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Everything posted by DasEnder

  1. Yeah, I have a kin/sonic defender I've been working on too. Or maybe a troller, never gotten one very far. Still, nothing compares to a widow.
  2. After playing Fort Widow, what the heck am I supposed to do? What other character can I play? I have tank/scrapper/troller/blaster all in one, what's next? I need an idea for what to play next, this build is almost done!
  3. Thanks for all the help and advice Gulb. Got my fort to 50 now, just enjoying the experience with a new character. This has been one of my favorite AT's to play thusfar. I might actually stick with this one for more than a few days! 😉
  4. One last thing, Gulb. I hit 44, and things are going well. Except for endurance. I'm looking at your build, and you have two more toggles than I do (Maneuvers and TT:A), but I'm having endurance problems without them. If a fight goes on for more than 15 seconds or so, I'm sucking wind. I noticed you didn't take and +recovery Incarnates. How are you keeping your endurance up?
  5. Thanks Gulb. I reordered things slightly to get me Psinado a little earlier, and it's helping. Thanks for the tips. Also, the fear proc is godly. I never leave home without it!
  6. Hey Gulb, I need your help. I'm really liking the Claws Fort concept, but I'm having a little problem with AoE in specific. The melee ST attack chain is clear and easy, but I don't see an AoE attack chain anywhere. At 34, all I've got for AoE is Scream, and that isn't exactly winning awards for damage at this level. I can see that in a few levels comes Psinado, but even then, that's only two AoE attacks used frequently (I don't count Wail, given its cooldown). At this point, I'm just Confusing one, Dominating another, Screaming, then going ST through the mobs. It doesn't seem to be a very efficient way to do things. Can you give me some pointers? I don't wanna shelve this character, I really like a lot about it.
  7. DasEnder


    I've heard this combo is popular, but I haven't seen any actual builds for it. Can someone share their build so I can get an idea of where to go next? I'm certain that I'm not slotting optimally.,
  8. Cool! Thanks for the info.
  9. I see a lot of builds using the two Def/Res aura enhancements. But when I read them, they say they don't go into MM pets. Is this right? I'm not sure how people are slotting this enhancement in their pets when the enhancement itself clearly says you can't. Is there something I'm missing?
  10. Hello all, my blaster is finally 40, and I'm beginning to look around for some build advice. I'm not sure I've built her well, and not sure what sets or epic pools or really anything I should be doing to make it work. I was hoping I could get one of you awesome theorycrafters to help out and put together a build for me for DP/AM. I hear talk of people with capped defenses, able to facetank content, and I want to be one of those people. My goal is to hit perma-haste, which is a little easier with AM thanks to Metabolism Acceleration. That way, I can get Pistols out of my build. But other than that, I have no idea how to get to a good place. I'd do this myself, but I'm somewhayt unfamiliar with Mids' other than loading other people's builds (:P), and I really can't remember anything about Set IO's from forever ago when I played. So help a brother out, I could use the help! edit: forgot to mention, that I'm skipping all melee unless there's a really good reason to use it. Not a fan of melee range on a blaster. 😛
  11. Please do, Ice. I'd love to see how it works.
  12. I didn't get a chance to play these sets before the shutdown, and they sound so interesting, I figured I'd give them a shot. The problem being I have no idea how to build it. Any suggestions?
  13. Is there a trick to leveling this build? I mean, I'm only level 10, but it's going so slow right now. Is the early game for this just painful, like many others? I suppose I should be going for a DFB or something to jump the earlier levels, but the damage and accuracy at the lower levels just feels sad. Additionally, how do you keep all those toggles up with 2-slotted stamina? Is that just something that happens once you get all your IO's in place?
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