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Posts posted by HelBlaiz

  1. Greetings, Fellow Homecomers!


    Recently a friend and I decided to participate in a GameJam contest hosted by DriveThruRPG. The point of which was to design a PocketQuest, a rules-lite RPG with the theme of the contest being Summer Camp! My friend was the one who caught wind of the event, and invited me to work on a project together. We both agreed that nature was a dangerous place and the best way to survive it was to not be there. With that consensus, development on Camp South Cape commenced!


    Camp South Cape is a narratively-focused horror tabletop roleplaying game, designed for up to 5 players and a Storyteller. The players take the role of young campers who have been shipped off to summer camp for the season, and quickly find their vacation of fun wilderness activities to be anything but. The Storyteller, meanwhile, designs the horrors the player characters must endure! Is there a killer on the loose? A Cult hiding in the cliff-side caves? A monster skulking in the woods? Is a storm coming to destroy the camp? Or maybe the counselors are just the WORST! Either way, the PCs must work together to hatch an escape plan and get back to the safety of civilization before The Hunt claims them!


    Camp S- Cape (as it's officially listed) is available now at DriveThruRPG and is a Pay What You Want product, so you can pick it up for free. We're looking for thoughts, opinions, and feedback, and I'm hoping we can maybe make something else in the future with the lessons we learned working on this.

    Thank you to the Devs for bringing back City of Heroes, and thank you all for your time reading this. Hopefully some of you get some fun out of our work. Happy Camping!

  2. I feel like adding a chance for -range might step on Tanker Taunt's toes a bit too much, but it is thematically appropriate for an Alluring Excuse. New IO sets in general sound like a good idea, especially ones with small bonuses to impactful stats like Defense and Recharge put a few slots earlier than they otherwise show up.

    • Thanks 1
  3. I have been ping-ed


    I love the idea of the set and especially the concept behind Blinding Halo. I do thin Dazzling Gaze synergy with Illumination might want to be revisited however. Stacking Sleep is fun and all, but you're one stray Fireball away from all that effort being for naught. Might I suggest having the synergy apply Hold instead/in addition to stacking Sleep? That way it's more useful in teams. Kinda cuts into your attempt to avoid single target holds for varieties sake, though.


    Regardless, I have at least one character who would love this set.

    • Thanks 1
  4. I love the idea of the set having a couple team support modes as well as a solo mode. Number balancing would be tricky, but that just means some more time on beta. A few of the mechanics sound like they'd need some custom coding, specifically the Survival tactics ability to make a target less dangerous to you and only you. The game doesn't really have that sort of mechanic in place.

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  5. It helps that the game doesn't require super advanced coordination, or waste your time as a punishment. Lot less at stake, far less reason to start going for each others throat for the smallest mistake. If you screw up on a team and wipe, you usually get two "my bads" at least one "Cooldown/animation was too long D:" and plenty of "Need a wakie?"

    • Like 6
  6. That's sort of the problem, lack of clarity in presentation. The OP mentions control powers, armor powers, and alludes to support powers as well. Later posts mention a hybrid style powerset. That I am curious to hear more about, and requested as such at the end of my second post.


    In the name of constructive discourse, I'll try mulling over a support/control hybrid set.


    A fire control/support set would start with the options of Ring of Fire at T1 and Char at T2, as every AT has to start with at least one attack power. T3 and T4 we can provide the option of a few support powers, Warmth and Fire Shield, I believe is the s/l Thermal power? After that Hot Feet seems good at T5, as armor sets would play well with pbaoe powers like that. T6 and T7 I'd make another couple support powers, Cauterize and Plasma Shield. Thaw and Forge could also work. T8 and T9 Im not sure about. Pet powers seem a bit much, but finding a satisfying capstone otherwise is hard. Flashfire and Cinders revalanced to be less terrible would give the set some hard AoE control, but may be too much. I mentioned in an earlier post that the set should focus on softer control so maybe Fire Cages and Bonfire? Capstones they are not.

