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The Curator

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Everything posted by The Curator

  1. The Curator

    February 14 Update

    Events Pocket D Move Sigil, Kadabra Kill, and the Ouroboros crystal down to the main floor where it's less likely to cause traffic jams. Sister Psyche's Wedding Pause the ceremony when no players are in the map; this fixes an issue with the post-cutscene spawns not triggering correctly if there are no players in the map. Fixed a bug that caused the hero version of the Nemesis Plot to consider the heroes defeated by default. Badges Grant 'Entrusted With The Secret' to those entering the wedding flashback mission. Enhancements Cupid's Crush: Add missing text for Universal Damage enhancement conversion.
  2. Don't miss Cobalt's Dev Diary for a behind-the-scenes look into creating this update:
  3. Please see the patch notes for the updated Spring Fling event, which is now LIVE!
  4. Spring Fling Event Spring Fling Event has been enabled and will run from 2/7/2025 - 3/11/2025 NEW Seasonal Mission Kadabra Kill & Sigil are available in Pocket D as mission contacts during the event. Help them solve a debate regarding the specific details from Manticore & Sister Psyche's wedding. Check out @Cobalt Arachne's Dev Diary on the event for further info! Five NEW Badges Best Man/Maid of Honor Wedding Crasher Down in Front Chaos Spiel Officiator NEW Costume Aura Spring Aura has been added to the costume editor for Male, Female, and Huge body types. It includes 6 Sub-Variants: Flowers Love Jealous Flowers - Combat Love - Combat Jealousy - Combat NEW Enhancement Set: Cupid's Crush Unique Universal Damage set (attuned-only) Special Chance for Confuse proc enhancement. Converting this set of enhancements out-of-set will result in an Overwhelming Force IO, and vice-versa. Available to be purchased from any Merit Vendors for 100 Reward Merits each, in the Auction House, or as a reward for completing the seasonal mission. Cannot be made Superior. General Updated the UI of the City Info Terminal kiosks in order to improve legibility. Badges River Rat's badge marker #6 in Nova Praetoria was floating above the water surface, it has been brought down to the same level as the other markers. Enhancements Fix Brute's Fury: Recharge/Fury Bonus proc being affected by level differences with the target. Fix minimum slotting level for Dark Watcher's Despair. Tasks The wounded Vanguard soldier in the last mission of the LGTF will stop talking if there's nobody nearby to hear them.
  5. The Curator

    December 5 Update

    AI Aggro Cap Fixed a bug that caused NPCs more than 111' feet away from their primary target to have inverted priorities with regards to the aggro cap - i.e. taunted foes and high ranking foes would be lower priority and more likely to de-aggro or switch to ranged attacks due to the cap instead of higher priority as intended. Reworked the priority algorithm to de-emphasize damage and distance while further prioritizing taunted enemies and high ranking enemies. Zones Labyrinth of Fog Fixed a number of tech lab doorways that could cause the Minotaur In The Fog to become stuck in the wall if they traveled through them. Prevented Benefactor in the Fog's Accelerate Metabolism from unintentionally buffing the Minotaur. Avatar of Achlys can now cast their cone attacks through mez. Players in the entrance lobby area or Core of the Labyrinth will no longer be timed out. Doubled the value of shift points earned by defeating Elite Bosses in the Labyrinth. Re-write of the Labyrinth's informational navigation window to better explain the zone. Minotaur's invincibility field now using a unique FX to be more visible. Mythic Fog's anchor field now using a unique FX to be more visible. Mythic Fog's appearance now includes a glowing chain that extends to the ceiling of the arena, to make positioning easier. Mythic Fog can no longer be targeted or killed. Font high score counter can now be viewed from the nav while inside the True Core of the Labyrinth. Description on the Avatar of Achlys cleaned up. Added some protection to the Font GM spawns to prevent more spawns than intended. Fixed a bug that caused the high score counter in the Font of Malevolence to not display. Restored the fog plume FX to the center of the Font of Malevolence. Task Force: Lady Grey Task Force (Advanced Mode) Adjusted K'ong's spawn so that the War Priest is always in the far away spot to prevent Recovery Aura inconsistencies. Dr. Aeon's Strike Force Collision ramps added to the outer edges of the smelting cauldrons in the final encounter to allow King Midas to be pulled into them easier when he is inflicted with -Jump debuffs. Miscellaneous Bug Fixes Fixed invention vanity pet recipe crafts from not counting for the crafting badges. Fixed Crey Cryogenicist Beam Rifle attacks firing from their hands instead of their rifle.
  6. The Curator

    November 26 Update

    Bug Fixes Fix a rare issue where under certain circumstances many more giant monsters could spawn in the Labyrinth of Fog than intended.
  7. The Curator

    November 12 Update

    Server Stability Fix a potential crash issue in the Labyrinth zone.
  8. The Curator

    November 5 Update

    Zones Labyrinth of Fog Additions High score counter added to the Font of Malevolence. Appears in the navigation bar when in the Font. Tracked per hour reset cycle, high score is recorded per server and persists. Does not impact rewards, just statistical information for players. Adjustments Enhanced visuals on the Font of Malevolence doors. Improved movement control on the Minotaur In The Fog. Avatar of Achyls given increased resistances to Slow, Endurance Drain, and Immobilize. Avatar of Achyls HP scaling changed to scale from 8 players up to 40 players, previously 16-32; Amount of HP per player increased slightly. Avatar of Achyls' Malevolent Explosion recharge increased to 45 seconds from 30 seconds. Increased delay between warning and execution on Malevolent Explosion to 5 seconds from 2 seconds. Mythic Fog are now 50% larger so they're easier to see. Mythic Fog now produce a bubble geometry surrounding their area of effect. Mythic Fog now plays a float message when changing location. Fall-off time for Anchor buff increased to 7 seconds from 3 seconds. Players can now activate powers in the True Core of the Labyrinth. Fixes Fixed an issue that caused many GMs to spawn in the Font of Malevolence. Fixed an issue that caused the Labyrinth zone to unload if idle. Temporary Halloween Minotaur costumes can now activate the secret cow door. NPCs Council Council Super Soldier is now less super. 5th Column Fixed Lt/Boss Rifle Butt missing an endurance cost. Fixed Steel Valkyrie Missile Launcher dealing smashing instead of fire damage. Fixed Robot defense having duplicate Terrorize protection. Fixed Krieger Dragons Tail having scrapper crit chance. Banished Pantheon Fixed Storm Shaman Hurricane omitting certain archetypes from range debuff. Carnival of Shadows Fixed the pet version of Illusionist Phase Shift not suppressing when mezzed. Fixed Vanessa's Psyche recovery debuff not affecting enemies. Fixed Carnival Mallet attacks redrawing off each other. Crey Fixed Paragon Protector Spine Throwing missing toxic damage over time. Fixed Paragon Protector Elite Incinerate being an AoE. Freakshow Fixed Super Stunner Paralyzing Blast not affecting players. Fixed Super Stunner using the wrong tinted FX for Reserve Power. Rewards Giant Monsters - Labyrinth of Fog Giant Monsters defeated in the Labyrinth of Fog no longer reward Monstrous Aether per the amount encountered there. Costume Matrix Macro Accolade Fixed incorrectly named 'Mini Seed of Hamidon' to correct 'Mini Seedling of Hamidon'. Powers Energy Melee Fixed an FX error in fast cast Energy Transfer. Miscellaneous Bug Fixes Added missing defense debuff continuing FX to various NPC powers. Fixed FX / animation desyncs for various NPC weapon powers. Corrected the attack types used for defense checks for various NPC powers. Corrected the AIGroup / NPC behavior for some powers. Corrected typos in various missions and dialogues. Corrected the level ranges for critter spawns. Moved the Nutrient Rich badge to a more appropriate location in the badge list.
  9. Happy patch day, and Election Day if you're in the US. Go vote!
  10. The Curator

    October 29 Update

    Bug Fixes Fix a long-standing bug in the chat system that could cause random client crashes in certain circumstances, more likely to be triggered by heavy use of the emote channel.
  11. The Curator

    October 14 Hotfix

    A small client-only hotfix has been released to the launcher. Stability Added a workaround to mitigate a client crash in third-party PhysX code often seen under heavy graphical load (i.e. Peregrine Island trick-or-treat leagues). There was already a partial workaround for this crash in place that would prevent the client from crashing immediately, but it could still crash later when attempting to unload PhysX objects -- typically when leaving the zone to go somewhere else. The new workaround should mitigate this secondary crash as well. However, due to the PhysX engine being in an unstable state, clientside debris objects will be disabled for the rest of the game session, until the client is restarted.
  12. The Curator

