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Lost Ninja

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Posts posted by Lost Ninja

  1. 51 minutes ago, The Philotic Knight said:

    Sounds  like it'd be a fun challenge! Do demo files work on the current HC client? Have you tested it?

    They worked back around Christmas not tried since then, and I used it then to try and find the blinky on the huge outdoor industrial zone with Rikti (I forget the actual mission, basically click some blinkies, no need to kill anything and couldn't find the last one).

  2. 10 hours ago, The Philotic Knight said:

    Can you please explain what that is?

    It was a small program that could read the demo files made by the game and then parse them to create a map (generally black background with your position and that of the blinkie) so you could see a visual representation of where the blinkie was. I think later versions used the in game map textures too.

  3. 9 hours ago, Lines said:

    My knee jerk reaction was "god, I really don't need more free power slots that I wouldn't know what to do with."


    I echo folks wishing the attacks were a bit juicier. I'm taking the Force of Will pool thematically on a stalker and Wall of Force is underwhelming. I've tried it with a complete set of Positron's blast and also loaded with four damage procs, but it doesn't have much kick to it either way.

    The ranged knockdown in Sorcery is quite good, as is Aerial Superiority from Flight. Both of which I have taken and slotted as I would normal powers. Ranged Knock Down on a Gravity/Rad controller (it's better than propel because it doesn't splash it's knock down), and Aerial Superiority on DM/Regen as it adds and extra damaging attack to DM which while control heavy never seemed to have enough attacks.


    I also semi frequently take the Heal Self from Medicine partly for the healing but mostly for a set of Preventative Medicine (I don't like fulling slotting Health), on characters that don't have an actual "Healing" power. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Troo said:

    at some point I hope those that spend extensive amounts of time in AE farming realize AE is a mini game inside a much larger game.


    46 minutes ago, Troo said:

    fyi - I didn't assume anything.

    No? Sounds like it to me.


    You can easily reach 50 doing way less than 50% Hero Content, not counting Rogue or Villain content at all. Unless you turn XP gain off to complete content (arguably not the way the game is intended to be played) you cannot do all content at the level intended. Okay so a lot of Hero side content, especially content added early on is boring and poorly designed (though often the story is well written), but I don't think that the intention of any of the devs post Orubos (i11?) was to restrict content from players. Scaling the rewards would perhaps mean more people would experience more content.

  5. 1 hour ago, Troo said:

    as designed and as intended. there is no problem.

    at some point I hope those that spend extensive amounts of time in AE farming realize AE is a mini game inside a much larger game. I think some folks already know. Maybe they prefer the mini game, which is okay.


    fyi some enemy groups are level limited. some missions are designed for certain level ranges. some missions or contacts were needed to open additional contacts and content. some missions earned badges.

    And those that didn't farm their way to 50 but still want to continue to play at 50?


    It's a massive mistake to assume that everyone who prefers to play on their max level character only has a max level character because they farmed AE.


    I have both I also have some that I farmed through bits of the process that I wasn't enjoying (or just really wanted the next level's power to flesh out the build). I do most of my levelling outside of AE/TFs through the Orubos (Base Item), because I don't need to follow contacts and I can pick and choose which arcs I want to pursue and which I can avoid (Any with a lot of Crystal Caves or Council Maps.) I for one would appreciate scaling rewards, even if they only scaled on the initial play through.


    Personally I'd like to see the auto-exemping tech be rolled out game wide for all missions/zones (with a Null the Gull/P2W toggle ofc).

  6. Use Invasion type mobs in all zones.


    Low level zones, these are your level -1. Minions con Blue

    Medium level zones these are you level (0). Minions con white.

    High level zones, your level +1. Minions con yellow.

    Hazard zones are whatever the zone is supposed to be +1, eg Perez is a low level so you'd have even con minions. Hive would be +2 minions.

    Open world ambush style mobs should share this code, stopping random ambushes stomping lowbies (looking at you Malta). GMs remain as they are.


    I'd also love to see zone events being fleshed out and expanded with badges for completing all a zones events, exploration/plaques/etc. Hero/Heroine of Atlas Park, etc. Some sort of accolade for getting them all.

  7. To turn Blizzard into a Targeted AoE you can bind it with:


    /bind <key> "powexec_location target Blizzard"


    Or create a macro (a button that fits into a tray slot):


    /macro Blz "powexec_location target Blizzard"

    /macro_image "IceBlast_Blizzard" "M: Blizzard" "powexec_location target Blizzard"


    The 2nd of these creates a macro that looks like the Blizzard Icon. Macros don't show cooldowns, timers or proper tooltips (M: Blizzard) is the tooltip.


    To create Blizzard at max range use the above but replace "target" with "0:max". 0 is the direction, 0 being in front, 180 being behind etc. "max" is the range from you, "max" will fire it off as far from you as you can. If you want it as PBAoE instead you could use "self" instead.


