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  1. What chest piece and collar is this? Looks super cool!
  2. That's awesome! Love the look! 🙂
  3. Ill/Rad Troller - Miss Make-Believe More images: https://imgur.com/a/ZgTQWSF
  4. Hello. How do you get that little "collar" (behind the head) in photo #1? It looks terrific!
  5. What bottom part is this that has the bow and the long "butt cape?" lol
  6. Hahaha. Yeah. I don't believe you for a second. You were teeing off on me TELLING me what I wanted. And then went on to tell me that I had to "settle." It's not meant to be "Glass Cannon" like you claimed because you don't know french. XD
  7. (La) Glace is literally "ice" en francais. And the character is a French-Canadian glaciologist named Xavier Lemieux (Mario Lemieux was my favourite hockey player)
  8. I found the guy that doesn't know French and that makes your entire post both hilarious and kind of sad. 🤣🤣🤣
  9. Glace Cannon for my Ice/Ice/Ice blaster. Might be my favourite name ever.
  10. How is this reconciled with Seeds of Confusion being better than the T9?
  11. Darn. That's too bad. Funny that a game with such a robust character creator essentially forces one to forego that creativity and play an ugly squid lest be gimped.
  12. New player to Kheldians here. I was wondering if there is a way to switch to Nova/Dwarf form and retain the "human" look of the character?
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