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  1. A small but mighty gathering of Tanks on Indom tonight with a few new faces joining in the mayhem. Two full teams ran Maria Jenkins and Unai Kemen missions with much dumpster diving and a few AV fights. Thanks for leading the other team @X'Terra! Good tanking times were had. See you all next week on July 2nd as we restart the cycle on Excel.
  2. We had a decent turnout tonight on Everlasting and a bunch of new faces joining us. Three full teams tonight with thanks to @Agoogala for leading a Respec TF and then a mission team and to @Oterra for taking a team through the Maria Jenkins arc. Next week we will be on Indom, 6:00 pm PT / 9:00 pm ET in Kings Row as usual. Bring presents for @PapaSlade as it will be their age advancement anniversary as well. July 30th will be a 5th Tuesday and we will be on Everlasting for that night. Suggestions for what to do will be appreciated, currently an instanced MSR is penciled in as the plan. See you next week
  3. A small but mighty team of 5 tankers pounded through a Citadel TF on Reunion today. The Council was thoroughly thrashed and a good time was had. July 20th should be the next run here, where we will be running the Manticore TF.
  4. A good night on Torch with 4 teams of tanks running. Lots of new face and a few returning tanks as well. Had a couple of mission teams with @X'terra taking some lowbies through the Maria Jenkins Arc and @MsAligned leading some tanks smashing some CoT and Council. @PLVRIZR led a speedy Yin TF and for some reason people followed me on a +2 Dr Kahn TF which we got done in 1:09. All in all a fun night with some good tanking being done. This Sautrday, June 15th, we will be on Reunion with the Bio Tanks running Citadel. 9:30 am PT / 12:30 PM ET. Join us if you can. And next Tuesday we will be on Everlasting at the usual time.
  5. Very busy night on Excel for Tanker Tuesday. We had almost 6 full teams I think. Big thanks go to @Oterra @Scat & ChaotiC SpineS for leading mission teams. And thanks to @PLVRIZR for running a Numina TF and @PapaSlade for leading the Katie Hannon TF. The lens cap was on my camera, so I didn't get any pics of the Dr Aeon SF, but thanks to those who joined me for that run. Next week we will be back on Torchbearer. 6pm PT / 9pm ET in Kings Row on the wall as usual.
  6. We had 2 full teams on Indomitable tonight, @PLVRIZR led a Market Crash team victory in about 48 minutes and some new faces and tanks joined me on some missions in PI. Much leveling and mayhem ensued, but no photo evidence survived. Next week, June 4th we will be back on Excel. See you all then
  7. Brutal Thursday will be on Everlasting this week (05/23) 6pm PT / 9pm ET Meet in Port Oakes on the north side of the Arena. Likelihood of a Mortimer Kal SF run and other general mayhem is high.
  8. A good run on Everlasting tonight, we had 3 teams going with a Manticore TF (thanks for leading, PLV), a mission team (thanks for leading that, MsA) and a Sutter for the people who like being lead to horrible deaths by me. We finished the night by merging teams and doing a couple of passes through the werewolf world for fun and some dumpster diving. Will see you all next week on Indomitable at the same Tank Time and same Tank Place.
  9. A good run on Reunion today. We started with two teams running Yin TFs led by MsA and Warboss. MsA then took us through Lars Hansen's arc to unlock Hess for all of us and we merged up to finish the day with a speedy 8 tank Hess TF. Much fun, leveling, bozo trashing and FREEMing ensued. June 15th will mark our return to Reunion with Citadel's TF in the queue.
  10. A fun night tonight on Torchbearer. We had 3 teams running with PLV leading a Hess TF, Agoogala leading the mission team, and myself with a 5 tank LGTF (yes Hami took a while but we got him). Thanks all who came, there were a bunch of new tanks tonight and hopefully they will return the next time. This Saturday we are on Reunion 5:30pm GMT/ 12:30 pm ET / 9:30 am PT. I think Yin in on the schedule for that one with the Bio/* tanks. And next Tuesday, May 21 we are on Everlasting. See you then.
  11. A good night on Indom tonight. We had one full team of 8. Dude led us through some Tip missions and after a few people needed to drop, 4 of us ran through the Summer Blockbuster. Good times had all around. Next week (May 2) we are back on Excel. 6pm PT / 9pm ET by the Arena in Port Oakes.
  12. Yes, the plan was to run the 20-24 Safeguard (Protect Steel Canyon bank) for the Summon Teammates (Group Recall) temp power and then the Synapse TF. Depending on how it goes we may be able to get the 25-29 Safeguard to Protect Independence Port done as well.
  13. Much mayhem and very much fun tonight. Many levels and a few deaths on a +4x8 ITF tonight, but excellent herding and tanking done by all involved. Looking forwarded to the Dr Q TF being led by X'terra next week 😉
  14. Lots of fun tonight on a +4 Dr Aeon Strike Force with extra AV fights! Took us about 1:40 with 38 defeats and lot of Vet levels gained. Special thanks to @Spaghetti Betty for being our Resident Expert and guiding us through the confusing parts! See you next week on Torch. I'm thinking of running Scirocco's Patron unlock arc there.
  15. Level 1. The only hard requirement is you need to be a Tanker
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