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Everything posted by shadezslayer

  1. Thank you who ever did the winter event update. was driving my crazy when i could not figure out why my badge count was the same number between the game and badger and not 1 difference with Flames of Prometheus
  2. still looking for the last 2 more toons to get the swiss tournament badge. would appreciate any help in getting this badge
  3. still looking for 3 more toons to get the swiss tournament badge
  4. i got this from my last post but thank you for sharing again. I appreciate it
  5. Still looking to set this up just need 3 more toons. It be some weekend after thanksgiving
  6. I am missing 1 PVP Arena badge for my Arena accolade. So I looking for a group of 7 other folks to run a Swiss Torment. So anyone who is interested please let me know. Thanks
  7. i will look into it. thx
  8. I am looking for help in getting the following PvP badges. Tournament Victor (Swiss Draw Match win) Arena Survivalist (Battle Royale Match win) Pentad Victor (Pentatad or Septad Match win) I would appreciate any help in getting these badges. The are the last ones missing form my pvp badge List
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