    October 8 Update

    Zones Labyrinth of Fog Additions Added a dialog loop option to return to the weapon checker page on the Labyrinth info NPC. Gateway to the Font of Malevolence given new visuals; Removed the box blocker. Entering the Font of Malevolence while the Minotaur is alive will kick you to the entrance lobby. If you own the Avatar of Achlys mini pet a shortcut to the Font of Malevolence will appear in the True Core near the Benefactor In The Fog, if the Minotaur is dead. Adjustments Minotaur now triggers arena transition at 95% HP. Font of Malevolence spawns individualized in packs of four based on their floor color. This will result in them re-spawning more consistently. Font of Malevolence now spawns a random Giant Monster from the Labyrinth's GM spawn offerings every 75 defeats, before and after the Avatar spawns. These GMs can trigger Spectral Pull at sub-50% HP. Avatar of Achlys can now be spawned once every Minotaur cycle; No longer on a 2-3 hour re-spawn timer. Chalice of Malevolence removed as there is no longer a timer for it to track. Avatar of Achlys now spawns at 375 total defeats in the Font of Malevolence each cycle. Can only be summoned once per cycle. Avatar of Achlys' Malevolent Explosion damage increase/hit-timing staggered. Avatar of Achlys now given similar on/off scrolling +ToHit buff to the Minotaur. Avatar of Achlys' inherent resistances increased from 50% to 85%. Avatar of Achlys' now grants leadership buffs to the Font's spawned mobs. Skull FX that highlights the Font of Malevolence is using Spectral Pull now spins. Harridan EBs now spawn with Talons of Vengeance packs instead of two Keres. Fixes Fixed a potential mapserver crash issue related to Draught of Fog usage. Fixed numerous misspellings of 'Achyls' in various locations. Fixed broken pathing beacons in the newer 5th Column sections. Lowered the violet mote's volume so getting it should be easier. Kallisti Wharf Moved the spawn location for the Halloween event giant monsters away from drones which can insta-kill them. Missions Various Fixed AI pathing issues in the end room affecting a few maps in the office tileset. NPCs Warriors Updated Talos Island Alexander Pavlidis model to use newer Warriors assets. Rewards Mini Pets Fixed the Avatar of Achlys not being summon-able through the Hologram Matrix pop menu macro. Events Halloween 2022 - Trick-or-Treat Elite Bosses Power availability on the Arisen Mummy and Hollow Reaper enemies has been adjusted to be better balanced when they spawn at lower levels, gaining powers at Levels 30+ and 40+ to reach their current strength, rather than having full access to all powers at all levels. Halloween 2009 - Dark Apocalypse Defeat badge credit for the banner event now guaranteed as long as the participant hits the target once, no longer requiring 10% team damage dealt for credit.
  13. Zones Labyrinth of Fog Additions Added a dialog loop option to return to the weapon checker page on the Labyrinth info NPC. Gateway to the Font of Malevolence given new visuals; Removed the box blocker. Entering the Font of Malevolence while the Minotaur is alive will kick you to the entrance lobby. If you own the Avatar of Achlys mini pet a shortcut to the Font of Malevolence will appear in the True Core near the Benefactor In The Fog, if the Minotaur is dead. Adjustments Minotaur now triggers arena transition at 95% HP. Font of Malevolence spawns individualized in packs of four based on their floor color. This will result in them re-spawning more consistently. Font of Malevolence now spawns a random Giant Monster from the Labyrinth's GM spawn offerings every 75 defeats, before and after the Avatar spawns. These GMs can trigger Spectral Pull at sub-50% HP. Avatar of Achlys can now be spawned once every Minotaur cycle; No longer on a 2-3 hour re-spawn timer. Chalice of Malevolence removed as there is no longer a timer for it to track. Avatar of Achlys now spawns at 350 total defeats in the Font of Malevolence each cycle. Can only be summoned once per cycle. Avatar of Achlys' Malevolent Explosion damage increase/hit-timing staggered. Avatar of Achlys now given similar on/off scrolling +ToHit buff to the Minotaur. Avatar of Achlys' inherent resistances increased from 50% to 85%. Avatar of Achlys' now grants leadership buffs to the Font's spawned mobs. Skull FX that highlights the Font of Malevolence is using Spectral Pull now spins. Harridan EBs now spawn with Talons of Vengeance packs instead of two Keres. Fixes Fixed a potential mapserver crash issue related to Draught of Fog usage. Fixed numerous misspellings of 'Achyls' in various locations. Fixed broken pathing beacons in the newer 5th Column sections. Lowered the violet mote's volume so getting it should be easier. Kallisti Wharf Moved the spawn location for the Halloween event giant monsters away from drones which can insta-kill them. Missions Various Fixed AI pathing issues in the end room affecting a few maps in the office tileset. NPCs Warriors Updated Talos Island Alexander Pavlidis model to use newer Warriors assets. Rewards Mini Pets Fixed the Avatar of Achlys not being summon-able through the Hologram Matrix pop menu macro. Events Halloween 2022 - Trick-or-Treat Elite Bosses Power availability on the Arisen Mummy and Hollow Reaper enemies has been adjusted to be better balanced when they spawn at lower levels, gaining powers at Levels 30+ and 40+ to reach their current strength, rather than having full access to all powers at all levels. Halloween 2009 - Dark Apocalypse Defeat badge credit for the banner event now guaranteed as long as the participant hits the target once, no longer requiring 10% team damage dealt for credit.
  14. Another autumn's October greetings to all you classy cape wearers & stylish schemers out there! It's almost time for a frightfully good spook! ...what time is that you might ask? Spooky season is once again upon us! Oh my indeed! 🎃 Get ready for the Homecoming: City of Heroes Halloween Event! 🎃 October 1st - November 5th So, what does the Halloween event bring? I'm glad you asked! Each year, the fallen fae of the Unseelie Court attempt to invade our world by opening rifts when the spirit realm and the mortal realm are at their closest during the spooky Halloween season. Fortunately for us, they have been thwarted every year by the valiant efforts of Heroes and Villains who stop these spooky beings in their tracks! However, their persistence leads them to bolster their ranks if their attempts at world scaring are to succeed. The Unseelie Court's Hollow Reapers are ever-vigilant at seeking mystic methods to bring frightful fears! These reapers are using their spectral scythes to widen the rifts, allowing even more terrifying creatures of the night to invade when somebody is tricked whilst Trick-or-Treating! This can't be good... 🎃 What is there to do during the Homecoming: City of Heroes Halloween Event? 🎃 https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Halloween_Event Badges, Badges, Badges! There are a ton of event badges to be earned during the Halloween Event each year! Here's a list of all the badges up for grabs! https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Halloween_Event/Badges Zone Trick-or-Treating! https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Halloween_Event/Trick_or_Treat Go to any zone appropriate to your level range, click any mission door, and you'll be surprised with either a Treat reward or a Trick spook! 👻 Treats will reward a variety of things: Halloween costume temporary powers, these come in many flavors! Collecting many rewards badges! Halloween salvage that can be redeemed for an extra costume slot, a spider vanity pet, and more! Talk to the Halloween salvage vendor appropriate for you: Heroes: Annah in Croatoa Villains: Granny Beldam in Nerva Archipelago Praetorians: Acantha in Imperial City If you are wearing a costume power (Halloween or Prestige) while trick-or-treating, you can receive a Whispered Rumor tip mission that allows earning up to six badges! https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Mission:Tip_-_Whispered_Rumor Inspirations! Sometimes though, all you get is a rock... Tricks will spawn Halloween enemies! Worry not, as these enemies can be defeated for badges! Trick-or-Treating Elite Bosses! Five Elite Boss enemies that can spawn while Trick-or-Treating above Level 25! Ancient Vampires Spectral Werewolves Arisen Mummies Crone Matriarchs Hollow Reapers These spooky Elite Bosses will reward five-fold experience and influence for each one defeated! Have any alts that still need some levels? Haven't tried out that one goofy power set combo yet? Want to build a meta character for Advanced Modes? This would be a great opportunity to find some time to go Trick-or-Treating! Each of these Elite Boss mobs also count for the legacy defeat badges. Spectral Werewolves count as both werewolf and ghost defeats! These mobs spawn at a lower rate than other Trick-or-Treat enemies and were designed to be tough. For the best results, try Trick-or-Treating with a team or league! Looking for an efficient Trick-or-Treating spot? Might I recommend the motel near the hospital in Peregrine Island? 👀 Halloween Event Badges! + Aether Rewards! Five badges for defeating each of the Trick-or-Treat Elite Boss types: Vampiric Heritage - Defeat 5 Ancient Vampires from the Halloween Event to earn this badge. Spectral Anomaly - Defeat 5 Spectral Werewolves from the Halloween Event to earn this badge. Mummy's Curse - Defeat 5 Arisen Mummies from the Halloween Event to earn this badge. Unholy Cabal - Defeat 5 Crone Matriarchs from the Halloween Event to earn this badge. Reaper of Souls - Defeat 5 Hollow Reapers from the Halloween Event to earn this badge. Not only that! But each of these elite boss badges also rewards 2 Prismatic Aether Particle salvage as a bonus, for a grand total of 10 possible on each character! Wow! You can earn progress for these badges at any level, but must be Level 25 to claim the badge / salvage rewards! Buy some costumes! Save up for something fancier! Or just sell it on the AH and rake in some inf! Costume Goodies! Fancy any of those Halloween costumes and wish you could keep them permanently? If you earn all five of elite boss Halloween defeat badges and claim the rewards, you'll have enough Prismatic Aether currency to purchase one permanent Tier 1 Prestige Costume of your choosing from any of the BenevoLabs vendors found at Vault Reserve locations! Nice! The Halloween Salvage vendors are also offering a limited-time Fir Bolg, Ancient Vampire, and Arisen Mummy Prestige Costumes which are available for the entirety of the month of October each year! These Halloween prestige costume costs 10 Prismatic Aether Particles + 50 of each of the four Trick-or-Treat Halloween salvage types. Zone Giant Monster Hunts! https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Halloween_Event/Giant_Monsters For the duration of the Halloween Event, you can find the giant monsters, Eochai and Jack-in-Irons, randomly throughout standard zones! The pair are worth an exclusive badge for the first time defeating each, but every time they're defeated grants 6 Reward Merits to everyone who participated! After being defeated, another Eochai or Jack will respawn somewhere in the same zone shortly afterward, so if you search the zone, they can be defeated many times repeatedly for lots of Reward Merits! Eochai: "I will be sure and 'squash' all of these mortal interlopers!" Zombie Apocalypse Zone Invasions! https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Zombie_Apocalypse Keep an eye on the Zone Event channels! Frequently during the Halloween Event's runtime, zones will be attacked by a Zombie Apocalypse! During this event, waves of zombies will spawn anywhere there are players and can be defeated for badges and experience! Group up somewhere with a lot of allies and mow down zombies for rewards! Don't stand too close to Police Drones though! Deadly Apocalypse Zone Events! https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Deadly_Apocalypse Keep an eye on the Zone Event channels! If a spooky fog and four banners roll in, it's time for a Deadly Apocalypse! In this event, players must coordinate to defeat enemies simultaneously at all four Banner locations marked on the map. As the Banner's defenders are defeated simultaneously at all four locations, the protection on the Banners will gradually weaken. Remember if there aren't people at all four banners fighting, you won't be able to make any progress! Eventually, the Banners will become vulnerable, and players can destroy each one for a total of four badges! Once all four Banners have been destroyed, a Greater Mystic Aspect giant monster will spawn somewhere in the zone! If defeated they will reward players with another badge and choice of a temporary power! Dr. Kane's House of Horrors Trial! https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Dr._Kane's_House_of_Horror Grab four allies and queue for the Dr. Kane's House of Horrors Trial from the Looking For Group (LFG) tab on your chat window! Face lots of spooky enemies and earn plenty of badges in this short trial that's only available during the Halloween Event! Tip: Prestige costumes also count for the 'Tricked Out' badge criteria! Atlas Park Zone Makeover! https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Atlas_Park_Seasonal_Changes#Halloween During the Halloween Event, Atlas Park will get a spooky makeover! Enjoy the change of scenery while it lasts! Eternal Night! For the last two weeks of the Halloween Event, starting on October 22nd, most zones will be covered by an eternal night! If you're interested in hunting for enemies that only spawn at certain times of the day like the ghosts in Croatoa! This is a great chance to get those badges! That's everything for Halloween this year! We hope everyone has a grand & spooky time playing City of Heroes! 🎃 Thanks Homecoming for being such awesome players! 🎃
  15. Head on over to the patch notes page to read the full details.
  16. Zones Labyrinth of Fog Additions Malevolent Fog given more fitting sounds and death FX. The Time-Bound Artificer info NPC in the Midnighter Club has new dialog options that tells you which Minotaur weapon defeats the current character talking to them has. Additional flavor dialog also added regarding the Benefactor In The Fog. New unique sound cue added to the zone reset when the Minotaur re-spawns. Defeating the Minotaur automatically now includes a random Incarnate Salvage roll for Level 50 players with their Alpha slot unlocked. Option added to Minotaur in The Fog's reward table choices for 4 Empyrean Merits as alternative for those uninterested in vanity rewards. 3 Fog Inspiration reward option replaced with 3 Ultimate Inspiration reward option. Empyrean payout half for repeat rewards within 18 hours, like the Aether reward choice. Orange 5th Column floor has been expanded. Orange now has a secret door to be found leading to a new area: ???: The Font of Malevolence This secret's door can only be crossed when the Minotaur is dead and the zone timer is running. The Font of Malevolence is a location where larger leagues (3+ teams) can grind large numbers of Elite Bosses that re-spawn infinitely. Elite Bosses defeated in the Font of Malevolence do not count for the zone wide level shift progress. Elite Bosses in this area come from all villain groups present in the zone, like orange floors. Adjustments Labyrinth enemies reduced to Level 54 at base down from 54(+1) which starts them at a difficulty level / with power numbers that players plan their builds for. Labyrinth enemy packs now contain 4 Elite Bosses, down from 6. Removed Level Shift-scaling Damage Resistance buff from Labyrinth enemies to make them much less bulky at higher shift counts. Point value of Elite Boss defeats doubled when league is at 24+ players. Minotaur's movement speed increased to reduce wait times during the end phase of the raid. When the Minotaur In The Fog summons players to the Colosseum of Minos for Trial By Combat, invites will be skipped for players in the entrance lobby, the Core, or a secret area. Unholy Plague Howl, Netted Pilum Toss, and Hoof Stomp are now unaffected by Recharge buffs/debuffs. Minotaur purple triangle up-time increased from 66% to 80%. Colosseum of Minos arena transition now triggered when The Minotaur In The Fog is at <85% HP instead of <75% HP. Gladiator In The Fog reinforcement wave now triggered at <45% HP instead of <25% HP. Ambient drum SFX when the Minotaur is nearby increased in volume. Draught of Fog: When used in the Labyrinth of Fog, this inspiration now also provides a stacking minor PvE Stealth buff for 15 minutes. Combined with a Stealth IO this should allow all players to participate in hunting for Malevolent Fog. Draught of Fog: Condensed the description to try and save on space when in storage bins. Follow Through Fog: Now applies a strong PvE Stealth buff on arrival for 5 seconds. Follow Through Fog: Target must now be a player. Core Attunement: Accolade tray power can now be used anywhere in the zone. Takes those outside the Core in; Takes those inside the Core to the lobby. Core Attunement: Power tool tip now says 'Core Teleport'. Frequency of random Giant Monster spawns increased from every 4-6 hours to 3-4 hours. Giant Monsters are now worth a full zone-wide Level Shift upon defeat. The Giant Monster found in the Forbidden Server Closet secret now cons yellow/neutral until attacked, allowing players to explore the easter egg. Mote's clickable text now matches the mote's color. Spawns near the orange mote have been moved further away. Orange 5th Column floor's randomizer point has been relocated. Fixes Fixed a scenario where the Minotaur could be challenged to combat, teleported to the arena, but then the attempt abandoned which would cause the Minotaur's setup to become bugged. Many typo and text fixes. Removed a door in Orange 5th Column floor that was randomizing unintentionally. Adjustments to Minotaur's power stances to prevent the AI from getting stuck in stance transition. Midnighter Club Adjustments Candles near the entrance to the Labyrinth of Fog now using fog candles. Invention worktable added to the hall with the Merit Vendor. Atlas Park Fixes Added a tree to an empty planter. Tasks Lady Grey's Task Force - Advanced Mode Mission 3 Rikti Monkey Vultures & Psi-Protector Primate's bodies now despawn quicker to reduce ent render limit strain during the encounter. No changes to how long the Monkey Gas that spawns after their defeat persists. Replaced the gold skylight with a gold beam FX originating from the gas centrifuge. This should make locating and defeating Psi-Protectors more reasonable during the encounter: Fixed a bug where Psi-Protector Primates were not receiving their Psi-Network buffs as intended. Fixed misspelling of 'annihilation' in Hro'Dtohz cut scene. Dr. Aeon's Strike Force Battle Becky in the final mission should now properly attach to and be command-able by Vigilante players. Mender Ramiel - 'Power Overwhelming' Echo of Minos now using a Minotaur model that links the echo to the Labyrinth of Fog. Rewards Mini Pets Existing mini pet recipes have had their rarity shifted down (Very Rare -> Rare; Rare -> Uncommon). Uncommon Mini Pet recipes vendor sell value set at 10,000 influence. Rare Mini Pet recipes continue to sell at their previous 100,000 influence. Hamidon Bud recipe standardized to the same drop rate as other Rare pet recipes. Now 0.1% chance, down from 0.4%. Costumes Fixes Added missing 'Fire' and 'Ice' options to Flat Boot category on all three body types. NPCS Null the Gull No longer mentions sending players to a luau in Talos Island as that location is no longer instanced. Incarnates Fixed incorrect Minion rank on Madam Bellerose, correctly set to Boss rank per their critter class. Midnighters Dream Doctor no longer uses sheathed Staff Fighting FX. Fixed missing staff weapon model on Dream Doctor when fighting. Dream Doctor's description on his trainer no longer mentions details from any story arcs. Time-Bound Artificer's sword FX made non-translucent. Psychic Clockwork Assembler Lord's summons to no longer grant rewards. Fixed Tesla Bishops to properly stop their FX animations when defeated like other Clockwork. Maps Praetorian Tech Lab Fixed a hole in the ceiling of the large assembly line rooms. Tech Lab Fixed a glowie that was inside of a wall and unclickable. Miscellaneous Long Range Teleporter Added Midnighter Club, The Crucible, and Fort Trident to the LRT destination check pop menu. Fixed 'Going Rouge' not unlocking Imperial City in the LRT. Fixed LRT still checking for 'Silent Sentinel' badge in Atlas Park instead of 'Rookie'. Powers Accolades Fixes Mark & Recall: Fixed an issue where certain scripted teleport functions would move player's Mark, causing the recalled location to change unintentionally. Marine Affinity Fixes: Barrier Reef Fixed an issue where Barrier Reef's rename feature would not stick after re-summoning. Now has the correct "Disable All" flag to prevent it being used when other powers cannot. No longer displays the "Tempest" power on it's buff bar. Fixes: AE and Dopplegangers NPC versions of Marine Affinity should now have the correct level requirements. Barrier Reef is set to not spawn as often and can be interrupted Miscellaneous Fixes: Sentinel Radiation Blast - Irradiate Fixed a bug where Irradiate could slot Single Target Ranged enhancement sets.
  17. Zones Labyrinth of Fog Additions Malevolent Fog given more fitting sounds and death FX. The Time-Bound Artificer info NPC in the Midnighter Club has new dialog options that tells you which Minotaur weapon defeats the current character talking to them has. Additional flavor dialog also added regarding the Benefactor In The Fog. New unique sound cue added to the zone reset when the Minotaur re-spawns. Defeating the Minotaur automatically now includes a random Incarnate Salvage roll for Level 50 players with their Alpha slot unlocked. Option added to Minotaur in The Fog's reward table choices for 4 Empyrean Merits as alternative for those uninterested in vanity rewards. 3 Fog Inspiration reward option replaced with 3 Ultimate Inspiration reward option. Empyrean payout half for repeat rewards within 18 hours, like the Aether reward choice. Orange 5th Column floor has been expanded. Orange now has a secret door to be found leading to a new area: ???: The Font of Malevolence This secret's door can only be crossed when the Minotaur is dead and the zone timer is running. The Font of Malevolence is a location where larger leagues (3+ teams) can grind large numbers of Elite Bosses that re-spawn infinitely. Elite Bosses defeated in the Font of Malevolence do not count for the zone wide level shift progress. Elite Bosses in this area come from all villain groups present in the zone, like orange floors. The group of Elite Bosses in this area con neutral / yellow, and won't aggro until attacked. Adjustments Malevolent Fog defeats now worth 33 points per defeated, down from 50. Change not going live; Will be reverted. Labyrinth enemies reduced to Level 54 at base down from 54(+1) which starts them at a difficulty level / with power numbers that players plan their builds for. Labyrinth enemy packs now contain 4 Elite Bosses, down from 6. Removed Level Shift-scaling Damage Resistance buff from Labyrinth enemies to make them much less bulky at higher shift counts. Point value of Elite Boss defeats doubled when league is at 24+ players. Minotaur's movement speed increased to reduce wait times during the end phase of the raid. When the Minotaur In The Fog summons players to the Colosseum of Minos for Trial By Combat, invites will be skipped for players in the entrance lobby, the Core, or a secret area. Unholy Plague Howl, Netted Pilum Toss, and Hoof Stomp are now unaffected by Recharge buffs/debuffs. Minotaur purple triangle up-time increased from 66% to 80%. Colosseum of Minos arena transition now triggered when The Minotaur In The Fog is at <85% HP instead of <75% HP. Gladiator In The Fog reinforcement wave now triggered at <45% HP instead of <25% HP. Ambient drum SFX when the Minotaur is nearby increased in volume. Draught of Fog: When used in the Labyrinth of Fog, this inspiration now also provides a stacking minor PvE Stealth buff for 15 minutes. Combined with a Stealth IO this should allow all players to avoid most of the Labyrinth's guardians. Draught of Fog: Condensed the description to try and save on space when in storage bins. Follow Through Fog: Now applies a strong PvE Stealth buff on arrival for 5 seconds. Follow Through Fog: Target must now be a player. Core Attunement: Accolade tray power can now be used anywhere in the zone. Takes those outside the Core in; Takes those inside the Core to the lobby. Core Attunement: Power tool tip now says 'Core Teleport'. Frequency of random Giant Monster spawns increased from every 4-6 hours to 3-4 hours. Giant Monsters are now worth a full zone-wide Level Shift upon defeat. The Giant Monster found in the Forbidden Server Closet secret now cons yellow/neutral until attacked, allowing players to explore the easter egg. Mote's clickable text now matches the mote's color. Spawns near the orange mote have been moved further away. Orange 5th Column floor's randomizer point has been relocated. Fixes Fixed a scenario where the Minotaur could be challenged to combat, teleported to the arena, but then the attempt abandoned which would cause the Minotaur's setup to become bugged. Many typo and text fixes. Removed a door in Orange 5th Column floor that was randomizing unintentionally. Adjustments to Minotaur's power stances to prevent the AI from getting stuck in stance transition. Midnighter Club Adjustments Candles near the entrance to the Labyrinth of Fog now using fog candles. Invention worktable added to the hall with the Merit Vendor. Atlas Park Fixes Added a tree to an empty planter. Tasks Lady Grey's Task Force - Advanced Mode Mission 3 Rikti Monkey Vultures & Psi-Protector Primate's bodies now despawn quicker to reduce ent render limit strain during the encounter. No changes to how long the Monkey Gas that spawns after their defeat persists. Replaced the gold skylight with a gold beam FX originating from the gas centrifuge. This should make locating and defeating Psi-Protectors more reasonable during the encounter: Fixed a bug where Psi-Protector Primates were not receiving their Psi-Network buffs as intended. Fixed misspelling of 'annihilation' in Hro'Dtohz cut scene. Dr. Aeon's Strike Force Battle Becky in the final mission should now properly attach to and be command-able by Vigilante players. Mender Ramiel - 'Power Overwhelming' Echo of Minos now using a Minotaur model that links the echo to the Labyrinth of Fog. Rewards Mini Pets Existing mini pet recipes have had their rarity shifted down (Very Rare -> Rare; Rare -> Uncommon). Uncommon Mini Pet recipes vendor sell value set at 10,000 influence. Rare Mini Pet recipes continue to sell at their previous 100,000 influence. Hamidon Bud recipe standardized to the same drop rate as other Rare pet recipes. Now 0.1% chance, down from 0.4%. Costumes Fixes Added missing 'Fire' and 'Ice' options to Flat Boot category on all three body types. NPCS Null the Gull No longer mentions sending players to a luau in Talos Island as that location is no longer instanced. Incarnates Fixed incorrect Minion rank on Madam Bellerose, correctly set to Boss rank per their critter class. Midnighters Dream Doctor no longer uses sheathed Staff Fighting FX. Fixed missing staff weapon model on Dream Doctor when fighting. Dream Doctor's description on his trainer no longer mentions details from any story arcs. Time-Bound Artificer's sword FX made non-translucent. Psychic Clockwork Assembler Lord's summons to no longer grant rewards. Fixed Tesla Bishops to properly stop their FX animations when defeated like other Clockwork. Maps Praetorian Tech Lab Fixed a hole in the ceiling of the large assembly line rooms. Tech Lab Fixed a glowie that was inside of a wall and unclickable. Miscellaneous Long Range Teleporter Added Midnighter Club, The Crucible, and Fort Trident to the LRT destination check pop menu. Fixed 'Going Rouge' not unlocking Imperial City in the LRT. Fixed LRT still checking for 'Silent Sentinel' badge in Atlas Park instead of 'Rookie'. Powers Accolades Fixes Mark & Recall: Fixed an issue where certain scripted teleport functions would move player's Mark, causing the recalled location to change unintentionally. Marine Affinity Fixes: Barrier Reef Fixed an issue where Barrier Reef's rename feature would not stick after re-summoning. Now has the correct "Disable All" flag to prevent it being used when other powers cannot. No longer displays the "Tempest" power on it's buff bar. Fixes: AE and Dopplegangers NPC versions of Marine Affinity should now have the correct level requirements. Barrier Reef is set to not spawn as often and can be interrupted Miscellaneous Fixes: Sentinel Radiation Blast - Irradiate Fixed a bug where Irradiate could slot Single Target Ranged enhancement sets.
  18. Head on over to the patch notes page to read the full details.
  19. The Curator