    Icons: (If you want a different one)



    Useful binds guide: (Search for /powexec_location for a more in depth description.)


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  8. 21 hours ago, Ukase said:

    There's no question that some people can take a great deal of time, and invest a lot of energy into a themed character. I've always felt that the time to showcase such things were during costume/bio contests.

    I am certainly guilty of generalizing in my previous post in this thread. I just find that people are more likely to appreciate other people investing time into helping them, as opposed to a compliment on a bio or costume. I know I certainly appreciated getting The Really Hard Way far more than a compliment on the bio of Emancipist, my rad/stone tank that seems to now only see action in The Hive. (It's maybe only one of 20 or so characters I have that even has a bio. There might be one or two others, but I forget them as soon as I write them. But with Emancipist - it's hard to forget he's an ex-con with a name like that.) 

    That said, it won't be the first time I think differently from other people. 

    I will always try to help, far more enjoyable than not. But I don't really see Badges as important, for me they have a similar level of importance of AE, fun if that's what you want to do but not something I care for. Ask for help with a mission, boss, TF and if I have the time I will gladly help, ask for help earning a badge... only if such an activity is worthwhile for me too. So if it's like a TF or something similar and you want a specific badge from it, I'll gladly help, but if you just want to clear another council map for warwolves/vampyre... no thanks.

    20 hours ago, boggo2300 said:

    Every single time I compliment someone on a costume, a bio or even a clever name it's not part of a contest (I avoid those like the lagfests they are) the people who put that kind of effort into making a character a character rather than a meta game tool for skipping as much of the game as possible are the people I'd like to meet and get to know  (btw I never write a character BIO before level 10, give them a chance to develop a personality sort of thing)

    I notice names first because it's what I personally enjoy, if I'm in a team with them I will see their bio as I always check out a teammates /info... costume is a distant 3rd not least due to how many people now have always active auras that hide their costumes. Badges are somewhere beyond that, and generally are a "Oh that's a lot of AE badges... and no exploration... hmm." (I don't comment on it just observe). But I will say if I like a name or Bio.


    Most of my singleton characters (ones I don't habitually multi-box) have a bio, even if it's just an idea about where the come from, but I generally only add them in game if I continue to play them past their mid 30s. Multi-box trios also often have back stories but I'm even less likely to add them in game as I don't often play in a way where I interact with people... I do however have them talk to themselves... probably a good idea I don't stream myself or people would be breaking out the long sleeved jackets... 😉

  9. 18 hours ago, srmalloy said:


    Be fair most religions boil down to "I don't know how something works" therefore God. Many Theists live good clean lives and respect or even love their fellow man, some of the best people I have ever met were Theists who were who they were because of their love of God. But religion is pretty absurd and nothing stops you from being a good/kind/loving person without a God. And I have met one or two who are just as "saintly" as those Theists but without the need to worship a sky fairy.

    • Like 2
  10. 23 hours ago, Sovera said:

    I believe you may be thinking of Champions Online. There are no oversized materials around and that sort of stuff would have been recycled for other content.

    Know I'm not as I never played it. I might be recalling it from another game but not Champions.


    What I dimly remember is a mission where you could only move between parts of the map if you had a temporary power/buff that you found by defeating something (Probably Clockwork gears). Once you had the buff you could click on a doorway styled glowy that would allow you to move into a different area of the map, without the power/buff the glowies didn't work. Map was either sewers, abandoned office or warehouse.

  11. 1 hour ago, Christopher Robin said:

    I always give (and have kindly received a fair number of) compliments for creative costumes and bios.

    I know how much work some people put into getting their creations "just so" and they really appreciate the recognition.


    I really only had (soon to be "have" present tense as I am remaking him! HmWYqjbR_o.gif) one badge hunter

    hero but I'm always willing to help others get theirs, time permitting.


    Meta that post should come with a warning. DO be careful with this command.

    Much mischief can arise if you bind what you think is a convenient function to a key

    (like a letter of the alphabet) and then forget it's there when you need to use that key to type

    something or for another function. I've had to help people new to /bind in forum PM's because they

    couldn't ask for help in game without asking to join a team or firing off their battlecry every other key press.  


    You'd think it obvious but, just in case, do not assign say the Moon Walk dance emote to your W key unless you plan

    to roleplay as the 2nd coming of M.J. ...and only ever want to use teleport to travel, cuz you'll never walk again.

    I suggest using the extra buttons on your mouse (if you have them), usually button4 and button5 since

    the L&R are 1&2 and the wheel is usually 3. Also if you have a full size keyboard with a separate

    number pad off to the right side then numpad1 - numpad9 can also be used fairly safely.


