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A very fun night was had on Torchbearer tonight. We had 4 teams running with many thanks to @Anyad for the special guest appearance and leading of the mission team, and many thanks to @Gattaca for leading the Citadel TF for @Warboss (we know he deserved the break), thanks to @PLVRIZR for leading 5 brave (crazy?) tanks on a Dr Kahn TF, I'm certain seeing him finally go down after a 45 minute fight was well worth it. And thanks to those that joined me in saving Sam Wincott from the Cavern of Transcendence. This Saturday, March 15, will be the Reunion run, 9:30 am PT / 12:30 pm ET / 5:30 PM CET. Meet in Kings Row as always. Kahn and Cavern will still be the WST. Next Tuesday, March 18, will be back on Everlasting and it will be Respec Week. 6:00 pm PT / 9:00 pm ET. See you in the City
Big tanking fun on Excelsior tonight. We started the night dissuading a Kronos Titan that tried to join Tanker Tuesday. We then had three full teams going that ran a Katie Hannon TF (thanks @MsAligned for leading that), @Agoogala ran Team Awesome doing missions in PI for our smaller tanks, and a fairly quick Numina was done with those that joined me. Next week, March 11th we will be on Torchbearer. Dr Kahn TF, Barracuda SF and the Cavern of Transcendence trial will be the WST . 6:00 pm PT / 9:00 pm ET. Meet in Kings Row in the usual place. Saturday March 15th we will return to Reunion. 9:30 am PT / 12:30 pm ET / 5:30 PM CET.
A good run on for the Tanker Tuesday tour on Victory today. @Warboss ran a Moonfire TF for us and we got @PapaSlade's new SR tank about 22 levels to where they will be leading a TF next month. Next run on Victory will be April 5th - see event calendar The next regular TT will be on March 4th on Excel. Numina, Katie H and Dr Aeon will be the WST. Volunteers to lead mission teams and task forces on the busier servers are always appreciated.
The second Tanker "Tuesday" event on Victory was a good time. 12 tankers in all joined in for some mission mayhem and for a Moonfire TF (Thanks for leading the TF @Warboss) We started off the event by ridding Kings Row of 3 Paladins that were messing up the place. The Tanker "Tuesday" Tour will return to Victory on April 5th at 10:00 am PT / 1:00 pm ET. The first Saturday of each month will be the plan for this event going forward. Hope to see you next time.
untilTanker Tuesday is one of the longest running player-led events in City of Heroes. Come join in with your follow Tankers to enjoy in all Tanker things and run various Task Forces, missions, Giant Monster fights and other special events. Learn about different Tanker tactics and build suggestions while smashing evil doers and protecting the City. Meet up in Kings Row, on the wall beside the Independence Port gate. All levels are welcome as long as you are the Tanker Archetype. Event will start at 10:00 am Pacific time / 1:00 pm Eastern time. Going forward, this event will be run at the above time on the 1st Saturday of each month.
untilTanker Tuesday is one of the longest running player-led events in City of Heroes. Come join in with your follow Tankers to enjoy in all Tanker things and run various Task Forces, missions, Giant Monster fights and other special events. Learn about different Tanker tactics and build suggestions while smashing evil doers and protecting the City. Meet up in Kings Row, on the wall beside the Independence Port gate. All levels are welcome as long as you are the Tanker Archetype. Event will start at 10:00 am Pacific time / 1:00 pm Eastern time. Going forward, this event will be run at the above time on the 1st Saturday of each month.
untilTanker Tuesday is one of the longest running player-led events in City of Heroes. Come join in with your follow Tankers to enjoy in all Tanker things and run various Task Forces, missions, Giant Monster fights and other special events. Learn about different Tanker tactics and build suggestions while smashing evil doers and protecting the City. Meet up in Kings Row, on the wall beside the Independence Port gate. All levels are welcome as long as you are the Tanker Archetype. Event will start at 10:00 am Pacific time / 1:00 pm Eastern time. Going forward, this event will be run at the above time on the 1st Saturday of each month.
untilTanker Tuesday is one of the longest running player-led events in City of Heroes. Come join in with your follow Tankers to enjoy in all Tanker things and run various Task Forces, missions, Giant Monster fights and other special events. Learn about different Tanker tactics and build suggestions while smashing evil doers and protecting the City. Meet up in Kings Row, on the wall beside the Independence Port gate. All levels are welcome as long as you are the Tanker Archetype. Event will start at 10:00 am Pacific time / 1:00 pm Eastern time. Going forward, this event will be run at the above time on the 1st Saturday of each month.
