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Posts posted by Luminara

  1. 1 hour ago, BazookaTwo said:

    Does. that mean these three DO stack?




    Pool and temp travel powers don't stack.  Pool won't stack with pool, temp won't stack with temp, pool won't stack with temp.


    Hover, Combat Jumping, all Sprints, Hurdle and Swift stack with pool and temp travel powers.  Powers in primaries/secondaries which buff movement (examples: Quickness, Kuji-in Rin, Inertial Reduction) stack with pool and temp travel powers.  +Movement bonuses from IO sets stack with pool and temp travel powers.

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  2. 26 minutes ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    Bottom line: if they doubled Boxing's damage


    Since I had Mids' open, I cleared the character I was working on and ran a quick analysis using the brute archetype.  Boxing's DPA for brutes is 24.01 without the Fighting pool synergy bonuses (31.22 with).  Doubling its damage would give it higher DPA than most of the primary attacks, and with Fighting synergy, better DPA than all attacks except Energy Transfer, Freezing Touch, Greater Psi Blade, Seismic Smash, Knockout Blow and Clobber.


    That wouldn't be balanced.

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  3. 1 hour ago, RelativeQuanta said:

    A VERY simple one would be to lower the AV damage, but make some fraction of it unresistable.  This way, the "squishy" takes less damage but the high resist ATs still face some danger in fighting the AV.


    Maybe ranged attacks should deal less damage than melee attacks, and low-HP archetypes should be given ranged sets instead of melee sets so players have the option of fighting AVs without being in melee range.




    1 hour ago, RelativeQuanta said:

    From what people have suggested in this thread, it's either a particularly dangerous AV or the difficulty setting were dramatically turned up.


    Neither.  It was PEBCAK.  The AV in question is actually very weak against ranged characters (at least the ones who don't teleport straight into melee range and wait to be pancaked), as he only has two ranged attacks, a middling damage blast with a 10s recharge time and a low damage cone with a 6s animation time and 3s recharge.  Had the OP stayed out of melee range, he quite likely wouldn't have been defeated at all, and absolutely not in less than ~20s, because both of the AV's ranged attacks together wouldn't have been enough to drop him even with Enemies Buffed.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Bionic_Flea said:

    I've been running some tests in an AE arc I made and one of the missions has high level CoT.  OMG.  One Death Mage is pretty bad and can quickly drop your tohit where you are missing the majority of the time, which makes it difficult to get rid of them and stop the debuffs, especially on melee characters.  If you get more than one, and it happens more than i think it should, you now have hit chances in the teens or single digits.


    That's not new behavior.  You could get up to 4 Death Mages at */x8 in regular content before.






    Those are from 9/9/2022.

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  5. 2 hours ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    If an AV can't kill a squishy quickly then the entire Tanker AT might as well just be deleted.


    And brutes.  And Kheldian Dwarf forms.  And mastermind Bodyguard mode.  And status effects.  And scrapper, sentinel, SoA and stalker secondaries.  And damage mitigation buffs and debuffs.  Have to dump defenders, sentinels and corruptors entirely at this point, since they really will be nothing but gimp blasters.  Scrappers, stalkers and SoAs might as well be removed, because they won't be able to do anything that blasters can't.  Probably no point having combat at all.  Without risk, it's just one of those moronic "idle tap" games.


    Goodbye Wonder Woman, hello Barbie!



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  6. 9 minutes ago, Ultimo said:

    It's a poor design if the enemy is able to defeat ANY player character instantly. 



    You had the opportunity to engage from a distance on your low health character with ranged attacks, where you would've been safer and guaranteed not to be defeated so quickly.  You chose to teleport right into the AV's face and risk having your ass handed to you.


    Stop blaming the game for your actions.  Bad design didn't screw you over, you did it to yourself.

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  7. 1 hour ago, RelativeQuanta said:

    It seems like there are actually two conversations happening here.

    1. You tried to tank a AV with a squishy character.  You died by design.
    2. The fact that a AV can one shot a character with no potential for counterplay is bad design

    On point 2, I actually agree with Ultimo


    No, there's only one conversation.  The AV didn't defeat the OP because the design is bad, or because the design denied the OP the opportunity to react, or because the design allows AVs to one-shot, or because the design has a flaw in not making allowance for low HP archetypes.  The AV defeated the OP because the OP was within 5' of the AV.  The OP should've been at range, not bumping and grinding on the AV.  Ranged attacks deal less damage than melee attacks.  Almost all low HP archetypes are also capable of staying out of melee range at all times.  This is by design.  This is the design.  Ranged = less risk.  Low HP archetypes = ranged archetypes.

    The design didn't fail the OP, the OP ignored the design.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Ultimo said:

    Perhaps I'm not being clear.  The issue is that there's no FUN if there's nothing to do.

    No, you've been very clear.  You're upset because AVs, the class of enemy designed to be capable of defeating tankers and brutes, can't be face-tanked by a defender, and feel that the game would be more "fun" (for you) if they were significantly less powerful.


    I believe I've been equally clear that the fault was with your reliance on +Defense and -ToHit instead of -Damage, +Resistance and a heal that you could benefit from, your decision to stand within 5' of the AV (Hopkins' TF has a range of 5') instead of keeping him at the edge of Hurricane's radius (25') where you would've been very safe since he only has two ranged attacks and they're both comparatively low damage, your failure to react in the 1.865s between Total Focus' damage and Foot Stomp's damage (and no, you weren't "still in the teleport animation".  you stated that you teleported next to the AV and used "an attack"), your lack of coordination with your teammates (they should've been spamming O2 Boost on you before you even activated Teleport), and your lack of knowledge of the relevant mechanics and numbers.


    1 hour ago, Ultimo said:

    There's no DRAMA if the fight is over instantly.


    Well, there are two pages of it here, so...


    2 hours ago, Ultimo said:

    As far as gameplay is concerned, I don't think it's appropriate or fun for any enemy to be able to instantly defeat a player.


    Something has to be capable of defeating tankers, brutes, Dwarf form Kheldians, Banes, Crabs, Scrappers, bodyguard mode Masterminds and Sentinels who built to tank.  If you don't want to be defeated quickly by that something, don't bring a broom to a gun fight.

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