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  1. I try to use this, the template is there but everything else is just empty. Can't create a character or select an IO.
  2. Thank you all for the help, I was wrong and the badges are working properly. There was nothing in the game that told me you needed to craft IO from the two ranges in order to get the badges.
  3. I'm Badge hunting, trying to get all the Inventions badges. You are correct that I already knew about the table. Also, thank you for the tip on buying the workbench at the vendor.
  4. Trying to get the invention badge and noticed that several badges(For example: the Healing and End/Recv recipes ) in the range of 15-20 aren't counting the invention of the IO for the completion of the badge. I have done some testing and it looks like recipe lv 15 doesn't count toward the badges.
  5. Do anyone have a guide to slot out a Ice Dom?
  6. I found a tiny error. You need to add a dash( - ) in the last line numpadenter powexec_name kuji in zen For it to work you need to type: numpadenter powexec_name kuji-in zen
  7. From Faultline,Faultless Mystic, Apex Newsman and RWZ : Asunder, Ace , Powerful, Under Fire, Scarred
  8. Hello, I'm hunting exploration badges and found several badges in those two zones not being there. I checked the coordinates and am 100% sure I am in the right place. Can anyone tell me if there is a solution?
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