    July 30 Update

    Labyrinth of Fog All players in the Labyrinth zone now have inherent intangibility, allowing them to move through other players for optimal movement freedom. Cursed Plague Howl: Base accuracy doubled, recharge halved; No longer hits pets. Tweaked the global spawn rates to off-load the zone's spawn cap by 25%. This should not be particularly perceptible to players, but should help with zone performance and mob spawn consistency. Increased the Minotaur's rotating Mez resist's strength by 50%. Minotaur defeat badge is now auto-granted to everyone in the arena on defeat. Fixed targeting range of the spawn Gladiator power on the Minotaur to prevent them from spawning in the lobby. Fixed an issue that would cause the teleport prompt to pop-up during the Minotaur's attempt multiple times after 75% HP. Fixed an issue where the Minotaur was re-spawning sooner than an hour after defeat. Fixed an issue where interact-able Gladiators In The Fog would run off after becoming hostile. Fixed the LFG description for the Labyrinth referencing deprecated elements. Fixed an issue that would cause the randomizer doors to fire twice and move the player incorrectly. Badges 'Conqueror of the Labyrinth' - Fix the badge's hint referencing an incorrect badge name. 'Protector of Paragon' - Fixed the badge using the wrong art icon. Aether Rewards Added the two Vanguard HVAS costumes to the costume pop-menu. Powers Added Marine Affinity to Architect Entertainment and Doppelganger power entries. Fixed Barrier Reef's Water Only themes to be selectable. Tasks Imperious Task Force Fixed Daedalus having the incorrect version of Overcharge. Zones Pocket D Moved Blarf's wet floor sign behind his spawn point so he's less likely to get stuck on it returning home. Miscellaneous Fixed a long-standing (20+ year old) FX-related leak that could cause performance degradation over time and frame drops on the local client until the player switched zones. Fixed a map server crash issue that could be caused by owning a very large amount of powers.
  20. Labyrinth of Fog All players in the Labyrinth zone now have inherent intangibility, allowing them to move through other players for optimal movement freedom. Cursed Plague Howl: Base accuracy doubled, recharge halved; No longer hits pets. Tweaked the global spawn rates to off-load the zone's spawn cap by 25%. This should not be particularly perceptible to players, but should help with zone performance and mob spawn consistency. Increased the Minotaur's rotating Mez resist's strength by 50%. Minotaur defeat badge is now auto-granted to everyone in the arena on defeat. Fixed targeting range of the spawn Gladiator power on the Minotaur to prevent them from spawning in the lobby. Fixed an issue that would cause the teleport prompt to pop-up during the Minotaur's attempt multiple times after 75% HP. Fixed an issue where the Minotaur was re-spawning sooner than an hour after defeat. Fixed an issue where interact-able Gladiators In The Fog would run off after becoming hostile. Fixed the LFG description for the Labyrinth referencing deprecated elements. Fixed an issue that would cause the randomizer doors to fire twice and move the player incorrectly. Badges 'Conqueror of the Labyrinth' - Fix the badge's hint referencing an incorrect badge name. 'Protector of Paragon' - Fixed the badge using the wrong art icon. Aether Rewards Added the two Vanguard HVAS costumes to the costume pop-menu. Powers Added Marine Affinity to Architect Entertainment and Doppelganger power entries. Fixed Barrier Reef's Water Only themes to be selectable. Tasks Imperious Task Force Fixed Daedalus having the incorrect version of Overcharge. Zones Pocket D Moved Blarf's wet floor sign behind his spawn point so he's less likely to get stuck on it returning home. Miscellaneous Fixed a long-standing (20+ year old) FX sequencer memory leak issue that could cause performance degradation over time and frame drops on the local client until the player switched zones. Fixed a map server crash issue that could be caused by owning a very large amount of powers.
  21. Head on over to the patch notes page to read the full notes.
  22. The Curator

