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Everything posted by Astropuyo

  1. This used to happen in CoH quite a bit on the early days. I usually reinstalled because it was in the launcher config something went awry. I'd just reinstall it takes like 20 minutes or you can try every trick in the book. Sometimes though admittedly it was my fault for having crappy out of date drivers. So maybe that.
  2. I tend to make Android type characters so it's more or less down to what they would be coded for. One of my characters is coded for battle but has zero chill in the ability to function beyond a battle doll type of thing. Another is a support role character who is coded poorly for battle. It sort of alleviates the static paradigm of what intellect is. Don't know how to bake a pizza? Patch it in and remove the program that lets you fire homing missiles for a few weeks.
  3. Ah paragon radio It's almost like virtue again.
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