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Posts posted by Bishido1

  1. 17 hours ago, Koopak said:

    Ill be happy to put something purpose built, together tomorrow after work if you wanna give me deets like build goals and travel power picks or concept power picks

    Hey Koopak,


    I would appreciate the help on this. I'm looking for a decent amount of DEF while getting max HP and some decent recharge. I'm not huge on needing all the AOE in the world; i really like ST attacks.

    Ultimate goal of the build is to know i can jump into a +4/+8 mob and not get smoked off the alpha while still contributing to the team with DPS.

  2. I’ve been playing an Elec/Regen Sentinel for about a week now and normally if I have issues with my builds I just reroll  something different.

    This build is different for me though, I absolutely love the feel of the new electric changes, and Regen was great while leveling. Now that I’m lvl 50 I’m stumped… I can’t get my build off the ground and running like I think this AT should be.


    Does anyone here have a recommendation on a build for this Sent? 

    I have never really messed with Regen much since i3 on live so I’m pretty much brain dead to setting up the io set combos correctly for it, and also I have no idea about the proc meta and what IOs to use for that.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  3. Hey everyone, I have dinged my Katana/WP up to 50 today and realized how underwhelming my build is, even with a decent amount of trial and error I am now on my 4th rebuild and its still pretty awful.

    Anyone of you have a Katana/WP build lying around that you could share with me?


    ill link my build below, i took too many attacks and i really don't like having a taunt.


  4. Hi Widow community!


    I've been lurking up and down this forum thread for builds for my new main. I have tried about 4 builds so far and have not been finding what I'm looking for. I'm looking to play in teams and also do the occasional zone PvP with my Widow. Do any of you know of a all ranged Fortunata team build that would also suffice for casual zone PvP?


    Thanks ahead of time for reading, I can't wait to see if anyone has something to add 🙂

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