    Issue 28, Page 1

    Patch Notes - Issue 28: Legacy, Page 1 What's New in Issue 28, Page 1? Marquee Features New Raid Zone: The Labyrinth of Fog 🐄 New Story Arc: Ashling Corlett - 'Only Love Can Hurt Like This' 💙 New Powerset: Marine Affinity 🌊 Enemy Group Revamp: The Warriors ⚔️ Powers & Gameplay Adjustments New Power Customization Options Various Adjustments, Improvements & Fixes New Left/Right Eye Auras New Aether Shop Rewards + WST Aether at all levels New Pocket D Friend: Blarf New vanity pet recipe drops New Badges; Four New Accolades + Powers Numerous bug fixes and improvements 🐄💙 Marquee Features 🌊⚔️ New Raid Zone: The Labyrinth Of Fog (Level 45-50) The secret vault of the Midnight Club is a vast trove and holds countless artifacts, most kept locked away for the safety of the world. One artifact the Midnighters have utilized for many years in the training of their new magicians: A pocket dimension contained within an ancient cube created by the Cimeroran inventor Daedalus known only as the Labyrinth of Fog. This labyrinth was a place constructed by the tools of the divine, housing an endless maze filled with visages of nightmare, borne from the memories of those who entered, and hunted by a monstrous beast that roamed its endless halls. It was a place where intelligence, strength, and wit could be tested to ensure the Midnighters who make rank can control the vast magics they command. However, with the whole of humanity's safety at risk, the Dream Doctor has vowed to strengthen Earth's defenders by any means, and to this end sought to see the Labyrinth of Fog opened to any powerful hero or villain, to allow them to test themselves against superior versions of their greatest foes with no risk of death, a metaphysical danger room sustained by the arcane. This would be the most promising method they had in their arsenal towards quickly building champions who could defend their world, and the need had never been greater. Any risks pertaining to the Labyrinth's original purpose would have to be dismissed in favor of the benefits it could provide to the world's strongest, after all, the Dream Doctor had himself trained in this Labyrinth. Now, with the doors to this ancient dungeon opened to all, the Midnighters are providing support to those who are willing to face the worst of themselves and humanity's nightmares. Much hope was placed on those entering the Labyrinth of Fog and conquering its dangers that they might emerge as great champions. "Imagine the birth of an army of heroes... Where each carried the might of Theseus, amongst history's strongest. Earth would be secure." "...If you truly believe that the benefits outweigh the risks, let us test humanity's champions of today." What new adventures lie in store? Like The Hive and The Abyss, The Labryinth of Fog is a raid zone with a low player cap (50), therefore any multi-boxing will not be allowed within. Homecoming's CoC will be updated to state clearly that any multi-boxing within this zone is not allowed. An Artifact In The Midnighter Club? This new co-op raid zone is accessed via an artifact cube found in the Midnighter Club. All players are automatically set to Level 50 while in the zone. An info NPC ghost found near the zone's entrance provides additional information on the specifics of the zone. A trainer, merit vendor, nurse, and buff crafting station have been added to the Midnighter Club zone to help facilitate adventuring activities within the Labyrinth of Fog. The Midnighter Club has been added to Long Range Teleport unlocked by owning the 'Midnight Squad' badge. The Labyrinth of Fog added to the LFG queue where it's found under the 'Trials & Raids' tab if you can access the Midnighter Club and are over Level 45. The zone has a 50-player population cap. Additional instances will generate if one fills. Many Floors & Corridors! The raid zone begins with the labyrinth's entrance lobby. Reviving at the hospital while in this zone will return you to the entrance lobby. Idle players are returned to the Midnighter Club after 15 minutes of inactivity. Logging out while in the zone will return you to the entrance lobby upon login. There is no mini map in the labyrinth except for the entrance lobby. The entrance lobby contains four color-coded portals that each are used to enter into the labyrinth. Each goes to a color-coded floor. There are six floor colors total: Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Violet, Orange The color of the floor determines what set of grouped enemies populate that floor. Violet Floors contain the most dangerous groups and Giant Monster event channel spawns. Orange floors contain completely randomized enemies. Here is a complete list of the various enemy groups that populate the labyrinth and their floor color: Arachnos Council Freakshow Gold Brickers Hydra Devouring Earth Drudges Imperial Defense Force Nemesis Rikti Carnival of Shadows Circle Of Thorns Cimeroran Traitors Malta Operatives Tsoo Crey The Family Praetorian Resistance Psychic Clockwork Sky Raiders Snakes The Awakened Arachnoids Nictus + Void Hunters Soldiers Of Rularuu Talons Of Vengeance Vanguard Sword Fight For Rewards & Gain Level Shifts! Experience & Influence earned in the zone increased by 25% This stacks with other power such as Experience Boosters or Windfall. Labyrinth of Fog is an extremely vast (40+ floors) mission-style zone filled with Level 54+1 enemies to battle for increased rewards. It is intended this zone be tackled with a Team or League. All enemies in the zone are Rank Shifted (Minion -> Lieutenant, etc.) up to a maximum rank of Elite Boss. Enemies behave identically to standard content and drop all the same rewards they would normally. As Elite Bosses are defeated, a meter on your navigation will fill up, eventually granting a zone-wide Level Shift buff! Elite Bosses have a foggy aura to make them easier to identify as the targets in the zone. Elite Bosses increase in Level Shifts alongside the players. Pets (including Mastermind and Lore) also receive the zone-wide Level Shift buffs. Fear The Minotaur! While in The Labyrinth of Fog, players are hunted continuously by The Minotaur In The Fog, a Monster that's Level 54+(5 to 10) and periodically (every 2-3 minutes) moves to the location of a player on the map (higher odds for the zone's oldest occupants, excludes those in the entrance lobby which is always safe), navigating the labyrinth's maze at inhuman speeds to find prey. For every 8 players in the zone after the first, the Minotaur will gain another +1 Level Shift (min +5, max +10). The navigation window will display the Minotaur's current level, or, if they're currently dead, will show a timer to their next respawn time: 1-8 players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+5) 9-16 players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+6) 17-24 players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+7) 25-32 players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+8) 33-40 players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+9) 41+ players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+10) Defeating the Minotaur will award the new 'Slayer of the Minotaur' badge and the Minotaur will vanish from the zone for one hour, allowing people to adventure and battle enemies within without danger. The Minotaur rewards a choice table with 5 Prismatic Aether + 10 Monstrous Aether to all who participated in the defeat on an 18 hour cool-down. Additional defeats within that time will only reward half the payout. Alternatively, can select 3 Draught of Fog inspirations with no cool-down. The Minotaur will spawn with one of five different weapon power sets; All weapon powers deal 100% Negative Energy damage exclusively. All variants of the Minotaur come with the Unholy Plague Howl, Netted Pilums, Hoof Stomp, Trial By Combat, and Fog Given Form powers. Search for Malevolent Fog! Special 'Malevolent Fog' pinata enemies (no attacks, no regeneration) can be found in the labyrinth that, when defeated, increases the zone's Level Shift navigation bar meter by 50 points and grants 1 Reward Merit to all players in the zone who meet the following conditions: Cannot be dead. Cannot be in the entrance lobby, the Core, or a secret area. A single player who participated in the defeat will receive a 'Draught of Fog' inspiration. These special inspirations provide the user with 15 minutes of a single Level Shift stack exclusive to them and their pets, as well as immunity to the Diseased debuff. These Inspirations are not bound and can be freely traded or stored in Super Group bases. Malevolent Fog are most commonly found in rooms that are dead ends, and their FX makes them stands out in the foggy environment. Once defeated, another Malevolent Fog will spawn somewhere else in the labyrinth to take its place. This should naturally filter them down to lesser visited places over time while ensuring there is always some to be found. The zone-wide buff grants +1 Level Shift, +DMG/ToHit/Recharge/Recovery for each stack. It can be stacked up to ten times from either Malevolent Fog defeats or cumulative Elite Boss defeats. The current Level Shift total can be seen on your buff bar as a black icon with a white number: The Labyrinth's Level Shifts stack up to a max of 10! The Level Shift buffs decay at a rate of once per 5 minutes, each decay will reduce the total stack of Level Shifts by 1. But Not Without Assistance! Players are given two pop-tray powers while in the labyrinth to assist them: Escape From Fog: Teleports yourself back to the entrance lobby of the labyrinth. 1 second cool-down. Follow Through Fog: Teleport yourself to a target Team or League mate. May fail if the target does not have space nearby or is going through a door. Intended to help teams stick together. 1 second cool-down. Gladiators In The Fog? Throughout the colored floors, players can encounter Gladiators In The Fog. Standing next to one will prompt the Gladiator to respond. Depending on how many badges from the Labyrinth you currently have, the Gladiator will do one of the following: Respond with hints/tips/lore dialog about the Labyrinth. Gift a Draught of Fog inspiration. Become hostile and attack the player. (More Labyrinth badges = higher chance of attack) Each Gladiator will only interact with the same player once ever. Defeated Gladiators drop a single Draught of Fog inspiration to one participating player. Blood and strength unseen, Gladiator! Explore the Labyrinth! There are many secrets and prizes to be discovered within the Labyrinth of Fog. Including many not detailed at all in the patch notes! Finding a secret area will reward the 'Hidden In Fog' exploration badge. Secret area doors have a confirmation box when clicked to enter them. Some secret areas are easy to find, others more difficult. All secret areas reward the same exploration badge. The secret areas show up as '???' locations and immediately grant the badge upon discovery. New Story Arc 'Only Love Can Hurt Like this' - Ashling Corlett (Level 41-49) Ashling Corlett is a veteran of Paragon City, even if you've never heard of her. When the Shivan attack hit Galaxy City she was in the thick of the Hero Corps rescue detail, only leaving after directly ordered to despite suffering serious injury. As a result she moved to the Hero Corps reserves, but she hasn't been idle. There's things left undone and she means to finish them, even if it means crossing a few lines to do it. Reach out to Ashling and her Hero Corps reserves, there's work to be done! CONTACT: Ashling Corlett LOCATION: Steel Canyon (/thumbtack -4736.0 0.0 395.4) ALIGNMENT / LEVEL: Hero - Level 41+ OUROBOROS / ARC: Captain (40-49) - 28.01 New Support Powerset - Marine Affinity - Defender, Controller, Corruptor, Mastermind Marine Affinity allows players to command the power of the Oceans to buff their friends and wash away their enemies. This set focuses on turning the tides of battle with several area-based buffs and debuffs, specifically bolstering ally damage while dampening enemy damage potential. Thematically, the set's area coverage allows you to either spread out areas of effect in a wide but shallow pool, or dive deep in one spot to bowl over enemies. Surf & Turf is on the menu this Page! Powers: Shoal Rush - By sensing the water in an area, you can direct a shoal of marine life to harass your foes. This lowers the defense and movement speeds of all enemies struck. Soothing Wave - Send forth a calming wave of water, washing over friend and foe alike. Allies will be healed by this power, while enemies will have their offensive power watered down. Toroidal Bubble - You create a ring of Bubbles that encase your allies, constantly hydrating them to replenish endurance and reducing the effects of endurance drain. The bubble also reduces all incoming damage, providing extra resistance to Fire and Smashing damage, and also increases jump height thanks to added buoyancy. Whitecap - Summon and ride a wave of water towards your target, crashing down to knock over all enemies in the radius and staggering them, lowering their damage resistance! Enemies close to where you crash will receive harsher debuffs and damage. Tide Pool - Create a large pool of water at a targeted location to swell the damage that your allies deal, while reducing the damage , movement speeds, and stealth of enemies within the Tide Pool. If an enemy is defeated in the pool, or they are targeted by Shoal Rush or Whitecap, the marine life present will be thrown into a frenzy! While frenzied, the Tide Pool has a chance to knock over enemies and the damage buff and debuff is stronger. Brine - You coat an enemy in an extremely salinated layer of deep-sea brine that reduces your foe's maximum hit points, and resistance to damage. This power may consume up to 3 stacks of Shifting Tide's buff in order to recharge much faster per stack. Shifting Tides - Select a target to create a field of shifting waters around them. Enemies within the shifting waters have a chance take bonus damage when any power hits them, as well as provide you and your allies a stacking Rising Tide buff that increases ToHit, Damage, and Recharge time. The more stacks of Rising Tide, the higher the odds to proc bonus damage! Barrier Reef - Create a Barrier Reef teeming with life at your target location. The Barrier Reef will emit an aura that washes over allies in range, providing them with a defensive cover of water that will absorb and deflect some damage. Power of the Depths - Becoming a conduit of the ocean itself, you boost the max hit points and endurance of allies within range. This power will also increase the Regeneration rate of all nearby allies, while also increasing the Range of all of their powers. A portion of these effects will decay over time. Unleash the power of the ocean! Enemy Group Revamp: The Warriors Warriors, come out and play! All New costumes and visuals for all Warrior enemies except Odysseus. Standardized melee range to 7ft. Base accuracy for weapon attacks increased from 1.0x to 1.05x. Base accuracy for Bow/Crossbow attacks increased to 1.2x. Warriors with Hand Crossbows levels 20-39 replaced with Aimed Shot at 40+. Warriors with Bow levels 20-39 replaced with Blazing Arrow at 40+. Warriors with Crossbow levels 20-39 replaced with Crystal Arrow at 40+. Warriors with Exploding Bolt levels 20-39 replaced with Explosive Arrow at 40+. Updated critter names to follow traditional Warrior naming conventions. Added Archery minion/lieutenant/boss critters. Created new base Warrior resistance scaling by critter rank. Updated descriptions and help text for all new Warriors powers. Updated legacy missions and spawndefs with Warriors to use New Warriors. Created new custom spawndefs for Warriors. Crushers Bash animation reduced from 1.37s to 1.33s, disorient increased from 5% chance to 10%. Pulverize animation reduced from 1.83s to 