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Everything posted by thatdarncat

  1. Nope, southern Ontario and now in Winnipeg
  2. +1 from another Canadian who feels morally obligated to create Captain Canuck, a Staff Fighting/Ice Armour scrapper with a hockey stick as a weapon!
  3. I'm a returning player who had several 50s on the old servers. I'm power leveling my main to 50 but already have 5 more characters at various points between 1 and 11. I plan on using those characters to play with friends who are playing for the first time or taking the slow route, as well as for exploring the new content. Best of both worlds?
  4. Never mind, my wife had set up a forwarding rule >.< You can delete this help request!
  5. I'm attempting to register a new account for my daughter. Verification emails are not being received; 30 minutes or so, checked junk mail, etc. Her address is a @gmail.com address. PM me for details if needed - I'm happy to help. I'll probably respond faster on Discord 😉
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