    Also be careful with "auto reply thought bubble that appears over your head when typing" binds as there is a

    rare bug that can happen if you are talking with someone who also has one where your auto replies will

    decide to grudge match in the chat box and fill it with a non-stop stream of essentially "less filling"

    and "taste great" chat and you won't be able to type until one of you quits the game or zones.


     P.S. Keys used in combination that are physically far apart on your keyboard and

    therefore unlikely to be hit accidentally or needed for anything else are also

    good choices such as the left shift key and the brackets. i.e. LSHIFT+[



    You can always access the options menu using a mouse and you cannot rebind the left click (afaik) even if you could the left click should work as a normal mouse button when using the clients 2D UI (eg You can use Ctrl+left click to teleport but still use it to set the auto state for powers).


    With access to the options menu you can reset all the normal game keys (those defined in the options menu) to either their default values or change them to keys that you want.


    If the game becomes unplayable (using the default keys) you can always get it back to the point where it is playable with just a mouse. Well you need to use your brain too and there does seem to be a distressingly high number of people who cannot do that.


    Perhaps those people should pick themselves up a mobile or console game where their hand can be held to help them through the incredible difficult learning process.

  12. Definitely on my wish list to be honest.


    Better yet populate and use from your initial 70 slots, and only put the enhancements that won't fit into the trays into the "overflow".


    Additional use only trays would be a good idea (you cannot place anything into them once you leave the Respec screen but you can take out of them either in the respec screen or elsewhere.


    Also is there a reason we're limited to 70? Seems a rather arbitrary limit.

  13. 3 hours ago, srmalloy said:

    As a fallback, you can always use a description of the character's powersets in a foreign language; I had/have a number of characters with names like this in Russian - Yaderniy Ogon (Nuclear Fire, a Fire/Rad Controller), Yadernaya Zima (Nuclear Winter, a Fire/Cold Blaster), Tenevoy Ogon (Shadow Fire, a Fire/Dark Corruptor), Luchevoy Mirazh (Radiation Illusion, an Ill/Rad Controller. Some less directly descriptive - Ledyanoy Kulak (Ice Fist, an Ice/Ice Tanker), Deva Molniya (Lightning Girl, an Elec/Elec Dominator), Obmorozheniye (Frostbite, an Ice/Ice Dominator), Stal'naya Deva (Steel Maiden, a DB/WP Scrapper, and Umstvenniy Ulan (Mental Lancer, a Psi/EM Blaster).

    I do that too... or use semi made up versions of various languages so they look right but if you were to actually go off and look them up they'd not translate. I also like play on words names. One of my favourites both on HC and Live was Pyroclastic Flower (Fire/Kin Controller) named of course for the Pyroclastic Flow that can come during a volcanic eruption. Pyroclastic Flows can also be called a Pyroclastic Surge... that doesn't really work for a name so I used Pyroclcastic Sarge. For my third one I was drawing a blank so it was Pyroclastic Ninja.


    I had a team of Rads (I forget their precise builds but probably Electric/Rad (Controllers or Corruptors) named after the various British code-names for nukes (war heads or bombs I forget) but unlike the rather masculine naming for US munitions (I am never going to call a female character (I really only make female characters) Fat Man or Little Boy (even if using such names didn't have the chance of upsetting people whose families were actually lost by said munitions... also M103 (or whatever) is also not a name I'm likely to use).


  14. Well thought out Names and or Bios are the things I see and am interested in (even though in HC I seldom bother with actually doing my own Bios.

    6 hours ago, Heraclea said:

    I always make a point of complimenting player characters inspired by classical mythology.  And especially, if they choose a name in Greek or Latin and get the grammar right.  Ungrammatical Latin guild names were an endless nightmare in WoW. 

    I frequently look for and use lesser known Roman/Greek/Hindi/Norse/etc Gods/Goddesses/Mythology for at least the inspiration of names. And I often use Greek or Pseudo Greek names.


    And typically the part of character creation that takes longest for me is getting the right name.

    • Like 2
  15. 33 minutes ago, siolfir said:

    The pinnacle of scrapperlock, folks: when you're rushing to the next group of mobs so quickly that you don't even realize that it's not a scrapper.

    When I made it I was uncertain whether or not to make a scrapper or brute. Planned it out as a scrapper (in Mids), nearly posted a bug report that I couldn't pick the scrapper epics... glad I checked TBH. 😄

  16. On 12/17/2019 at 8:43 AM, Sovera said:

    Politely ask the devs to place a P2W recipe that blocks common salvage.


    But for now spam right click and E will sell the stack you've clicked on which while not being perfect is heaps better than clicking sell, losing focus (why do we lose focus??), clicking on the next stack, click sell a few times, lose focus.

    I have a macro on my keyboard which does that while I hold it down. I also have one for storing enhancements into tables (Right Click then M). One day I will get rouund to removing Map from M too... 😄

  17. 2 hours ago, WarriorBSD said:

    OK, here's my findings. It's obvious at first and was proven at play.  Make your primary toon a ranged hero and your secondary toon a melee.