1.5s. Clobber animation reduced from 1.83s to 1.23s, damage scale increased from 0.25 to 2.92, recharge decreased from 20s to 16s, disorient decreased from scale 10 duration to scale 5.0. Shatter damage scale increased from 1.96 to 2.28, increased arc from 10 to 45 degrees. Crowd Control added to bosses levels 40+. Custom Willpower auto power added to minions/lieutenants/bosses levels 40+, custom Willpower toggle for lieutenants/bosses levels 40+. Hewers Gash animation reduced from 1.83s to 1s, damage scale decreased from 1.16 to 1.0, recharge decreased from 5s to 4s. Chop animation reduced from 1.83s to 1.2s, damage scale decreased from 1.96 to 1.64, recharge decreased from 10s to 8s. Beheader animation reduced from 1.37s to 1.27s, damage scale decreased from 2.28 to 1.96, recharge decreased from 12s to 10s. Pendulum converted from 5ft radius/180 degree cone to 7ft radius melee TAoE, animation reduced from 2.27s to 2s, damage scale decreased from 1.9 to 1.35. Swoop added to bosses levels 40+. Custom Willpower auto power added to minions/lieutenants/bosses levels 40+, custom Willpower toggle for lieutenants/bosses levels 40+. Slashers Hack animation reduced from 1.83s to 1.33s, damage scale increased from 0.84 to 1.64, recharge increased from 3s to 8s, defense debuff duration increased from 6s to 10s. Slash animation reduced from 2.27s to 1.33s, damage scale decreased from 1.32 to 1.0, recharge decreased from 6s to 4s, defense debuff duration decreased from 10s to 6s. Parry animation reduced from 2s to 1.33s, added lethal defense to self defense buff. Whirling Sword animation reduced from 2.87s to 2.67s. Minion Hack replaced with Slash. Head Splitter added to bosses levels 40+. Custom Willpower auto power added to minions/lieutenants/bosses levels 40+, custom Willpower toggle for lieutenants/bosses levels 40+. Brawlers Added 10% chance for recharge and tohit debuff to Brawl. Boxing damage scale increased from 0.76 to 0.874, disorient increased from 5% chance mag 2 to 35% chance mag 3. Kick damage scale increased from 0.84 to 0.966, knockdown chance increased from 20% to 40%. Added Lieutenant and Boss critters with Street Justice attacks. Minions levels 40+ have Fighting suite replaced with Street Justice. Bosses levels 40+ gain Crushing Uppercut. Custom Super Reflexes auto power added to minions/lieutenants/bosses levels 40+, custom Super Reflexes toggle for lieutenants/bosses levels 40+. Staff Fighting Created new class for Staff Fighting users with Pilum ranged attacks; use Super Reflexes at high levels. Powers & Gameplay Adjustments Power Customization Energy Mastery: Laser Beam Sweep alt animation/fx for Energy Torrent (only applies to versions of Energy Mastery with Laser Beam Eyes). Teleport: The following customization options have been added to the Teleport / Combat Teleport customization offerings: Goop (Tintable) Customization Adjustments Added ability to color the power customization of the following Teleport / Combat Teleport options: Smoke Bomb (Tintable) Rikti (Original + Tintable) Tornado (Tintable) Murder of Crows (Tintable) Character Customization Improvements New Costume Parts Auras The following customization options have been added to costume aura offerings: Alpha (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Atomic (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Battle Fury (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Beastly Rage (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Binary (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Cryo (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Electricity (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Fairy Dust (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Fire (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Fire Flies (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Gaseous (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Glow (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Omega (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Pixels (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Smouldering (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Snow (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Sparkle (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Sparks (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Starburst Glow (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Tendrils (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Thunderhead (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Volcanic (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Aether Shop Rewards Prismatic Aether salvage now drops from the Weekly Strike Target at all levels, no longer requires being Level 50. 🎉 Tier 1 Reward Additions New NPC costumes added to the Tier 1 Aether reward vendor offerings: Costume: Banished Pantheon Totem Costume: Luddite Costume: Luddite Crusader Costume: Malta Tac Ops Commander Costume: Malta Hercules Titan Costume: Rikti Ambassador Costume: Rikti Scientist Costume: Rikti Specialist Costume: Talons Sibyl (Earth) Costume: Talons Sibyl (Fire) Costume: Talons Sibyl (Ice) Costume: Talons Sibyl (Shadow) Costume: Talons Sibyl (Storm) Costume: Rogue Arachnos Blood Widow Costume: Warrior Hewer Gladiator Costume: Warrior Hoplite Gladiator Costume: Warrior Pankratiast Gladiator Tier 2 Reward Adjustment The following costume power is being moved from Tier 1 to Tier 2: Costume: Legacy Warrior Thug Tier 3 Reward Additions New cosmetic effects added to the Tier 3 Aether reward vendor offerings: Effect: Vision Filter (Monochrome and Sepia Tone screen filters) This power requires the game client's 'Desaturation Effects' graphic option be enabled in order to function! Applies a screen filter to your game client: Just like the old days... Wait, that doesn't seem right... Tier 4 Reward Additions New premium costume added to the Tier 4 Aether reward vendor offerings: Costume: Block Mode + Costume: Block Mini Mode Grants both power regular and mini versions with singular purchase! This power has five customization options: Cutting-edge high-definition costumes, quality assured by GM_Bot itself! Vanguard Merit Reward Additions New NPC costumes added to the Vanguard Merit worktable offerings: Costume: Vanguard Shield HVAS Costume: Vanguard Sword HVAS Various Additions, Enhancements, & Fixes New Pocket D Friend: Blarf Abnormal or adorable? You decide! Blarf is a for-fun zone mini pet that spawns near the unique wet floor sign on the red-side ground floor where the former nauseous man used to be. Clicking on Blarf will engage in affection-giving physical contact. WARNING: DJ ZERO & POCKET D ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INCIDENTS RELATED TO HEALTH DEGRADATION FROM CONTACT WITH UNIDENTIFIED MATTER, PLEASE EXERCISE CAUTION AND RESTRAINT WHEN ENGAGING WITH BLARF! DO NOT FEED BLARF UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! Blarf's location within Pocket D is tracked on the mini-map with a blue-green dot, and updated in real-time. Blarf will become friends with the first person who clicks them, becoming attached and following them around anywhere they go within Pocket D for a while. Blarf has a short attention span. After 3-minutes it can be distracted and become attached to a new person who clicks on them. If you move too far away from Blarf for too long (>20ft, for 5 seconds), they will lose interest in their current friend. Blarf does not have any collision, but is fast and affectionate. Blarf doesn't like to go to the certain locations, and will return to their spawn if their current friend goes into any of the following places: Architect Entertainment Ski Chalet VIP Lounge Hospitals Elevator Entrance Hallways Blue-side Upstairs Bar Blarf can fly! Airborne friends are supported by Blarf. Blarf will give a "gift" to anybody who clicks them, even if they don't become their next friend. These "gifts" are on a 10-minute cool-down timer. Vanity Pets New Pets Recipes The following Very Rare recipes have been added and have a 0.1% (1 in 1000) chance to drop one from any Nictus or Void Hunter group Boss rank defeat: Pet: Mini Kheldian Black Dwarf Pet: Mini Kheldian Bright Nova Pet: Mini Kheldian Dark Nova Pet: Mini Kheldian White Dwarf Like other pet recipes, these can be traded or sold on the Auction House. Pet Adjustments Giant Monster's Mini Pet Recipes (Rare quality) can now be sold to vendors for 100,000 Influence each. Peacebringers and Warshades can now use vanity pets while transformed. New Badges (15) Accolade 'Conqueror of the Labyrinth' - Collect the following badges in order to unlock this accolade: Grants: 'Core Attunement' - Self: Teleport between the Labyrinth of Fog's lobby and the Core of the Labyrinth. (Only available from those locations) Collect the following badges in order to unlock this accolade: Slayer of the Minotaur (New, The Minotaur In The Fog defeat) Malevolent Intoxication (New, 5 Malevolent Fog defeats) Greek Philosopher (New, History) Hidden In Fog (New, Labyrinth of Fog exploration) 'Between Realities' - Collect the following badges in order to unlock this accolade: Grants: 'Mark' & 'Recall' - Instant cast. First usage records your current position as the Mark. Second usage return teleports caster to the location they originally set their Mark. Mark is not consumed until used or the owner leaves the zone. 10 minute cool-down. Unable to be activated on missions where it could cause soft locks. Collect the following badges in order to unlock this accolade: Germinator Terminator (Seed of Hamidon defeat) Full Spectrum (Seedling defeats) Show's Over (Carnival defeats) Lawbreaker (Drudge defeats) Multifacted (New, 25 Alignment Tip missions) The Last Word (History) Eye of the Vortex (First Ward exploration) Stargazer (Night Ward exploration) Dead but Dreaming (Night Ward exploration) 'Protector of Paragon City / Traitor to Paragon City' Grants: 'Sheer Willpower' - Self: Resist Mez Effects for 30 seconds, 10 minute cool-down. Collect the following badges in order to unlock this accolade: 'Force of Justice' (Safeguard Mission accolade) Safeguard Mission side missions have been made to grant credit team-wide. 'Guardian of Forever' (Laura Lockhart story arc) 'The Greater Good' (Agent Watkins story arc) 'Beyond Reasonable Doubt' (Shauna Braun story arc) 'Gallant' (Hero Morality Mission) 'Bicentennial' (History) 'Strike Force Commander / Deep Strike Agent' Grants: 'Sheer Willpower' - Self: Resist Mez Effects for 30 seconds, 10 minute cool-down. Collect the following badges in order to unlock this accolade: 'Binder of Beasts' (Tarikoss Strike Force) 'Leviathan' (Operative Renault Strike Force) 'Air Pirate' (Silver Mantis Strike Force) 'Crystal Keeper' (Ice Mistral Strike Force) 'Gold Standard' (Dr. Aeon Strike Force) Accomplishment 'Bound By NDA' - Complete Ashling Corlette's story arc to earn this badge. 'Nutrient-Rich' - Feed Blarf to earn this badge. Achievement 'Uncommitted' - Complete 5 Alignment Tip missions to earn this badge. Alignment Tip mission complete credit is team-wide for all three badges. 'Adept' - Complete 10 Alignment Tip missions to earn this badge. 'Multifaceted' - Complete 25 Alignment Tip missions to earn this badge. Defeat 'Slayer of the Minotaur' - Defeat The Minotaur In The Fog to earn this badge. 'Malevolent Intoxication' - Defeat 5 of the Malevolent Fog pinatas to earn this badge. 'Phantom Gladiator' - Defeat 25 Gladiators In The Fog to earn this badge. Exploration 'Hidden In Fog' - Locate any of the Labyrinth of Fog's secret areas to earn this badge. 'Lab Rat' - Cross the maze found in the Endless Colonnade to earn this badge. History 'Greek Philosopher' - Discover all five history plaques found in the Core of the Labyrinth to earn this badge. Badge Changes Day Jobs 'Arachnos Official / Arachnos Traitor' - Fixed this badge using the hero version text when on a villain character. Defeats 'Mythical' - Incarnate Nictus Minotaurs and The Minotaur In The Fog now also count for this badge. 'Gear Smasher' - Psychic Clockwork Gears now count for this badge. Zones Contacts Mercedes Sheldon (Midnighter Club) Moved from her confusing position in one of the duplicate entrance hallways, now found in the main Midnighter Club hall. Mercedes Sheldon (Pocket D) Corrected the event version of Mercedes Sheldon from appearing in contact introductions. Tasks Mission Maps Enemies Miscellaneous Remove /emailsend, /emailsendattachment, /gmailclaim, and /gmailreturn slash commands. These commands were intended for internal use by the UI and correct usage depends on knowing internal character state that is not visible to the player. Incorrect usage can leave the player's mailbox in a corrupt state that renders it unusable without manual administrator intervention to fix the database records.
  23. Patch Notes - Issue 28: Legacy, Page 1 Current notes cumulative, not final page release notes. Most changes from the previous beta build are listed in green. Green text will become white text in the next set of patch notes. Any changes or fixes that are only relevant to the beta builds (IE: fixes / tweaks to new features) are listed in blue. Blue text will be deleted in the next set of patch notes as it is only relevant to highlight changes between beta builds, not a changes from live. Known issues are listed in purple. Developer commentary in pink. Only on beta releases. Only looking for what changed in Release Candidate 2? Check here! All changes are also in the full patch notes found below. RELEASE CANDIDATE 2 CHANGES: What's New in Issue 28, Page 1? Marquee Features New Raid Zone: The Labyrinth of Fog 🐄 New Story Arc: Ashling Corlett - 'Only Love Can Hurt Like This' 💙 New Powerset: Marine Affinity 🌊 Enemy Group Revamp: The Warriors ⚔️ Powers & Gameplay Adjustments New Power Customization Options Various Adjustments, Improvements & Fixes New Left/Right Eye Auras New Aether Shop Rewards + WST Aether at all levels New Pocket D Friend: Blarf New vanity pet recipe drops New Badges; Four New Accolades + Powers Numerous bug fixes and improvements 🐄💙 Marquee Features 🌊⚔️ New Raid Zone: The Labyrinth Of Fog (Level 45-50) [Focused Feedback] New music track added to the Endless Colonnade area. Fixed a power attribute mix-up that caused Hoof Stomp's KB to not be unresistable. Added Minotaur war drum ambiance SFX that plays when as the Minotaur gets closer (starts at ~100ft) and tips players off that they're being approached. Minotaur's minimum HP now always scales as if there were 8 players present and scales up starting with the ninth player in the zone. Minotaur now spawns immediately when the zone launches. Minotaur's progression powers now grant sequentially to ensure no sequence breaking in the raid. Fixed randomizer tunnel double-firing locations briefly. The secret vault of the Midnight Club is a vast trove and holds countless artifacts, most kept locked away for the safety of the world. One artifact the Midnighters have utilized for many years in the training of their new magicians: A pocket dimension contained within an ancient cube created by the Cimeroran inventor Daedalus known only as the Labyrinth of Fog. This labyrinth was a place constructed by the tools of the divine, housing an endless maze filled with visages of nightmare, borne from the memories of those who entered, and hunted by a monstrous beast that roamed its endless halls. It was a place where intelligence, strength, and wit could be tested to ensure the Midnighters who make rank can control the vast magics they command. However, with the whole of humanity's safety at risk, the Dream Doctor has vowed to strengthen Earth's defenders by any means, and to this end sought to see the Labyrinth of Fog opened to any powerful hero or villain, to allow them to test themselves against superior versions of their greatest foes with no risk of death, a metaphysical danger room sustained by the arcane. This would be the most