just happens to not actually enhance knockback. Give the rest of the set decent bonuses to recharge, endred, and accuracy, but minimal damage bonuses. Problem: SOLVED.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  3. WOLF spider is where the grenade powers reside. Bane spiders do not have access to the grenade powers in the BANE spider powerset; they have to go back to the base WOLF spider set in order to pick them, and that is why you have to use a gun when you do it... because your upgraded BANE powerset does not have them due to the change in focus that picking BANE as your specialization is meant to indicate.


    Yes, you can GO BACK to WOLF spider and choose the grenades, but that doesn't make them BANE spider powers that come from the BANE spider mace.


    Does that fix your fundamental misunderstanding, or do I need to dumb it down further?

  4. 1 minute ago, Thezanman said:

    You ARE being petty. You have this weird obsession with preventing Bane Spiders from receiving "special powers". You probably play a Crab Spider and whine about Bane Spiders being better or something. Either way, you don't want other people to have quality of life changes which don't affect you in the slightest because they "don't deserve it". The fact that you don't like the idea is, oddly enough, NOT a valid reason to keep the annoying animations. "Polluting the community pool"? What are you even on about. These aren't special powers, they already exist in the game, and Bane Spiders can already use them.

    Bane Spiders are not better, they just have a different specialization. That is the entire point.


    Crabs have Frag and Venom Grenade built into their backpack kit because AoE is the specialized purpose of the Crab build.


    Banes do NOT have Frag and Venom built into their Mace kit because Bane is the path that focuses more on single target damage.


    THAT is the design the devs had. That is the entire purpose of not giving Banes a special mace version of the grenade powers. You picked Bane. You picked the Single Target path. Now you whine about wanting more AoE powers in your Single Target kit because you don't like having to use a gun to use your 'best' powers.


    Seems to me you're someone who should have picked Crab if you wanted the better AoE options.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Thezanman said:

    I just can't imagine why anyone would be this petty. They're visual differences, there isn't meant to be a tradeoff. There could be many reasons the original devs didn't make those animations, such as being pressed for time. Regardless, it doesn't matter what the original devs thought. This is a private server.

    I'm not being petty, I'm trying to get it through to you why you're wrong to be asking for special powers just because you don't like having to pull out a gun to fire grenades from a gun. The powers were coded the way they were for a reason. Banes don't have Frag and Venom Grenade powers in the Bane powerset for a reason. The fact that YOU don't like that reason is, oddly enough, NOT a valid reason to give Banes their own version of those powers.


    And, if you don't like that, you can always go change the code yourself to do it on your own private server rather than polluting the community pool.

    2 minutes ago, Thezanman said:

    Yeah, a hand grenade animation would be fine as well.

    Well, looks like you have a head-start on how to code your personal server!


  6. It comes from a gun because you're not using a BANE power, you're using a WOLF spider power.


    Crabs get redraw too if they accidentally choose the wolf version instead of the crab version, but Banes don't GET a version other than WOLF to use because the BANE powerset DOES. NOT. HAVE. A. VERSION. OF. THE. POWER!


    You're asking for two NEW POWERS to be made all because you don't like what you have now. There's a REASON that the Bane powerset doesn't have those powers in it. You can either accept that you need to go outside of your chosen specialty to use a DIFFERENT WEAPON to use powers from a DIFFERENT POWERSET because the original devs CHOSE NOT TO GIVE BANES VENOM AND FRAG GRENADE INHERENTLY FOR A REASON, or you can keep pestering them about wanting to buy Greenland.

  7. Just now, Thezanman said:

    It's not power economy, it's purely a visual issue. And even if it were a mechanical issue, why should Bane be penalized and not Crab?

    Because the Bane powerset was not made with Venom or Frag built into it whereas crab was?


    It's a tradeoff. You either go outside your primary and accept the redraw or you stick in your primary and accept that the Bane branch was not given access to Venom and Frag grenade. That's the power economy in play here. Banes shouldn't get two new power options in the powerset just because YOU don't want redraw.

  8. 46 minutes ago, PaxArcana said:

    No, of course not.

    But they do have to SUPPORT the story.


    That's not how it works.


    Conveniently, the 5th edition of "DC Adventures" - the official RPG for playing in the world of Batman, Superman, et al - uses the third edition Mutants and Masterminds rules.

    Nightwing - Dick Grayson's adult heroic persona - is PL 10.  His activities are focussed primarily in a single city, Bludhaven.  He is at the upper end of "street level" heroes.


