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Hero Star

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Posts posted by Hero Star

  1. Yeah, the incarnate stuff made a world of difference for me. Even the End Mod version of Musculature is extremely helpful. Agility is even more helpful, but with Ageless(includes End Debuff Res) I'm golden so I opted for Musculature. It'll be fun to make another build for pre incarnate levels.

  2. 18 hours ago, Hew said:



    It would be nice for 90% cold, you know, for cold. This is pretty nasty, and as long as I pop consume before dealing with sappers, it is immensely hard to take down. Cold moves to 87%, toxic to 67, and psi to 47 with saturated melee core. 


    This is with _agility_ core, not any alpha that provides resist. 


    PLEASE do not go messing around with fire armor. Thank you.


    (edit: this is with no tanker proc stacks, and with ageless (not barrier) as my destiny)

    How do you do against +4 mobs with Mu Guardians? It can be pretty rough depending how many other Mu there are. Carnies aren't too bad as long as I go for the Ring Mistresses. I also havent tried it with any incarnates abilities. I ended up taking conserve power and victory rush, and rotating the 2. The amplifiers from P2W get me to like 4 more end/s than my end use(without victory rush) . Conserve Power seems to have more benefit than recovery powers.


    I'll have to slot some incarnates and see what's up.

  3. Cant tactics be used to for fear protection?


    The biggest deal breaker for me on Fire Armor is the lack of End Recovery Debuff Resistance. I think Consume has End Drain Resistance, but one without the other seems kind of useless. I get, though, that Fire is more damage based and maybe not meant for soloing everything.

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  4. 10 minutes ago, DSorrow said:

    Based on my experience with a TW/Elec Brute, capped Resistances will do the heavy lifting of your survival. My build has S/L Def in the low 30s, mostly from incidental bonuses, CJ and Weave, and I honestly can't tell if it actually helps me. Most of the enemies that don't debuff Def couldn't hurt me through capped Resistances and Energize and the ones that can usually demolish my Defense. I guess the only circumstance where it does help me is if I'm in a team that can provide me with another ~30% Def: enough to push me well past the soft cap, but not enough on its own. And even then, the difference is obviously there only against some of the nastier enemy groups.

    Yeah and not having defense debuff resistance in Electric it's like what's the point. I dont really feel like posting the build, but if I dont take weave/maneuvers I'll have better endurance(SS seems End heavier than EleM, especially with Rage) and add a better attack to my chain.

  5. I have an Electric/Electric tank that has weave(luck of the gambler set) and maneuvers(mostly for shield wall, reactive defenses etc) and has 22-25% defense to everything. Basically capped res to all dmg. I notice on that tank when fighting mobs with -def debuff I go into the negatives. Is it even worth having defense on Electric?


    I'm leveling up a Electric/SS and am making a build in mids. I'll be capped to all damage(except Neg and toxic) and Might of the Tanker in LF should help with -res mobs, and have around 10% defense to everything(not intentionally). Will I notice a difference in survival?

  6. I'm going to do some testing on beta since TW will likely have its base damage lowered. Rend Armor may still be a bit above GPB.


    Also, can some one tell me why it shows Rend Armor doing 32 and Greater Psy Blade doing like 40 at the character select thingy? Where as on Mids rend armor does more?

  7. I've been trying to come up with a character with the highest dmg ST power in the game(with Crit). Would that be Psi/FA( Fiery Embrace + Concentration + Greater Psy Sword + Crit )?


    I was hoping the new EM prolif would allow Energy Transfer to crit some but it doesn't look like that will be the case.