promising method they had in their arsenal towards quickly building champions who could defend their world, and the need had never been greater. Any risks pertaining to the Labyrinth's original purpose would have to be dismissed in favor of the benefits it could provide to the world's strongest, after all, the Dream Doctor had himself trained in this Labyrinth. Now, with the doors to this ancient dungeon opened to all, the Midnighters are providing support to those who are willing to face the worst of themselves and humanity's nightmares. Much hope was placed on those entering the Labyrinth of Fog and conquering its dangers that they might emerge as great champions. "Imagine the birth of an army of heroes... Where each carried the might of Perseus, amongst history's strongest. Earth would be secure." "...If you truly believe that the benefits outweigh the risks, let us test humanity's champions of today." What new adventures lie in store? Like The Hive and The Abyss, The Labryinth of Fog is a raid zone with a low player cap (50), therefore any multi-boxing will not be allowed within. Homecoming's CoC will be updated to state clearly that any multi-boxing within this zone is not allowed. An Artifact In The Midnighter Club? This new co-op raid zone is accessed via an artifact cube found in the Midnighter Club. All players are automatically set to Level 50 while in the zone. An info NPC ghost found near the zone's entrance provides additional information on the specifics of the zone. A trainer, merit vendor, nurse, and buff crafting station have been added to the Midnighter Club zone to help facilitate adventuring activities within the Labyrinth of Fog. The Midnighter Club has been added to Long Range Teleport unlocked by owning the 'Midnight Squad' badge. The Labyrinth of Fog added to the LFG queue where it's found under the 'Trials & Raids' tab if you can access the Midnighter Club and are over Level 45. The zone has a 50-player population cap. Additional instances will generate if one fills. Many Floors & Corridors! The raid zone begins with the labyrinth's entrance lobby. Reviving at the hospital while in this zone will return you to the entrance lobby. Idle players are returned to the Midnighter Club after 15 minutes of inactivity. Logging out while in the zone will return you to the entrance lobby upon login. There is no mini map in the labyrinth except for the entrance lobby. The entrance lobby contains four color-coded portals that each are used to enter into the labyrinth. Each goes to a color-coded floor. There are six floor colors total: Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Violet, Orange The color of the floor determines what set of grouped enemies populate that floor. Violet Floors contain the most dangerous groups and Giant Monster event channel spawns. Orange floors contain completely randomized enemies. Here is a complete list of the various enemy groups that populate the labyrinth and their floor color: Arachnos Council Freakshow Gold Brickers Hydra Devouring Earth Drudges Imperial Defense Force Nemesis Rikti Carnival of Shadows Circle Of Thorns Cimeroran Traitors Malta Operatives Tsoo Crey The Family Praetorian Resistance Psychic Clockwork Sky Raiders Snakes The Awakened Arachnoids Nictus + Void Hunters Soldiers Of Rularuu Talons Of Vengeance Vanguard Sword Fight For Rewards & Gain Level Shifts! Experience & Influence earned in the zone increased by 25% This stacks with other power such as Experience Boosters or Windfall. Labyrinth of Fog is an extremely vast (40+ floors) mission-style zone filled with Level 54+1 enemies to battle for increased rewards. It is intended this zone be tackled with a Team or League. All enemies in the zone are Rank Shifted (Minion -> Lieutenant, etc.) up to a maximum rank of Elite Boss. Enemies behave identically to standard content and drop all the same rewards they would normally. As Elite Bosses are defeated, a meter on your navigation will fill up, eventually granting a zone-wide Level Shift buff! Elite Bosses have a foggy aura to make them easier to identify as the targets in the zone. Elite Bosses increase in Level Shifts alongside the players. Pets (including Mastermind and Lore) also receive the zone-wide Level Shift buffs. Fear The Minotaur! While in The Labyrinth of Fog, players are hunted continuously by The Minotaur In The Fog, a Monster that's Level 54+(5 to 10) and periodically (every 2-3 minutes) moves to the location of a player on the map (higher odds for the zone's oldest occupants, excludes those in the entrance lobby which is always safe), navigating the labyrinth's maze at inhuman speeds to find prey. For every 8 players in the zone after the first, the Minotaur will gain another +1 Level Shift (min +5, max +10). The navigation window will display the Minotaur's current level, or, if they're currently dead, will show a timer to their next respawn time: 1-8 players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+5) 9-16 players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+6) 17-24 players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+7) 25-32 players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+8) 33-40 players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+9) 41+ players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+10) Defeating the Minotaur will award the new 'Slayer of the Minotaur' badge and the Minotaur will vanish from the zone for one hour, allowing people to adventure and battle enemies within without danger. The Minotaur rewards a choice table with 5 Prismatic Aether + 10 Monstrous Aether to all who participated in the defeat on an 18 hour cool-down. Additional defeats within that time will only reward half the payout. Alternatively, can select 3 Draught of Fog inspirations with no cool-down. The Minotaur will spawn with one of five different weapon power sets; All weapon powers deal 100% Negative Energy damage exclusively. All variants of the Minotaur come with the Unholy Plague Howl, Netted Pilums, Hoof Stomp, Trial By Combat, and Fog Given Form powers. Search for Malevolent Fog! Special 'Malevolent Fog' pinata enemies (no attacks, no regeneration) can be found in the labyrinth that, when defeated, increases the zone's Level Shift navigation bar meter by 50 points and grants 1 Reward Merit to all players in the zone who meet the following conditions: Cannot be dead. Cannot be in the entrance lobby, the Core, or a secret area. A single player who participated in the defeat will receive a 'Draught of Fog' inspiration. These special inspirations provide the user with 15 minutes of a single Level Shift stack exclusive to them and their pets, as well as immunity to the Diseased debuff. These Inspirations are not bound and can be freely traded or stored in Super Group bases. Malevolent Fog are most commonly found in rooms that are dead ends, and their FX makes them stands out in the foggy environment. Once defeated, another Malevolent Fog will spawn somewhere else in the labyrinth to take its place. This should naturally filter them down to lesser visited places over time while ensuring there is always some to be found. The zone-wide buff grants +1 Level Shift, +DMG/ToHit/Recharge/Recovery for each stack. It can be stacked up to ten times from either Malevolent Fog defeats or cumulative Elite Boss defeats. The current Level Shift total can be seen on your buff bar as a black icon with a white number: The Labyrinth's Level Shifts stack up to a max of 10! The Level Shift buffs decay at a rate of once per 5 minutes, each decay will reduce the total stack of Level Shifts by 1. But Not Without Assistance! Players are given two pop-tray powers while in the labyrinth to assist them: Escape From Fog: Teleports yourself back to the entrance lobby of the labyrinth. 1 second cool-down. Follow Through Fog: Teleport yourself to a target Team or League mate. May fail if the target does not have space nearby or is going through a door. Intended to help teams stick together. 1 second cool-down. Gladiators In The Fog? Throughout the colored floors, players can encounter Gladiators In The Fog. Standing next to one will prompt the Gladiator to respond. Depending on how many badges from the Labyrinth you currently have, the Gladiator will do one of the following: Respond with hints/tips/lore dialog about the Labyrinth. Gift a Draught of Fog inspiration. Become hostile and attack the player. (More Labyrinth badges = higher chance of attack) Each Gladiator will only interact with the same player once ever. Defeated Gladiators drop a single Draught of Fog inspiration to one participating player. Blood and strength unseen, Gladiator! Explore the Labyrinth! There are many secrets and prizes to be discovered within the Labyrinth of Fog. Including many not detailed at all in the patch notes! Finding a secret area will reward the 'Hidden In Fog' exploration badge. Secret area doors have a confirmation box when clicked to enter them. Some secret areas are easy to find, others more difficult. All secret areas reward the same exploration badge. The secret areas show up as '???' locations and immediately grant the badge upon discovery. New Story Arc [Focused Feedback] 'Only Love Can Hurt Like this' - Ashling Corlett (Level 41-49) Mission 1: Defeat All is more explictly defined. Mission 2: Defeating just the boss in the group does not complete the encounter. Mission 2a: Vigilante Point earnable by sabotaging the crates and completing the mission. Mission 2b: Troll Hunt reduced to 10. Boomtown location more explicitly defined. Mission 3: Return Dialog adjusted to react to lab staff getting gooped into Project Locke. Mission 4: Heroes now 'heroes' to elicit wonder and suspicion. Mission 5: Cut Scene: Ashley is now more obviously not a typo. Ashling Corlett is a veteran of Paragon City, even if you've never heard of her. When the Shivan attack hit Galaxy City she was in the thick of the Hero Corps rescue detail, only leaving after directly ordered to despite suffering serious injury. As a result she moved to the Hero Corps reserves, but she hasn't been idle. There's things left undone and she means to finish them, even if it means crossing a few lines to do it. Reach out to Ashling and her Hero Corps reserves, there's work to be done! CONTACT: Ashling Corlett LOCATION: Steel Canyon (/thumbtack -4736.0 0.0 395.4) ALIGNMENT / LEVEL: Hero - Level 41+ OUROBOROS / ARC: Captain (40-49) - 28.01 New Support Powerset - Marine Affinity - Defender, Controller, Corruptor, Mastermind [Focused Feedback] Marine Affinity allows players to command the power of the Oceans to buff their friends and wash away their enemies. This set focuses on turning the tides of battle with several area-based buffs and debuffs, specifically bolstering ally damage while dampening enemy damage potential. Thematically, the set's area coverage allows you to either spread out areas of effect in a wide but shallow pool, or dive deep in one spot to bowl over enemies. Surf & Turf is on the menu this Page! Brine now properly recharges on all ATs when spending Rising Tide stacks. Masterminds have correct end costs on all powers. Fixed bug where Whitecap may have animated twice due to the execute power having an animation. Fixed instances where DarkWaterOnlyPowersetTheme and BrightWaterOnlyPowersetTheme were intended but not correctly applied. Marine Affinity > Redirects > Frenzy: Fixed missing fx ActivationFX when power is not custom-colored. Redirects > Marine Affinity > Wellspring Skin: Minor updates to default coloration if this pet is summoned without the summoning power itself. Icon fixes to Brine, Tide Pool Frenzy, and Whitecap. Power of the Depths can now cause a Frenzy if activated inside a Tide Pool Powers: Shoal Rush - By sensing the water in an area, you can direct a shoal of marine life to harass your foes. This lowers the defense and movement speeds of all enemies struck. Soothing Wave - Send forth a calming wave of water, washing over friend and foe alike. Allies will be healed by this power, while enemies will have their offensive power watered down. Toroidal Bubble - You create a ring of Bubbles that encase your allies, constantly hydrating them to replenish endurance and reducing the effects of endurance drain. The bubble also reduces all incoming damage, providing extra resistance to Fire and Smashing damage, and also increases jump height thanks to added buoyancy. Whitecap - Summon and ride a wave of water towards your target, crashing down to knock over all enemies in the radius and staggering them, lowering their damage resistance! Enemies close to where you crash will receive harsher debuffs and damage. Tide Pool - Create a large pool of water at a targeted location to swell the damage that your allies deal, while reducing the damage , movement speeds, and stealth of enemies within the Tide Pool. If an enemy is defeated in the pool, or they are targeted by Shoal Rush or Whitecap, the marine life present will be thrown into a frenzy! While frenzied, the Tide Pool has a chance to knock over enemies and the damage buff and debuff is stronger. Brine - You coat an enemy in an extremely salinated layer of deep-sea brine that reduces your foe's maximum hit points, and resistance to damage. This power may consume up to 3 stacks of Shifting Tide's buff in order to recharge much faster per stack. Shifting Tides - Select a target to create a field of shifting waters around them. Enemies within the shifting waters have a chance take bonus damage when any power hits them, as well as provide you and your allies a stacking Rising Tide buff that increases ToHit, Damage, and Recharge time. The more allied players effected, the higher the odds to proc bonus damage! Barrier Reef - Create a Barrier Reef teeming with life at your target location. The Barrier Reef will emit an aura that washes over allies in range, providing them with a defensive cover of water that will absorb and deflect some damage. Power of the Depths - Becoming a conduit of the ocean itself, you boost the max hit points and endurance of allies within range. This power will also increase the Regeneration rate of all nearby allies, while also increasing the Range of all of their powers. A portion of these effects will decay over time. Unleash the power of the ocean! Enemy Group Revamp: The Warriors [Focused Feedback] Warriors, come out and play! All New costumes and visuals for all Warrior enemies except Odysseus. Standardized melee range to 7ft. Base accuracy for weapon attacks increased from 1.0x to 1.05x. Base accuracy for Bow/Crossbow attacks increased to 1.2x. Warriors with Hand Crossbows levels 20-39 replaced with Aimed Shot at 40+. Warriors with Bow levels 20-39 replaced with Blazing Arrow at 40+. Warriors with Crossbow levels 20-39 replaced with Crystal Arrow at 40+. Warriors with Exploding Bolt levels 20-39 replaced with Explosive Arrow at 40+. Updated critter names to follow traditional Warrior naming conventions. Added Archery minion/lieutenant/boss critters. Created new base Warrior resistance scaling by critter rank. Updated descriptions and help text for all new Warriors powers. Updated legacy missions and spawndefs with Warriors to use New Warriors. Created new custom spawndefs for Warriors. Crushers Bash animation reduced from 1.37s to 1.33s, disorient increased from 5% chance to 10%. Pulverize animation reduced from 1.83s to 1.5s. Clobber animation reduced from 1.83s to 1.23s, damage scale increased from 0.25 to 2.92, recharge decreased from 20s to 16s, disorient decreased from scale 10 duration to scale 5.0. Shatter damage scale increased from 1.96 to 2.28, increased arc from 10 to 45 degrees. Crowd Control added to bosses levels 40+. Custom Willpower auto power added to minions/lieutenants/bosses levels 40+, custom Willpower toggle for lieutenants/bosses levels 40+. Hewers Gash animation reduced from 1.83s to 1s, damage scale decreased from 