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10 Good
  1. Any chance at all we have ANY control set with a spammable ST Stun instead of hold? I think blind could be it, you get a flash in your face, you get stunned and disoriented instead of held, and it'd make illu the first set to synergize greatly with /energy on doms.
  2. True, the rock looks bleh XD
  3. Am I the only person who likes granite's uniqueness?
  4. Ever made a character you loved the outfit? Of course you have! Then you rolled it as a dominator and then the ever bluey/purple glow seemed so out of place with the outfit? Yep, we all been there. So... can we please have an option in costume creator, under inherent, to minimum fx domination? Would be nice to be able to color it too, but mosly, just the option to remove the FX in PvE would be SOOOO good!!!
  5. I don't. And just because dark is like that, doesn't mean every other set needs to be like that. Symphony could've been unique in being the first or even the only ever set with same cones for everything, so the playstyle is smooth, y'know, like music. You sit back and serenade to your enemies! I was just a sugestion and I now realize it was in the wrong forum too (It was my first post). So sorry about that bit!
  6. Dunno if this was sugested yet but with several powers getting the amazing: "lets make this feel better to use" treatment, I had this idea. Radiation Emission > Fallout Decrease activation time from 3.2s to 2.5s. This power is now usable on enemy corpses Recharge reduced from 300s to 240s When we think of radiation, we think about nuclear power. It is fitting that this support set gets a nuke! But currently it is sooooo niche to use that most people skip it. You gotta have someone dead, in the middle of a group of enemies so it's worth using. And it takes so long to activate that the enemies are either dead, or you are, or the person rezzed, and just feels bad all around. This way you can do the same as a warshade, and nuke a corpse! Maybe the damage can scale, full damage if you nuke a boss, 0.8 if you nuke a Lt, and 0.6 if you nuke a minion corpse.
  7. Exactly!! It could've been something new!! Cuz, you know, it's a new set!
  8. Mehh... it will make the cone longer than the rest and still not be equal; And you're stull unnable to measure if the other CC's will hit based on what the root did.
  9. I've played symphony a bit and I love the set in general, and the idea of a full conical control set is really relaxing to sit black and play without having to change between PBAoE, TAoE, Cones like most control sets. My one pet peeve is that there's ONE cone with different angle and distance than the others, and it's the one that really should not be. Hymn of Dissonance, the AoE root is shorter and wider than the other cones. It should be the same because you'd be able to simply follow up with other cones in a relaxing playstyle. If they got rooted, they'll get feared/asleep/stunned, simple as that. But it's not only wider, that causes you to miscalculate, it's also shorter, so you are forced to step closer to the enemies (I like to target the last enemy behind the group to hit the whole group); But stepping closer makes the other cones have less area since they are narrower and you are closer. Would it be too bad to just make it like the rest of the cones? It'd be an overal nerf to the area, but so much smoother to play.
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