    • Like 1
  7. Controllers are a very frail AT. They don't have a lot of hit points, only get a token amount of defense or resist with select powerset choices, and are far better at healing others than themselves. They die very quickly if they aren't careful. But that is okay! Their main shtick as an AT is refusing their opposition the ability to attack efficiently. A well played controller can hold two thirds of a typical spawn even at level one.


    Tanks are an incredibly durable AT. With the right power selection against the right opponents, they can literally do nothing but run their toggles and never die. In more realistic cases, they still take a lot of concentrated fire to bring down. And that's okay! They are literally designed to be the lightning rod for a team, soaking up damage that more fragile ATs would be unable to resist. They're doing their job by refusing to not exist. Any AT with Armor sets has been designed to take more punishment than any AT without them.


    A control/armor AT would be tough enough to grit its teeth through more damage than any of the non Armored ATs while simultaneously being designed to never see the amount of punishment Armored ATs are built to resist due to an over abundance of active mitigation. That is why we're saying the concept is too safe.


    As for the new hybrid set, I am not quite sure I understand the image you have in mind. It may help if you give us a brief description of what such a powerset would look like, a quick blurb on this hybrid set's take on Fire and the nine powers it'd grant for example.

    • Like 1
  8. An AT with Control sets and Armor sets would have way too much mitigation, I think. It would be the safest of safe options, and would be slow to solo as others have mentioned. An AT with Support sets and Armor sets would be right out, as that would lack any form of solo ability. Now an AT with a hybrid control attack set might, maybe work? With an emphasis on softer control, repel, kd, fear, immob rather than harder control like holds and stuns might work? Maybe not. Its hard to imagine a control/armor AT as anything but Never Die, the Archetype. Sure it can have rubbish damage for balance, but then its not only too safe, it's too slow to be engaging.

  9. My biggest issues with the set come down to delayed effects and long cooldowns. I dont think I'm the only one who thinks the heal for Reconstructuion needs to hit as soon as possible after hitting the button. Keep the animation time the same, but don't delay the heal until its halfway done. As for the cooldowns, I have a habit of not wanting to click IH because I might 'need it later' and the cooldown is long enough that using it on a fight you dont need hurts just as much as what I usually do, which is hope I dont need it, realize I do need it, and activate it too late.


    I'm sure with IOs and all the +rech in the world the powers work just fine, but my IO usage is predominantly on my fire farmer to help rund my other characters SO budget.

  10. My personal description for Blasters would be High Risk Damage. The AT gets very little innate protection. Its best defense is ending fights quickly, its second best defense is exploiting range, and its third best is its, relatively new, sustain powers. A blaster who stays at range is safe, insofar as they don't have to worry about melee attacks, but a lot of mez powers, debuffs and other dangers are ranged. Its far more effective to delete a Sapper than avoid melee attacks, for example. Snipe powers can allow for a blaster to do both, but a second might call for a T3 Blast plus Melee combo to eliminate as quickly as possible. A blaster has to gauge these situations carefully while a Scrappers response is always dive in head first and scrap, let the armor toggles sort it out.

    • Like 1
  11. 26 minutes ago, cranebump said:


    Not sure what is meant by this?


    Agree with the first statement.  As far as making teams more interesting, of the many suggestions offered, I really like the idea of "Star Configuration." You announce you're running SF Mishes, Star Fig" and do it enough times, and maybe it become a regular and viable option. Just have to get the word out that a "Star" team consists of 5 ppl.

    I think they mean there are people who would either get bored or discouraged if the game stopped updating and stop logging in because of it. And that constant changes to keep those folks engaged might turn off anyone who wants the game to remain how they found it, so to speak. Aka, you can't please everyone.

    • Thanks 1
  12. How broken it would be would depend entirely on how much mitigation each stack provides. And they can definitely use their passive without it, they're more than capable of building stacks with just regular attacks, but Demoralize is basically the game changer power. Once they get it, they don't have to worry about spending as much time stacking at the beginning, they can fire it off once the tank engages and then support away and weave in an attack when they get time. I'd cap it at 5 stacks max, with a hesitant starting point of 5% resist or 2.5% defense per stack and playtest from there.

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