1.16 to 1.0, recharge decreased from 5s to 4s. Chop animation reduced from 1.83s to 1.2s, damage scale decreased from 1.96 to 1.64, recharge decreased from 10s to 8s. Beheader animation reduced from 1.37s to 1.27s, damage scale decreased from 2.28 to 1.96, recharge decreased from 12s to 10s. Pendulum converted from 5ft radius/180 degree cone to 7ft radius melee TAoE, animation reduced from 2.27s to 2s, damage scale decreased from 1.9 to 1.35. Swoop added to bosses levels 40+. Custom Willpower auto power added to minions/lieutenants/bosses levels 40+, custom Willpower toggle for lieutenants/bosses levels 40+. Slashers Hack animation reduced from 1.83s to 1.33s, damage scale increased from 0.84 to 1.64, recharge increased from 3s to 8s, defense debuff duration increased from 6s to 10s. Slash animation reduced from 2.27s to 1.33s, damage scale decreased from 1.32 to 1.0, recharge decreased from 6s to 4s, defense debuff duration decreased from 10s to 6s. Parry animation reduced from 2s to 1.33s, added lethal defense to self defense buff. Whirling Sword animation reduced from 2.87s to 2.67s. Minion Hack replaced with Slash. Head Splitter added to bosses levels 40+. Custom Willpower auto power added to minions/lieutenants/bosses levels 40+, custom Willpower toggle for lieutenants/bosses levels 40+. Brawlers Added 10% chance for recharge and tohit debuff to Brawl. Boxing damage scale increased from 0.76 to 0.874, disorient increased from 5% chance mag 2 to 35% chance mag 3. Kick damage scale increased from 0.84 to 0.966, knockdown chance increased from 20% to 40%. Added Lieutenant and Boss critters with Street Justice attacks. Minions levels 40+ have Fighting suite replaced with Street Justice. Bosses levels 40+ gain Crushing Uppercut. Custom Super Reflexes auto power added to minions/lieutenants/bosses levels 40+, custom Super Reflexes toggle for lieutenants/bosses levels 40+. Staff Fighting Created new class for Staff Fighting users with Pilum ranged attacks; use Super Reflexes at high levels. Powers & Gameplay Adjustments Power Customization [Focused Feedback] Energy Mastery: Laser Beam Sweep alt animation/fx for Energy Torrent (only applies to versions of Energy Mastery with Laser Beam Eyes). Fixed Laser Beam Sweep not having an animation to default to when flying. Teleport: The following customization options have been added to the Teleport / Combat Teleport customization offerings: Goop (Tintable) Customization Adjustments Added ability to color the power customization of the following Teleport / Combat Teleport options: Smoke Bomb (Tintable) Rikti (Original + Tintable) Tornado (Tintable) Murder of Crows (Tintable) Most Combat Teleport custom FX were missing transparency event. Character Customization Improvements New Costume Parts [Focused Feedback] Auras The following customization options have been added to costume aura offerings: Alpha (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Atomic (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Battle Fury (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Beastly Rage (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Binary (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Cryo (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Electricity (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Fairy Dust (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Fire (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Fire Flies (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Gaseous (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Glow (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Omega (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Pixels (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Smouldering (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Snow (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Sparkle (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Sparks (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Starburst Glow (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Tendrils (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Thunderhead (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Volcanic (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Aether Shop Rewards [Focused Feedback] Prismatic Aether salvage now drops from the Weekly Strike Target at all levels, no longer requires being Level 50. 🎉 Tier 1 Reward Additions New NPC costumes added to the Tier 1 Aether reward vendor offerings: Costume: Banished Pantheon Totem Costume: Luddite Costume: Luddite Crusader Costume: Malta Tac Ops Commander Costume: Malta Hercules Titan Costume: Rikti Ambassador Costume: Rikti Scientist Costume: Rikti Specialist Costume: Talons Sibyl (Earth) Costume: Talons Sibyl (Fire) Costume: Talons Sibyl (Ice) Costume: Talons Sibyl (Shadow) Costume: Talons Sibyl (Storm) Costume: Rogue Arachnos Blood Widow Costume: Warrior Hewer Gladiator Costume: Warrior Hoplite Gladiator Costume: Warrior Pankratiast Gladiator Tier 2 Reward Adjustment The following costume power is being moved from Tier 1 to Tier 2: Costume: Legacy Warrior Thug Tier 3 Reward Additions New cosmetic effects added to the Tier 3 Aether reward vendor offerings: Effect: Vision Filter (Monochrome and Sepia Tone screen filters) This power requires the game client's 'Desaturation Effects' graphic option be enabled in order to function! Applies a screen filter to your game client: Just like the old days... Wait, that doesn't seem right... Tier 4 Reward Additions New premium costume added to the Tier 4 Aether reward vendor offerings: Costume: Block Mode + Costume: Block Mini Mode Grants both power regular and mini versions with singular purchase! This power has five customization options: Cutting-edge high-definition costumes, quality assured by GM_Bot itself! Vanguard Merit Reward Additions New NPC costumes added to the Vanguard Merit worktable offerings: Costume: Vanguard Shield HVAS Costume: Vanguard Sword HVAS Various Additions, Enhancements, & Fixes New Pocket D Friend: Blarf [Focused Feedback] Abnormal or adorable? You decide! Blarf is a for-fun zone mini pet that spawns near the unique wet floor sign on the red-side ground floor where the former nauseous man used to be. Clicking on Blarf will engage in affection-giving physical contact. WARNING: DJ ZERO & POCKET D ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INCIDENTS RELATED TO HEALTH DEGRADATION FROM CONTACT WITH UNIDENTIFIED MATTER, PLEASE EXERCISE CAUTION AND RESTRAINT WHEN ENGAGING WITH BLARF! DO NOT FEED BLARF UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! Blarf's location within Pocket D is tracked on the mini-map with a blue-green dot, and updated in real-time. Blarf will become friends with the first person who clicks them, becoming attached and following them around anywhere they go within Pocket D for a while. Blarf has a short attention span. After 3-minutes it can be distracted and become attached to a new person who clicks on them. If you move too far away from Blarf for too long (>20ft, for 5 seconds), they will lose interest in their current friend. Blarf does not have any collision, but is fast and affectionate. Blarf doesn't like to go to the certain locations, and will return to their spawn if their current friend goes into any of the following places: Architect Entertainment Ski Chalet VIP Lounge Hospitals Elevator Entrance Hallways Blue-side Upstairs Bar Blarf can fly! Airborne friends are supported by Blarf. Blarf will give a "gift" to anybody who clicks them, even if they don't become their next friend. These "gifts" are on a 10-minute cool-down timer. Vanity Pets [Focused Feedback] New Pets Recipes The following Very Rare recipes have been added and have a 0.1% (1 in 1000) chance to drop one from any Nictus or Void Hunter group Boss rank defeat: Pet: Mini Kheldian Bright Nova Pet: Mini Kheldian Black Dwarf Pet: Mini Kheldian Dark Nova Pet: Mini Kheldian White Dwarf Like other pet recipes, these can be traded or sold on the Auction House. Pet Adjustments Giant Monster's Mini Pet Recipes (Rare quality) can now be sold to vendors for 100,000 Influence each. Peacebringers and Warshades can now use vanity pets while transformed. New Badges (15) [Focused Feedback] Accolade 'Conqueror of the Labyrinth' - Collect the following badges in order to unlock this accolade: Grants: 'Core Attunement' - Self: Teleport between the Labyrinth of Fog's lobby and the Core of the Labyrinth. (Only available from those locations) Collect the following badges in order to unlock this accolade: Slayer of the Minotaur (New, The Minotaur In The Fog defeat) Malevolent Intoxication (New, 5 Malevolent Fog defeats) Greek Philosopher (New, History) Hidden In Fog (New, Labyrinth of Fog exploration) 'Between Realities' - Collect the following badges in order to unlock this accolade: Grants: 'Mark' & 'Recall' - Instant cast. First usage records your current position as the Mark. Second usage return teleports caster to the location they originally set their Mark. Mark is not consumed until used or the owner leaves the zone. 10 minute cool-down. Unable to be activated on missions where it could cause soft locks. Collect the following badges in order to unlock this accolade: Germinator Terminator (Seed of Hamidon defeat) Full Spectrum (Seedling defeats) Show's Over (Carnival defeats) Lawbreaker (Drudge defeats) Multifacted (New, 25 Alignment Tip missions) The Last Word (History) Eye of the Vortex (First Ward exploration) Stargazer (Night Ward exploration) Dead but Dreaming (Night Ward exploration) 'Protector of Paragon City / Traitor to Paragon City' Grants: 'Sheer Willpower' - Self: Resist Mez Effects for 30 seconds, 10 minute cool-down. Collect the following badges in order to unlock this accolade: 'Force of Justice' (Safeguard Mission accolade) Safeguard Mission side missions have been made to grant credit team-wide. 'Guardian of Forever' (Laura Lockhart story arc) 'The Greater Good' (Agent Watkins story arc) 'Beyond Reasonable Doubt' (Shauna Braun story arc) 'Gallant' (Hero Morality Mission) 'Bicentennial' (History) 'Strike Force Commander / Deep Strike Agent' Grants: 'Sheer Willpower' - Self: Resist Mez Effects for 30 seconds, 10 minute cool-down. Collect the following badges in order to unlock this accolade: 'Binder of Beasts' (Tarikoss Strike Force) 'Leviathan' (Operative Renault Strike Force) 'Air Pirate' (Silver Mantis Strike Force) 'Crystal Keeper' (Ice Mistral Strike Force) 'Gold Standard' (Dr. Aeon Strike Force) Accomplishment 'Bound By NDA' - Complete Ashling Corlette's story arc to earn this badge. 'Nutrient-Rich' - Feed Blarf to earn this badge. Achievement 'Uncommitted' - Complete 5 Alignment Tip missions to earn this badge. Alignment Tip mission complete credit is team-wide for all three badges. 'Adept' - Complete 10 Alignment Tip missions to earn this badge. 'Multifaceted' - Complete 25 Alignment Tip missions to earn this badge. Defeat 'Slayer of the Minotaur' - Defeat The Minotaur In The Fog to earn this badge. 'Malevolent Intoxication' - Defeat 5 of the Malevolent Fog pinatas to earn this badge. 'Phantom Gladiator' - Defeat 25 Gladiators In The Fog to earn this badge. Exploration 'Hidden In Fog' - Locate any of the Labyrinth of Fog's secret areas to earn this badge. 'Lab Rat' - Cross the maze found in the Endless Colonnade to earn this badge. History 'Greek Philosopher' - Discover all five history plaques found in the Core of the Labyrinth to earn this badge. Badge Changes Day Jobs 'Arachnos Official / Arachnos Traitor' - Fixed this badge using the hero version text when on a villain character. Defeats 'Mythical' - Incarnate Nictus Minotaurs and The Minotaur In The Fog now also count for this badge. 'Gear Smasher' - Psychic Clockwork Gears now count for this badge. 'Legionnaire' - Fixed issue where revamped Warriors were not counting for this badge. Zones Contacts Mercedes Sheldon (Midnighter Club) Moved from her confusing position in one of the duplicate entrance hallways, now found in the main Midnighter Club hall. Mercedes Sheldon (Pocket D) Corrected the event version of Mercedes Sheldon from appearing in contact introductions. Tasks Mission Maps Enemies Miscellaneous Remove /emailsend, /emailsendattachment, /gmailclaim, and /gmailreturn slash commands. These commands were intended for internal use by the UI and correct usage depends on knowing internal character state that is not visible to the player. Incorrect usage can leave the player's mailbox in a corrupt state that renders it unusable without manual administrator intervention to fix the database records.
  24. Patch Notes - Issue 28: Legacy, Page 1 What's New in Issue 28, Page 1? Marquee Features New Raid Zone: The Labyrinth of Fog 🐄 New Story Arc: Ashling Corlett - 'Only Love Can Hurt Like This' 💙 New Powerset: Marine Affinity 🌊 Enemy Group Revamp: The Warriors ⚔️ Powers & Gameplay Adjustments New Power Customization Options Various Adjustments, Improvements & Fixes New Left/Right Eye Auras New Aether Shop Rewards + WST Aether at all levels New Pocket D Friend: Blarf New vanity pet recipe drops New Badges; Four New Accolades + Powers Numerous bug fixes and improvements 🐄💙 Marquee Features 🌊⚔️ New Raid Zone: The Labyrinth Of Fog (Level 45-50) [Focused Feedback] The secret vault of the Midnight Club is a vast trove and holds countless artifacts, most kept locked away for the safety of the world. One artifact the Midnighters have utilized for many years in the training of their new magicians: A pocket dimension contained within an ancient cube created by the Cimeroran inventor Daedalus known only as the Labyrinth of Fog. This labyrinth was a place constructed by the tools of the divine, housing an endless maze filled with visages of nightmare, borne from the memories of those who entered, and hunted by a monstrous beast that roamed its endless halls. It was a place where intelligence, strength, and wit could be tested to ensure the Midnighters who make rank can control the vast magics they command. However, with the whole of humanity's safety at risk, the Dream Doctor has vowed to strengthen Earth's defenders by any means, and to this end sought to see the Labyrinth of Fog opened to any powerful hero or villain, to allow them to test themselves against superior versions of their greatest foes with no risk of death, a metaphysical danger room sustained by the arcane. This would be the most promising method they had in their arsenal towards quickly building champions who could defend their world, and the need had never been greater. Any risks pertaining to the Labyrinth's original purpose would have to be dismissed in favor of the benefits it could provide to the world's strongest, after all, the Dream Doctor had himself trained in this Labyrinth. Now, with the doors to this ancient dungeon opened to all, the Midnighters are providing support to those who are willing to face the worst of themselves and humanity's nightmares. Much hope was placed on those entering the Labyrinth of Fog and conquering its dangers that they might emerge as great champions. "Imagine the birth of an army of heroes... Where each carried the might of Perseus, amongst history's strongest. Earth would be secure." "...If you truly believe that the benefits outweigh the risks, let us test humanity's champions of today." What new adventures lie in store? Like The Hive and The Abyss, The Labryinth of Fog is a raid zone with a low player cap (50), therefore any multi-boxing will not be allowed within. Homecoming's CoC will be updated to state clearly that any multi-boxing within this zone is not allowed. An Artifact In The Midnighter Club? This new co-op raid zone is accessed via an artifact cube found in the Midnighter Club. All players are automatically set to Level 50 while in the zone. An info NPC ghost found near the zone's entrance provides additional information on the specifics of the zone. A