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Everything posted by Selenne

  1. Aaah nice meant more like are willpower or super reflexes ok on this day and age for a stalker? or even a scrapper? It has been a while hehe
  2. Hm Stalker can sound fun too, never really played it back in the day. Are they ok with willpower or super reflexes secondaries?
  3. Thanks guys! 😃
  4. Hey guys im rather new to homecoming, used to play bonkers ago on Live, but mostly until around they introduced villains, so Im quite new respect 50+ gameplay and this server specificity. Would anyone have the time to give me some tips about staff scrap? I normally go more for a concept build than a super powerful mish mash, however if something is to underpower not to be fun I wouldnt mind to hear what you think. My idea was to go natural Staff/Willpower or Staff/Super Reflexes. Thank you very much, also how would it compare to a brute/Stalker of more or less the same combo? or vs a Claws/regen scrapper? yeha I know, original. Thank you very much
  5. Thats a bit petty considering thansk to this guy we are playing.
  6. Then I guess i stand corrected if what you guys say is true and you prolyl ar emroe experience don this more than me. However I sitll think Brutes are completly broken at this time, tankers with the damage of scrappers its a bit to much.
  7. Base 2.28 scale damage in their "quick" form, down from 2.76 scale. I would say that is a nerf
  8. Im kinda curious but why nerf blasters when its the brutes which are stupidly and horrendously overpowered and you see them farming maps day in day out? Wouldnt have been wiser to focus on that first?
  9. Yep i would really like to see the new build aswell! @Crysis
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