  8. 47 minutes ago, Tsuko said:

    To understand how those awesome ATO uniques work, you have to understand how crit work for scrapper 🙂


    So for a scrapper, on top of having the highest base damage for mélée powers, each power have a chance to crit : it's 5% for almost all powers :




    and 15% for some powers as Eviscerate, Eagle Claw or Arc of Destruction :




    The crit chance tend to change based on the rank of the target, i dont have the exact number but it should be the effect of the purple patch (AKA everything you consider purple will have 50% resistance to all your effects). Every Scrappers have the following buff :




    The Scrapper Strikes unique ATO is not a Proc and gives passive bonus to critical chance, you can see a new buff on your buff bar when you have the ATO equiped :




    so your attacks will have 3% more crit chance vs minions and players and 6% against all the other targets.


    The ATO unique Critical Strike is a proc, so is tied to proc rules :




    Meaning that the choice of his placement is critical, no pun intended 🙂

    So, it's a proc giving a 3,25 seconds window of +50% chance to crit, so you better slot it on a power you will use BEFORE using the power you want to crit.

    As all proc (for the moment till they change/nerf/balance/whatever how the proc chance works) more a power has a long recharge more chance you have to proc the buff.


    But the rotation is more important, (for Dual Blades, Claws, Titan weapons, STJ and Dark mélée where it's even vital)


    So, it's the subtil "game" of building a Scrapper, where you place your ATO +50% crit will change all about the performance of your scrapper. Finding the right place between Chance to proc : Most of the "high chance of proc" powers are the big hitter you want to crit, and what rotation you use.


    So, there is an optimal way of playing each scrapper, based on how you build it and if those choices were good. 



    By rotation do you mean attack chain? Any advice for Dark Melee/FA? Right now at lvl 36 I do Fiery Embrace+Soul Drain+Burn+Shadow Maul+etc. What if I put it in Smite and used it before Shadow Maul?


    Edit: I know the character may not be high enough level to use these yet. Just trying to get an idea of the strategy for later on.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

    Nah, you can stick in whatever attack. It's a one shot activation that doesn't last very long. No clue how it would act in, say, a damage toggle but I bet someone around here does.

    Okay thanks. Yeah that would be cool to know about the damage aura.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

    If you're talking about the AT IO crit procs, the Scrapper's Strike Crit Bonus is passive and can be slotted anywhere, doesn't need to be activated. I have it in Swipe as the only slot/enhancement, for example, and swipe is never in my power tray.


    The Critical Strikes +50% Proc, however, must be activated. I've got that full set in Followup so that when it fires off, I'll have a much higher crit chance on focus and slash.


    Cool. Is that because Followup has a duration so you can use the +50% Proc over that time?

  11. 23 minutes ago, Steampunkette said:

    No one is forced to use their optimal attack chain. In fact, the majority of players don't KNOW their optimal attack chain... They just go through the game fighting and having a blast beating up bad guys (Or good guys)


    But the Optimal Attack Chain is forever going to be be held to the limits of what can, currently, be done. Because the absolute best Single Target Attack Chain for Super Strength would be Knockout Blow with no Cooldown. Just infinite punches over and over and over again doing 600+ DPS.  And the best SS AoE would just be infinite Footstomps one after another 'til everything is dead with no cooldown.


    Not that I think that's where this is going. Just trying to illustrate that the current "Optimal" is only the best 'til the next big change, regardless of what it is. Optimal is only Optimal in relation to what can currently e done, and every change alters the optimal.


    Thank God no one Advocates for the removal of ED so there's no way my previous example could ever hap-



    Yeah... No. /Jranger to both. Let's start bringing stuff to parity through buffs and nerfs to get 'Ballpark Balance' and then we can revisit this.

    It wasn't a serious proposal lol. I just think adding recharge to swift is a bit silly. I'm glad most people are just having fun playing the game without perfect attack chains etc. I think perfect balance is highly overrated and a game that caters to a minority of min/maxers is a bad idea.

  12. A bit off topic, but I'm not sure I like the idea of having too many archetypes. An archetype in the Jungian sense is a very specific set of characteristics that seem to bubble up out of reality itself. If we have too many, then we may as well have no archetypes and let people pick whatever they want, which may sound cool in theory but would drastically change the game.

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