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Everything posted by Mansome

  1. Hi all, I wanted to try making a Tankermind. I wanted to use Demons/Sonic for this but I had a few questions. I needed to know what the resistance cap is for pets? This is so when I take damage in bodyguard and there is splash damage from an aoe I can keep that damage to a minimum on the pets. If it is 90% like tanks I was going to max out the sonic shields and get the 3 pet resistance aura IOs to get as close to that number as possible. I also plan on taking aid self with 2 interrupts and 4 heal/recharge/end IOs. I will be 6 slotting provoke and for the first time on a mastermind I would be getting most if not all of the personal attack powers in the set. I have not slapped a full build together yet I wanted to get the perspective of other players to see if this will work. I plan on being the tank for TFs and possibly trials if I can get all the level shifts.
  2. The bulk of the issue is that they made redside too hard for the Villain ATs. From the types of critters to the way the ATs were setup. Too much effort for the reward. The villain ATs were nerfed out of the box. They have to lean on their inherent powers more than the heroes. Then there isn't as many TFs as heroside too. Now that heroes can go red the damage had already been done and the playerbase mind won't be changed.
  3. While I get you can't tell people how to play there's a minimum basic expectation the team has though. I saw a */kin controller level 50 with no speed boost. She didn't use fulcrum shift or her primary controls correctly. What I mean by this is she would do the Kinect heal without anyone near the critter mobs at the start of the fight getting all the aggro dying immediately repeatedly. She would also do fulcrum shift the same way with no one next to the mob to get the buff. We did have a tank but this person kept going ahead of the group just to get slaughtered. This caused us to have an extra hour added to the TF completion time.
  4. Hi all I wanted to make the game less clicky on my action bar. I remember there was a macro for teleport were you hold down a button on your keyboard and then click the teleport destination in screen to make it faster. Does anyone know this macro and have additional macros they could share.
  5. I would say do the roadmap if the deal comes through. That way the devs credibility would be established at that point. We know they can't promise the world but if the deal goes through I think people would be more accepting if things did not happen as planned with a roadmap.
  6. What kind of specs would a person need to run the game at 60fps max resolution during a Hami/Rikti Raid?
  7. I remember this. Vahz cooties is what we called it. I think they nerfed it where it doesn't stay permanently until you finish the arc.
  8. Now that I know this can I change the SG name to be more inclusive.
  9. What happens if you create a villian super group but then become a hero?
  10. I noticed the powerset name and descriptions read different for this version of Regen. So how does this compare to the other version of Regen we have now (Brute, Scrapper, Stalker) vs old school Regen that used to could tank Hamidon and not die. It looks like all the good powers come early which is huge for this powerset. I just might consider playing it again. Which blast sets have no redraw when clicking powers that heal?
  11. This is a good patch. But I'm still holding out for when they make controller and dominator pets come at level one.
  12. I wanted to ask are there any cool downs on incarnate trials or diminishing returns? Like if you do it again before 20 hours is up? Also what is the most cost effective way to craft the incarnate powers? I been kind of cautious about creating these because how long it takes to get certain items. I get threads all day long but the shards are few and far between. I did notice that I can get these even when exemplared not just at level 50. Does this also apply to purple recipe drops too?
  13. Can you give us example of this so we know which game and company?
  14. Don't see how you do it. It takes all my endurance to keep the damn pets alive. No way I have time to use Mastermind attacks. I skip them.I just get more stuff to keep the pets and team alive. I got all 3 resists procs and they still die alot.
  15. Hi all, I just started a spines/bio armor character. I wanted to know if this is a good match up. I was thinking of re-rolling the secondary to electric but I was not sure how it would work with spines. What I mean is can you run both Quills and another damage aura at the same time or are they mutually exclusive? Can Quills crit? Lastly if I pick up the scrapper ATO for both the 50% crit and up chance for crit, what powers should these get slotted in for best usage. I was thinking the 50% crit should go in a weaker attack that recharges fast so it can proc more for the other attacks.
  16. Hi all, I wanted to know what are the restrictions on using enhancement converts. I wanted to ask if I use them on an attuned enhancement can they have the possibility of being Purple IO's or ATO's or just the standard crafted set IOs? While this is somewhat risky considering the level ranges are gone with the standard crafted sets, the pool of possible enhancements is significantly larger, this could lead to some big payoffs with lucky rolls.
  17. R U H34L0RZ? anytime I logged in as a defender or corrupter. It got so bad I actually made a character called that.
  18. I wanted to give this a try but was wondering which AT and secondary is best for psi melee. Is there any weird mechanics to consider when choosing what to play on this powerset? How bad is psi resist with this? Should I consider a secondary with a damage aura to help with the resistance issue?
  19. Hi all, I am looking for Lore about the Praetorian version of hamidon. Towards the end of the game on live servers I only got to see a small bit of this information. Paragon wiki is sorely lacking on information these days and I was wondering if there were any other places that have lore about it that I can check. Also any information on Statesman's and Sister Psyche's deaths would be a plus as I never got a chance to fully run those archs. Lastly since those two technically are no longer with us then who do the villains fight in the LRSF at the end?
  20. One of the NPCs I absolutely despise fighting are paragon protectors. The ones that do MoG especially. The reason I hate them is due to the way their xp is calculated. When they mog it counts as a heal to full hp followed by a drop in hp by 99%. The drop in hp counts as outside damage, so you can't get full xp for them unless you kill them with a massive hit before they enter mog or hold them. Without massive tohit buffs and psi damage you can't do anything to them until it wears off if they mog. MoG is essentially then giving you the finger and saying f u you are not getting full xp for me and you got to wait to kill me. What I would at least like to see the xp for these guys bumped up to compensate for the mog issue, because not everyone has reliable holds or massive Spike damage to kill them.
  21. Hi all, I just wanted to know what the general rule of thumb is when dealing with set IOs if you exemplar. For instance the mastermind pet recipes that give a defense or resistance aura what level does the aura turn off if slotted in a power you got at level 1. What happens with IOs like Miracle and Numina's that are slotted in health? What happens with damage proc IOs? The reason I am asking all this is things seem different from what I remember on live because I have access to more powers when exemplared. Due to that I am now considering a second build just for exemplar when I hit level 50.
  22. Hi all, I been playing now for about 2 weekends and I am really enjoying the game compared to live servers many years ago. What I have noticed about the market is that the quantities being sold for items is way higher than expected. It almost seems like its artificial and not real market supply. The flip side to this is when purchasing you can almost always find something. On this part I am not sure if it is just lagging on the market but sometimes for IOs I will see the exact same quantities for sale and prices even the set IO levels differ. In most cases I am seeing the attuned IO going for the same as the non-attuned version. This would not be what I would consider real market demand. Are all the markets from the different named servers under homecoming linked together?
  23. So I noticed there are Attuned enhancements that are not ATO. I was told that the catalyst can make non-attuned become attuned. So if say I have a level 50 set LotG and make it attuned can an alt that is 3 levels below the minimum level LotG exists could they slot it? My next question is if I use enhancement boosters on the same enhancements to +5 them would that be possible? Would it make it a level 55 enhancement that scales to say level 27? My next question is with ATOs if those get catalyst to turn purple would I be able to slot both the orange and purple set of the same name or does the game count the orange version and purple version as being the same?
  24. I remember George Takei got into trouble with the University Georgia Tech all because his cologne logo was similar to the colleges logo.
  25. I just hope you get permission. I couldn't bare the thought of losing this game again. I feel into a huge depression the first time.
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