    Robin (Tim Drake) is PL 8; Batman is PL12.

    Meanwhile, the Joker is PL 11.  A decent match for either Batman or Nightwing, but for young Tim Drake?  Seriously hard.

    And that's just the Joker.  A one-city villain.  So, a "Street Level" Archvillain.


    Meanwhile, Darkseid is PL 16.  If Robin had to face him, Darkseid's only real challenge will be deciding which minion to order to wipe Tim's remains off of his boot.

    Rularuu coming to Paragon City, would be like Darkseid coming to Gotham.  Out of Batman's league - he would have to put out a desperate call for help from his SG - and hope more than two of them show up; Superman and Wonder Woman are both PL 15, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) and the Martian Manhunter are PL 14, Aquaman and the Flash are PL 12 ...

    Whether a hero is "street level" or "global" or "cosmic" has to do more with the relative power level of who he or she faces (and how broad of a threat they ultimately pose), than with the particular theater of the conflict.

    Get down OFF of that high horse you're standing on and admit that there is no logical reason for someone to be forced into Incarnate content just because somewhere along the line someone put in a shortcut.


    Because that's what it is, a SHORTCUT. Someone unlocked 'easy mode' on Incarnate progression and has forced ALL OF US to play that way by having everything you do after you hit 50 count as being in the best possible Incarnate Trial for your character's progress. Personally I LOVE the fact that I already have Hybrid unlocked and slotted less than four days after dinging 50 because it means so much less grind to get my old main back to where she was when Live ended...but it's still EASY MODE.


    I don't have to grind Keyes.

    I don't have to run a BAF.

    I don't even need to run an Apex.


    EVERYTHING I DO causes Incarnate progress. EVERYTHING I DO potentially earns Incarnate rewards. Once I'm done recreating the 3-4 Incarnates I had on Live....it's going to start feeling cheapened because of the lack of any kind of challenge to gaining levels in the system, and the fact that all of the unlocks come as fast as possible.


    I would personally LOVE to see a P2W option to set Incarnate progression back to how it was on Live on a per-character basis, and this would be something one could change at a later time if they decided to do so.


    I want to be able to EARN my incarnate abilities again at some point, not have them handed to me on a silver platter after one Kahn, one Ms. Liberty, two ITF's and a Yin.


    And yes, I do realize there is still SOME grind involved in that I still have to progress to tier 4 abilities in all of my slots. That's not my point. I want to HAVE THE OPTION to feel like I had to actually do something to unlock that next level of power beyond 'turn on game, find team, wreck face, lolcarnates.'


    Or, hell, just a thought here: Why not give us a popup when we hit 50 that asks us if we want to have incarnate content auto-unlocked, or if we want to run the Mender Ramiel arc first (with a note that this would also enable all the old progress restrictions on Incarnate content and rewards)? Then, based upon that answer, either keep the current default or SET IT TO AS IT WAS ON LIVE. That way people who ding 50 in the middle of a TF don't have to abandon the mission and tell the group that they need to see P2W to turn off Incarnate content because they don't see this character becoming more powerful.


    Why do this? Why ask for the devs to add in an option that effectively hamstrings a character at the 'old cap?' Because getting what used to be a reward for exceptional effort without even making ANY effort at all is going to become boring, and it will become boring for some faster than it will for others.


    Things becoming boring for any reason will lead to the stagnation and demise of this revived game, especially once a successor game finally comes out and leeches away at the playerbase we have that is using the revival of CoH as something to tide them over.

  9. 10 minutes ago, Oubliette_Red said:

    So a Dark/Dark Troller and an a Kin/Rad Defender get together in a bar...
    Troller: What to go wreck a team?




    Rad/Rad fender would be even worse.

    "Gather for AM" while standing over teammate's corpse "Rez on cooldown." *casts FALLOUT instead, teamwipes*

  10. 5 hours ago, Megajoule said:

    Did the Midnighters also gift them with cell towers, or did they enchant the phones to "just work"?

    (A lot of people don't realize how much infrastructure mobile phones depend on.)

    Right, because I'm going to comb through all of the 'storyline' mission text in Cim, both red and blue, to see how they explain being able to use phones.


    For all we know the Midnighters enchanted bits of the pillars of ice and flame that are scattered around so that heroes could 'call' contacts through them, then dressed them up to look a bit like phones so nobody asked any questions.

  11. 1 minute ago, krj12 said:


    Yes, I'm quite aware of that.  I'm also aware that it's unnecessary to put such high restrictions on who joins your team, when the TF was created for level 35s.   You can certainly do it, but you're not going to convince me that it's right. 