    To control my secondary, I use a wireless external numeric pad and keep it next to my main keyboard. To reduce relying on the mouse for the secondary, I assigned "Follow", "Select Nearest Enemy", "Select Next Enemy", and "Select Player 1 (or Player 2 if the mish is for the secondary)" to 4 of the keys (non-numeric) in the numeric pad.


    Before I engage a group of villains before me, I left-click (using primary's mouse) on my secondary (that way you can see what your secondary is targeting), "Select Nearest Enemy" (using secondary's numeric pad), then "Follow". Basically, my left hand doing the shooting/healing, and my right hand doing the bashing. On occasion a villain sneaks in to attack my primary. So with a "Select Player 1" - "Follow" - "Select Nearest Enemy" - bash (one of the numbered keys) I get rescued.


    Also, I suggest that secondary should have flight power.


    Finally, you should make sure that the secondary's camera is pointing to the same direction as your primary. Once in awhile I would make the mistake of assuming my secondary is targeting a group before me but when actually it was targeting a group behind me.



    If that is what you want to do that is of course up to you, but I would have thought that that is massively more difficult then just having the secondary as ranged following (and targeting through) the primary melee. You don't have to do any complicated following or extra targeting on the follower, any friendly power (heal/buff/etc) will hit your primary, any offensive power will hit your primary's target. The only things you have to watch for are things that break follow. Which for powers are mostly teleport style attacks (not common for ranged ATs) or clicking on things... which you generally can avoid while in combat anyway.


    If you don't want to use a multiplexer (InnerSpace/Octopus/Keyclone/etc*) you can bind the secondary to another keypad (as you have done), or just use different keys on the same keyboard. In the dim and distant past of Live, I used 2-3 PCs (depending on how many accounts I could afford to run). The "follower" PCs had wired game pads (Nostomo N50/N52), the followers followed and targeted through the leader and their powers were used separately.


    Even though I use a monitor per character I frequently have a browser on top of one of them (I watch/listen to videos while playing), as long as you're aware that you have a character on follow you don't really need (IMO) to be able to see their client all the time (though useful for clicks (doors/lifts/etc)).


    Generally I play 3 near identical characters, but I have also played:

    • Brute + 2x Corruptor. 
    • 3x brutes (I farm on these). (Not really dissimilar but indicating you don't need to use with ranged characters, for the record they're Spines/Fire with none of the primary ranged attacks (I have the two from Moo Mastery ofc).
    • MM + 2x Defender (wasn't as effective as I had hoped).
    • Scrapper + Controller (On Live)
    • 3x Defender but using different power sets.
    • All the rest are 3x Blaster, 3x Defender, 3x Corruptor... etc... etc... etc...
    • And more controllers than you can shake a stick at (think I'm getting close to 40+ by now).

    *I use InnerSpace/ISBoxer, previously I have used Octopus and Keyclone (though Keyclone was in WoW not CoH), you can also find solutions that use AutoHotKey.net or similar macroing programs. Since I started playing all my clients on one PC I have found that many don't work very well (it's an issue with poorly supported DirectPlay as CoH was written/designed to use OpenGL and most of the multiplexers are designed to work with DirectX (because most were designed for use primarily with WoW which is of course DirectX).

  18. On 12/21/2019 at 5:37 AM, Ukase said:

    You have a second account, great. I suggest you just use it for yourself, rather than bring both your characters to an 8 man team, or any other size team. You cannot serve two masters. You might play one well, but you're going to stink at the other one. At best, you have a great tank who just auto taunts, while your other character dishes out damage, or something along those lines. Another player would be able to taunt, mash things, and manage aggro better. 

    It's really just common sense. There might be some limited circumstances where you could do both passably well, but who wants to team with someone that is only doing things passably well? I want your best effort, not 2 characters that are only doing a fraction of what they could be if you were giving them your full attention. 

    Depends on the player and how they play their 2/3 characters. You can be far more effective in some situations than 2/3 singletons. But it's like any player skill, a good player is going to be better than a mediocre player.

    On 12/21/2019 at 6:02 AM, Solarverse said:

    I'm going to be that guy and say, if I catch somebody doing it even on a radio team of mine, they're gone. I don't care how anyone wants to justify it or how much they say I am wrong for it, they're not only gone but will make my ignore list.

    If I want to team with my triple box I either run them myself, or explain to the leader before I join. It's a social activity, if you/I cannot communicate what you're trying to do before joining a team you deserve to be kicked. IMO it's no different to someone who purposefully gimps themselves eg Petless MM, or all Powerpool builds. However educating the masses about what you're doing and why on the forums will help some people to understand what and why we do it.

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