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Everything posted by Mansome

  1. Hi all, I have a few Dom's I just started but need to know from an endgame perspective which will have the easier time solo. I went with both of these because I know at some point smashing and lethal damage is resisted, and sometimes psi is resisted too but does this happen at the same time where smashing and psi is resisted? I am leaning more towards Earth control because of the pet but I wouldn't mind going with mind if someone can explain how I can use confuse but not have it take so much xp away.
  2. I actually need help too with a couple of Doms I created. Right now the kill speed is so slow compared to everything else. Is there anything else I can do to speed this up? It be nice if the pets came at level 1 instead of 32 to make this class more desirable.
  3. Hi All, I gave this one a try this weekend and I am not sure as to what I am doing. It feels like a brute and dominator got together and had a child. I am noticing these opportunity things that pop up but I am not sure what is triggering it and not sure how to make it last longer. It does not appear to be like domination where you have a while to use this. Its too much work to fill the bar for only 5 seconds or so of this buff/debuff. Maybe I am doing this wrong can someone please how this needs to be played. Also in terms of def/resistance how does this compare to tank/brute/scrapper/stalker? Also how does the damage compare to blaster/defender/corrupter?
  4. Hi all, The last time I seriously played controllers was back before when pets could be effected by recharge. I stopped playing them shortly after they changed the pets not to accept recharge. What I wanted to know is it still the case? If so what are some non */kin secondaries that would go good with Ice or Earth control to get the most out of the pet damage. I know both of these pets had issues in the past with not switch attacks and using recharge helped with that issue. I was thinking about storm summoning but I don't think I can get the recharge of lightning storm to be an every spawn power which is what I would love to see. I did see that Pain Domination is available to controllers now. Would this be good enough to buff the pet damage for end game content?
  5. Hi all, I remember shortly before the game shutdown there was an enhancement that you could buy that was specific to the arch-type. Are these still available, if so how do you get them?
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