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  1. This is my little guy, Baby. When he was a kitten, he loved "playing" City of Heroes. Back in 2011, I went to try out one of the Praetoria events again. I was the only one there and wanted to be able to see my screen. I placed Baby on the floor so that he couldn't block my view. The event started and out came the mobs. But I quickly received the lost connection to map server message. I thought my internet was just acting up and went to quickly reset the modem, but none of the lights were on. I was afraid my modem had finally died. I checked the cables and they were all still connected. I finally looked under my desk to unplug it and plug back in to see if that would work, and there sat Baby next to the outlet. He managed to pull the plug out just enough to cause it to lose power. A couple weeks later, once again I wanted to be able to see all of the screen while I attempted a mission in CoH and I placed Baby on the floor. At least that time I immediately checked the outlet when I received the lost connection to map server message. And yep, he partially pulled out the plug yet again. And a few weeks after that, once again I needed to be able to see all of my screen while on a mission in CoH and placed Baby on the floor. Surely it was just a coincidence the previous times I did this, that Baby unplugged my modem causing me to get killed. Surely he doesn't know that pulling on that one plug was getting me killed, right? Well this time, I heard the outlet snap close. He was now big enough to fully unplug the modem. After the third time of him unplugging my modem and getting me killed, I decided to let him "play" City of Heroes and any other online games I play just so he would stop unplugging the modem. And he did, he never unplugged the modem ever again. I started jokingly refering to him as him Captain Fluffball. His favorite in CoH seemed to be the Rikti invasions. Used to have pics of him going bonkers attacking everything on the screen during a Rikti invasion, but I couldn't find them. I did share one on the old City of Heroes Facebook page, but it looks like that's gone. Captain Fluffball as a kitten. I tried to take a pic of him attacking someone's toon and he turned and meowed for the camera. Captain Fluffball all grown up.
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