    But,  my original point was that if you open up this particular TF to having level shifts, you will get the same thing - "It's my TF team and I'll invite who I want, and I'm not inviting anyone who isn't level shifted already, because they slow me down and are just "dying or hiding"".    And the people who the TF was intended for, non shifted, will have a tougher time finding groups.    I don't think that's good overall for the game,  so we'll just have to agree to disagree.  



    The TF already has level shifting in it, in the base design, except mostly in curse/debuff form.


    I helped beta test it, and I remember the PAIN of being shifted down four levels for it. Over seven years later and I know that I am NOT eager to experience it without having even a baseline alpha slotted, nevermind a +1 level shifting alpha. 

  12. 2 hours ago, mrinku said:

    No doubt this has come up before, but there's a real divide between costume parts that were done in the earlier issues (especially anything from release) and the much later ones.


    Some of that comes down to cruder mesh designs, but a large subset are just costume part skins with lower resolutions and which lack texture options. Compare, say Bikini with any of the Witch tops.


    Could be a fairly easy project to get some of those skins redrafted to current (or at least Issue 24) standards. Most of the faces could do with a resolution makeover, too.


    Or... has this already been done in a cosmetic mod somewhere? 

    While I agree that many of the early designs look more like bodypaint than anything else...ESPECIALLY most 'Tops with Skin' options on female toons...I don't think they should be outright replaced.


    Instead, I would suggest that we get additional options in the form of updated PLUS versions, along the lines of Hearts Plus and Angelic Plus. Honestly, the difference is so blatant from bodypaint to Plus that they almost feel like completely different options despite obviously representing the same basic design.

  13. 43 minutes ago, krj12 said:
    1 hour ago, Razor Cure said:

    Yes, how DARE the person forming the team..take what they want. Outrageous. If I am doing a level 35-50 TF and forming it myself, if you aint 50, you aint coming. Seen enough ITFs in particular with 2-3 people doing ALL teh work, and the rest, all relative lowbies, basically just dying or hiding.

    There, fixed it for you.  🙂



    Fixed your fix to reflect the original intent of the comment: that most likely being to reflect that the TF caps out at 50 despite becoming available at 35. You know quite well that the ITF and LGTF, along with a couple others, aren't subject to the same restrictive 5 effective levels before forcing you to exemplar down as the lower-level TF's like Positron, Citadel, and Synapse.

  14. 23 minutes ago, krj12 said:

    I'm opposed to any change that encourages elitism.   Already seeing people advertise for friggin ITFs "incarnates only please".



    Well, to be fair they could be wanting to speedrun it and see just how fast they can go with incarnate powers maxxed out.


    I remember speed ITF's being a thing even on Virtue, so, yeah. That's not entirely unreasonable at all.

    • Like 1
  15. 1 minute ago, Techno Destructo said:

    calm down hero. No need for the billions of inf just the slotted character and only one. so what. it would hurt nothing. it would affect zero players game. I'm not suggesting having an unlimited amount of beta characters... just 1. only one. I don't smoke anything as I prefer to have my wits about me. Who knew such a simple little thing would twist some people panties so. lol


    So in other words EXACTLY what I already said. You want to transfer over a free 50, with free IO's slotted in that you can purchase with money you don't have to earn because you can just command-give it to yourself.


    You want that kinda crap? Make your own private server and don't ask to pollute this community with your garbage idea.


    It takes ZERO effort to doorsit in AE missions to get a free 50. It takes ZERO effort to give yourself a fully-kitted out 50 on beta. Therefore it takes ZERO effort to get a fully-kitted 50 on a live server with your proposal. NO! That is not in any way how you build a functioning community. You want a 50 with a full IO build? You get out there and you EARN IT by actually PLAYING THE GAME like everybody else.


    Also, no, my panties are not twisted, jackass. Maybe you should wait for your balls to drop a little before you go about asking for free stuff so you don't sound like a whining toddler?

  16. 5 hours ago, Techno Destructo said:

      I was thinking, due to my limited play time, how cool it would be to be able to transfer  1 or 2 top notch characters, at the most, from Justin to a Homecoming server of my choice.  Basically it would be a replacement for an already existing lvl 50 character and when I say replacement, I mean if you import a character from Justin then you lose a lvl 50 from your roster.  I don't, nor would I want this to happen for every character but for 1 character sure. Perhaps as an upgrade for your main. 

