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12 Good
  1. The <Carnies> DecoyPhantasm has no icon in the buff/debuff bar when cast on you, it just shows a very small white square. It's clickable but it's much smaller to select.
  2. That did it. Thank you so much!
  3. So I've been playing around with hunting macros but I can't seem to get the "alive" target parameter to work. target_custom_next alive "xxx" - is what I'm trying to get to work. or /macro name target_custom_next alive "xxx" I've tried different formats, with and without quotes, but it will still target dead enemies of the name I'm looking for. Is the "alive" parameter functioning or am I missing something?
  4. But now we're trying to stabilize an economy when the precedent has already been set that you have immediate access to everything for free. If slowing down character development and earning what you gain is really the direction they want to go, you really need to create a new hard core shard without everything unlocked and a fresh economy. I just can't take the disparity of players point seriously. What advantage does a player with 2 billion inf really have other than being able to host more contests with prizes?
  5. I'm confused what the inf nerf is trying to achieve, though. With all cosmetic items unlocked at creation, free base building, and no money sinks to spend your influence on, what in the game's economy are we trying to fix? Ease of income allows ease of creating and equipping alts. Creating alts and trying new play styles is what retains players. I interpret this change as "you now need to grind more." Why?
  6. I like the taunt. I six slot Gun Drone with Expedient Reinforcement and have a 42 second recharge which gives me two at a time. They're a little underpowered for a t9 ability on damage, but you don't take Devices looking to max your dps, it's a utility power set. I really only notice my drones dying prematurely when solo'ing and when that happens they did their job of peeling off a few mobs in a group or keeping a boss out of my face for a little bit. If they survive, they add a little single target dot. Win win. If I could change anything, it would be adding Field Operative's stealth effect to them.
  7. Would it be possible to increase the ally fly speed of Group Fly to be greater than the maximum fly speed of the caster? Specifically for master mind pets but I'd imagine it would be nice for any player to be able to keep within range of the caster himself. My robot drones look awesome with their rocket boots ready to rain death from above, but it only takes a few hundred yards of straight line flying before i outrun them and they start falling to the earth.
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