Reminder that Tanker Tuesday will be doing a weekend run on Victory tomorrow, March 1st, at 10:00 am PT / 1:00 pm ET. Meet up in Kings Row on the wall as usual and we will see what kind of tanking we can get into. See you there
We had a somewhat successful night on Indomitable what 10 tanks taking part in the Stone Armor ?weapon challenge which split into 2 teams that each took on the Positron TF. Thanks for leading those @PLVRIZR and @Warboss. Plus @wittylibrarian ran a 4 tank Market Crash for our high level, non-challenge tanks, but unfortunately they did not have enough debuff available to take down the giant robot. You'll get them next time, Witty! The next Tanker Tuesday event will be this Saturday, March 1st, on Victory. We will be starting an hour earlier than last time 10:00 am PT / 1:00 pm ET. Meet up in Kings Row as usual. All tanks welcome. Next Tuesday, March 4th, we will be back on Excelsior at the usual time. 6:00 pm PT / 9:00 pm ET. Numina, Katie Hannon, and Dr Aeon will be the WST.
We had a grand night on Everlasting with three teams running. Many thanks to newcomer to TT @MistressMissy for leading the 7 tank Manticore TF. And thanks to @wittylibrarian & @MsAligned for leading the missions team. And thanks to @Warboss for wrangling a Paladin to start the night and for leading a 4 tank Citadel TF to beat up Vandal in about 1:26. Sadly the lens cap was on my camera all night. Next Tuesday, February 25th, Tanker Tuesday will be on Indomitable. The Stone Armor/Weapon challenge will be on round 2 with the Positron part 2 TF or possibly Synapse on deck. For those not doing the challenge, Market Crash and Moonfire TF are the WST and there will be a mission team of course. See you all then.
Two mighty teams of tanks hit Torchbearer tonight for some tanking. Many thanks to FREEZRBRN aka @PLVRIZR for leading a successful task force for Ernesto Hess, and thanks to those that helped me try and halt the Nemesis Wedding which we sadly ran out of time on, but some tanks still managed to get the Mini Nemesis Horse pet. The night was finished off beating up some Council and spiders. This Saturday, February 15th, we are back on Reunion, 9:30 am PT / 12:30 pm ET / 6:30 pm CET. Meet up in Kings Row as always, bring whichever tank you like, no theme on reunion this year. Next Tuesday, February 18th we will be back on Everlasting with Manticore and Sutter as the WST. 6:00 pm PT / 9:00 pm ET in Kings Row. Don't be alarmed if you are not invited to a team or league right away, we are trying a new system to hopefully streamline the start and sorting process. Only inviting Team Leaders to the league to start and they will invite players that want to join their TF or mission teams as that gets decided Please bear with us as we try out this new way. Thanks Tanks!
Update: The time of this ongoing event has been changed and will be starting at 10:00 am PT/1:00 PM ET going forward. It will continue to occur monthly on the 1st Saturday of each month. The event calendar has been updated to reflect this.
If we can get a full team of incarnate tanks to do it, sure. Thanks for volunteering to lead the Lady Grey TF next week!
A busy night and a great turn out on Excelsior tonight. We had five teams running with a pair of dueling Citadel TFs, lead by @MsAligned & @PLVRIZR, an Eden Trial lead by DeadShort (@DrBuzzard) and a Positron TF run by Armageddon Girl (@GamerFamily). Many thanks to each of them for taking the leads of those team. A few more tanks joined me hopping through the dimensions for Unai Kemen with varying degrees of success. Thanks to all who come out tonight and for continuing to make Tanker Tuesday a special event each week. Next week, February 11th, we will be on Torchbearer. Meet up in Kings Row as usual 6:00 pm PT / 9:00 pm ET. Lady Grey and Hess are the WST. It has been a while since we have done an All Tanker LGTF and I'm thinking we should give that a try again. So if we can get a few Incarnated Tankers that are willing to stick with it and give it a go next week, that would be excellent. See you all then.