      Being able to do this for one or two characters at the most wouldn't harm anything in the game and might even get more people into doing endgame raids more often in order to fund their other characters. 


    So, wait...you want to be able to just mule out a slot to 50 on live so that you can import a command-levelled character with a FREE IO build from the unlimited BETA market on the BETA server where you can just give yourself free money?


    What the FUCK have you been smoking and where can I get some?

  17. 8 hours ago, Megajoule said:

    Wouldn't giving out Granite at tier 1 make the rest of the set useless?

    "Here's your power, singular - next level you get Rooted, and then the next thirty levels are powers you'll never actually use."

    *cough* Mud pots and Earth's Embrace are still good powers.

  18. 1 hour ago, Auroxis said:

    What about Bruising then? What about staying alive? What about Gauntlet?


    You shouldn't ignore the design space of a class when performing balance changes. Tankers are clearly more oriented towards support than Brutes, judging by their inherent bonuses. If even someone as experienced as you only sees them as a "getting mob attention and hitting stuff in the face" class, clearly the changes should be about accentuating the class's support aspect rather than trying to make it more like a Brute?

    Okay, So I took a minute to peruse a few numbers here.




    Maximum total Damage for players depends on Archetype and (usually) level.

    Archetype Maximum Damage
    Brute 775%
    Blaster, Corruptor,
    Scrapper, Stalker
    210% at level 1

    500% at level 21+

    all others 200% at level 1

    400% at level 21+


    1. Attacks do 100% damage to start with (i.e. base, or 1x normal), not 0%. The amount of Damage bonus needed to reach the cap is 100% less than the cap itself.
    2. Enhancements count as damage buffs. If a character has +95% in damage enhancements, then, considering point number one, the character has 195% total damage buff.
    3. The Brute damage cap is set significantly higher than the other Archetypes to accommodate the mechanics of the Fury inherent power, which functions by applying a Damage buff that scales proportionally with the Brute's Fury level.

    I ported this over from good old ParagonWiki for the sake of absolute clarity. Here we can see that archetypes whose primary purpose is dealing damage have higher maximum damage buff numbers, with their primary purpose being defined by the function of their primary powerset.


    A Brute has VASTLY increased damage buff potential over every other archetype in the game because of Fury and how it functions. I would hazard a guess of the top of my head that a Brute at max fury still has, say, 400% damage buff left to burn, ASSUMING THEY HAVE 0 DAMAGE ENHANCEMENTS SLOTTED. Base damage is 100%, and enhancements (plus alpha slot) can get you somewhere around another 115% (but what Tanker is going to slot their Alpha for damage?) so anything that doesn't have 'Deal Damage' as their Primary Powerset's function (Masterminds don't count, and tend not to directly attack with primary powers anyways aside from Beast, Demon, and maybe Necro) has already passed the halfway point on their buffed damage potential.


    Knowing this, I decided to check on another bit of relevant data, damage scale values. https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Damage#Damage_Scale Now, according to this chart, Tankers ACTUALLY have a slightly higher BASE damage value than Brutes do, likely due to how fury functions and the fact that a brute is likely to never actually unleash an attack at 0% fury, due to enemy attacks causing fury to increase. It is simple to then come to the conclusion that the ONLY reason Brutes deal more damage than Tankers is the higher buff cap.


    Since Tankers share the same maximum buffed damage value as every other 'primary powerset is not damage' archetype (plus Masterminds) it's easy to see that the damage scalar is the sole source of a deficiency in damage, but their damage scalar is higher than Brute baseline. Looking at these numbers and combining them with the maximum damage buff values from earlier, we can see that the Brute design space was clearly intended to be 'baseline moderate damage, but awesome when buffed to the sky' whereas Tanker design intent was strictly 'moderate damage' with the damage scalar on tanker attacks corresponding well to their '7' score in melee damage capacity.


    Therefore, my proposal for any kind of buff/change to tankers would be to expand bruising to two other single-target attacks per powerset and make only half of it able to be resisted, but non-stacking from the same TANKER and maxing out at 30% -res (three tankers worth of unresistable 10% debuff). This way there would be a small benefit in having more than one tanker on a team, but not enough of one to be unbalancing when you factor in that having two debuffers on a team is going to probably offer more than that to more than one target at a time. (For sake of comparison, Venom Grenade offers a -20% res debuff to everything it hits, doubled for Toxic damage)


    In other words: Baby steps, and realize that Tankers are most likely in a fine position at the moment. Stone Armor, on the other hand...

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