trainer, merit vendor, nurse, and buff crafting station have been added to the Midnighter Club zone to help facilitate adventuring activities within the Labyrinth of Fog. The Midnighter Club has been added to Long Range Teleport unlocked by owning the 'Midnight Squad' badge. The Labyrinth of Fog added to the LFG queue where it's found under the 'Trials & Raids' tab if you can access the Midnighter Club and are over Level 45. The zone has a 50-player population cap. Additional instances will generate if one fills. Many Floors & Corridors! The raid zone begins with the labyrinth's entrance lobby. Reviving at the hospital while in this zone will return you to the entrance lobby. Idle players are returned to the Midnighter Club after 15 minutes of inactivity. Logging out while in the zone will return you to the entrance lobby upon login. There is no mini map in the labyrinth except for the entrance lobby. The entrance lobby contains four color-coded portals that each are used to enter into the labyrinth. Each goes to a color-coded floor. There are six floor colors total: Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Violet, Orange The color of the floor determines what set of grouped enemies populate that floor. Violet Floors contain the most dangerous groups and Giant Monster event channel spawns. Orange floors contain completely randomized enemies. Here is a complete list of the various enemy groups that populate the labyrinth and their floor color: Arachnos Council Freakshow Gold Brickers Hydra Devouring Earth Drudges Imperial Defense Force Nemesis Rikti Carnival of Shadows Circle Of Thorns Cimeroran Traitors Malta Operatives Tsoo Crey The Family Praetorian Resistance Psychic Clockwork Sky Raiders Snakes The Awakened Arachnoids Nictus + Void Hunters Soldiers Of Rularuu Talons Of Vengeance Vanguard Sword Fight For Rewards & Gain Level Shifts! Experience & Influence earned in the zone increased by 25% This stacks with other power such as Experience Boosters or Windfall. Labyrinth of Fog is an extremely vast (40+ floors) mission-style zone filled with Level 54+1 enemies to battle for increased rewards. It is intended this zone be tackled with a Team or League. All enemies in the zone are Rank Shifted (Minion -> Lieutenant, etc.) up to a maximum rank of Elite Boss. Enemies behave identically to standard content and drop all the same rewards they would normally. As Elite Bosses are defeated, a meter on your navigation will fill up, eventually granting a zone-wide Level Shift buff! Elite Bosses have a foggy aura to make them easier to identify as the targets in the zone. Elite Bosses increase in Level Shifts alongside the players. Pets (including Mastermind and Lore) also receive the zone-wide Level Shift buffs. Fear The Minotaur! While in The Labyrinth of Fog, players are hunted continuously by The Minotaur In The Fog, a Monster that's Level 54+(5 to 10) and periodically (every 2-3 minutes) moves to the location of a player on the map (higher odds for the zone's oldest occupants, excludes those in the entrance lobby which is always safe), navigating the labyrinth's maze at inhuman speeds to find prey. For every 8 players in the zone after the first, the Minotaur will gain another +1 Level Shift (min +5, max +10). The navigation window will display the Minotaur's current level, or, if they're currently dead, will show a timer to their next respawn time: 1-8 players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+5) 9-16 players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+6) 17-24 players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+7) 25-32 players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+8) 33-40 players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+9) 41+ players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+10) Defeating the Minotaur will award the new 'Slayer of the Minotaur' badge and the Minotaur will vanish from the zone for one hour, allowing people to adventure and battle enemies within without danger. The Minotaur rewards a choice table with 5 Prismatic Aether + 10 Monstrous Aether to all who participated in the defeat on an 18 hour cool-down. Additional defeats within that time will only reward half the payout. Alternatively, can select 3 Draught of Fog inspirations with no cool-down. The Minotaur will spawn with one of five different weapon power sets; All weapon powers deal 100% Negative Energy damage exclusively. All variants of the Minotaur come with the Unholy Plague Howl, Netted Pilums, Hoof Stomp, Trial By Combat, and Fog Given Form powers. Search for Malevolent Fog! Special 'Malevolent Fog' pinata enemies (no attacks, no regeneration) can be found in the labyrinth that, when defeated, increases the zone's Level Shift navigation bar meter by 50 points and grants 1 Reward Merit to all players in the zone who meet the following conditions: Cannot be dead. Cannot be in the entrance lobby, the Core, or a secret area. A single player who participated in the defeat will receive a 'Draught of Fog' inspiration. These special inspirations provide the user with 15 minutes of a single Level Shift stack exclusive to them and their pets, as well as immunity to the Diseased debuff. These Inspirations are not bound and can be freely traded or stored in Super Group bases. Malevolent Fog are most commonly found in rooms that are dead ends, and their FX makes them stands out in the foggy environment. Once defeated, another Malevolent Fog will spawn somewhere else in the labyrinth to take its place. This should naturally filter them down to lesser visited places over time while ensuring there is always some to be found. The zone-wide buff grants +1 Level Shift, +DMG/ToHit/Recharge/Recovery for each stack. It can be stacked up to ten times from either Malevolent Fog defeats or cumulative Elite Boss defeats. The current Level Shift total can be seen on your buff bar as a black icon with a white number: The Labyrinth's Level Shifts stack up to a max of 10! The Level Shift buffs decay at a rate of once per 5 minutes, each decay will reduce the total stack of Level Shifts by 1. But Not Without Assistance! Players are given two pop-tray powers while in the labyrinth to assist them: Escape From Fog: Teleports yourself back to the entrance lobby of the labyrinth. 1 second cool-down. Follow Through Fog: Teleport yourself to a target Team or League mate. May fail if the target does not have space nearby or is going through a door. Intended to help teams stick together. 1 second cool-down. Gladiators In The Fog? Throughout the colored floors, players can encounter Gladiators In The Fog. Standing next to one will prompt the Gladiator to respond. Depending on how many badges from the Labyrinth you currently have, the Gladiator will do one of the following: Respond with hints/tips/lore dialog about the Labyrinth. Gift a Draught of Fog inspiration. Become hostile and attack the player. (More Labyrinth badges = higher chance of attack) Each Gladiator will only interact with the same player once ever. Defeated Gladiators drop a single Draught of Fog inspiration to one participating player. Blood and strength unseen, Gladiator! Explore the Labyrinth! There are many secrets and prizes to be discovered within the Labyrinth of Fog. Including many not detailed at all in the patch notes! Finding a secret area will reward the 'Hidden In Fog' exploration badge. Secret area doors have a confirmation box when clicked to enter them. Some secret areas are easy to find, others more difficult. All secret areas reward the same exploration badge. The secret areas show up as '???' locations and immediately grant the badge upon discovery. New Story Arc [Focused Feedback] 'Only Love Can Hurt Like this' - Ashling Corlett (Level 41-49) Ashling Corlett is a veteran of Paragon City, even if you've never heard of her. When the Shivan attack hit Galaxy City she was in the thick of the Hero Corps rescue detail, only leaving after directly ordered to despite suffering serious injury. As a result she moved to the Hero Corps reserves, but she hasn't been idle. There's things left undone and she means to finish them, even if it means crossing a few lines to do it. Reach out to Ashling and her Hero Corps reserves, there's work to be done! CONTACT: Ashling Corlett LOCATION: Steel Canyon (/thumbtack -4736.0 0.0 395.4) ALIGNMENT / LEVEL: Hero - Level 41+ OUROBOROS / ARC: Captain (40-49) - 28.01 New Support Powerset - Marine Affinity - Defender, Controller, Corruptor, Mastermind [Focused Feedback] Marine Affinity allows players to command the power of the Oceans to buff their friends and wash away their enemies. This set focuses on turning the tides of battle with several area-based buffs and debuffs, specifically bolstering ally damage while dampening enemy damage potential. Thematically, the set's area coverage allows you to either spread out areas of effect in a wide but shallow pool, or dive deep in one spot to bowl over enemies. Surf & Turf is on the menu this Page! Powers: Shoal Rush - By sensing the water in an area, you can direct a shoal of marine life to harass your foes. This lowers the defense and movement speeds of all enemies struck. Soothing Wave - Send forth a calming wave of water, washing over friend and foe alike. Allies will be healed by this power, while enemies will have their offensive power watered down. Toroidal Bubble - You create a ring of Bubbles that encase your allies, constantly hydrating them to replenish endurance and reducing the effects of endurance drain. The bubble also reduces all incoming damage, providing extra resistance to Fire and Smashing damage, and also increases jump height thanks to added buoyancy. Whitecap - Summon and ride a wave of water towards your target, crashing down to knock over all enemies in the radius and staggering them, lowering their damage resistance! Enemies close to where you crash will receive harsher debuffs and damage. Tide Pool - Create a large pool of water at a targeted location to swell the damage that your allies deal, while reducing the damage , movement speeds, and stealth of enemies within the Tide Pool. If an enemy is defeated in the pool, or they are targeted by Shoal Rush or Whitecap, the marine life present will be thrown into a frenzy! While frenzied, the Tide Pool has a chance to knock over enemies and the damage buff and debuff is stronger. Brine - You coat an enemy in an extremely salinated layer of deep-sea brine that reduces your foe's maximum hit points, and resistance to damage. This power may consume up to 3 stacks of Shifting Tide's buff in order to recharge much faster per stack. Shifting Tides - Select a target to create a field of shifting waters around them. Enemies within the shifting waters have a chance take bonus damage when any power hits them, as well as provide you and your allies a stacking Rising Tide buff that increases ToHit, Damage, and Recharge time. The more allied players effected, the higher the odds to proc bonus damage! Barrier Reef - Create a Barrier Reef teeming with life at your target location. The Barrier Reef will emit an aura that washes over allies in range, providing them with a defensive cover of water that will absorb and deflect some damage. Power of the Depths - Becoming a conduit of the ocean itself, you boost the max hit points and endurance of allies within range. This power will also increase the Regeneration rate of all nearby allies, while also increasing the Range of all of their powers. A portion of these effects will decay over time. Unleash the power of the ocean! Enemy Group Revamp: The Warriors [Focused Feedback] Warriors, come out and play! All New costumes and visuals for all Warrior enemies except Odysseus. Standardized melee range to 7ft. Base accuracy for weapon attacks increased from 1.0x to 1.05x. Base accuracy for Bow/Crossbow attacks increased to 1.2x. Warriors with Hand Crossbows levels 20-39 replaced with Aimed Shot at 40+. Warriors with Bow levels 20-39 replaced with Blazing Arrow at 40+. Warriors with Crossbow levels 20-39 replaced with Crystal Arrow at 40+. Warriors with Exploding Bolt levels 20-39 replaced with Explosive Arrow at 40+. Updated critter names to follow traditional Warrior naming conventions. Added Archery minion/lieutenant/boss critters. Created new base Warrior resistance scaling by critter rank. Updated descriptions and help text for all new Warriors powers. Updated legacy missions and spawndefs with Warriors to use New Warriors. Created new custom spawndefs for Warriors. Crushers Bash animation reduced from 1.37s to 1.33s, disorient increased from 5% chance to 10%. Pulverize animation reduced from 1.83s to 1.5s. Clobber animation reduced from 1.83s to 1.23s, damage scale increased from 0.25 to 2.92, recharge decreased from 20s to 16s, disorient decreased from scale 10 duration to scale 5.0. Shatter damage scale increased from 1.96 to 2.28, increased arc from 10 to 45 degrees. Crowd Control added to bosses levels 40+. Custom Willpower auto power added to minions/lieutenants/bosses levels 40+, custom Willpower toggle for lieutenants/bosses levels 40+. Hewers Gash animation reduced from 1.83s to 1s, damage scale decreased from 1.16 to 1.0, recharge decreased from 5s to 4s. Chop animation reduced from 1.83s to 1.2s, damage scale decreased from 1.96 to 1.64, recharge decreased from 10s to 8s. Beheader animation reduced from 1.37s to 1.27s, damage scale decreased from 2.28 to 1.96, recharge decreased from 12s to 10s. Pendulum converted from 5ft radius/180 degree cone to 7ft radius melee TAoE, animation reduced from 2.27s to 2s, damage scale decreased from 1.9 to 1.35. Swoop added to bosses levels 40+. Custom Willpower auto power added to minions/lieutenants/bosses levels 40+, custom Willpower toggle for lieutenants/bosses levels 40+. Slashers Hack animation reduced from 1.83s to 1.33s, damage scale increased from 0.84 to 1.64, recharge increased from 3s to 8s, defense debuff duration increased from 6s to 10s. Slash animation reduced from 2.27s to 1.33s, damage scale decreased from 1.32 to 1.0, recharge decreased from 6s to 4s, defense debuff duration decreased from 10s to 6s. Parry animation reduced from 2s to 1.33s, added lethal defense to self defense buff. Whirling Sword animation reduced from 2.87s to 2.67s. Minion Hack replaced with Slash. Head Splitter added to bosses levels 40+. Custom Willpower auto power added to minions/lieutenants/bosses levels 40+, custom Willpower toggle for lieutenants/bosses levels 40+. Brawlers Added 10% chance for recharge and tohit debuff to Brawl. Boxing damage scale increased from 0.76 to 0.874, disorient increased from 5% chance mag 2 to 35% chance mag 3. Kick damage scale increased from 0.84 to 0.966, knockdown chance increased from 20% to 40%. Added Lieutenant and Boss critters with Street Justice attacks. Minions levels 40+ have Fighting suite replaced with Street Justice. Bosses levels 40+ gain Crushing Uppercut. Custom Super Reflexes auto power added to minions/lieutenants/bosses levels 40+, custom Super Reflexes toggle for lieutenants/bosses levels 40+. Staff Fighting Created new class for Staff Fighting users with Pilum ranged attacks; use Super Reflexes at high levels. Powers & Gameplay Adjustments Power Customization [Focused Feedback] Energy Mastery: Laser Beam Sweep alt animation/fx for Energy Torrent (only applies to versions of Energy Mastery with Laser Beam Eyes). Teleport: The following customization options have been added to the Teleport / Combat Teleport customization offerings: Goop (Tintable) Customization Adjustments Added ability to color the power customization of the following Teleport / Combat Teleport options: Smoke Bomb (Tintable) Rikti (Original + Tintable) Tornado (Tintable) Murder of Crows (Tintable) Character Customization Improvements New Costume Parts [Focused Feedback] Auras The following customization options have been added to costume aura offerings: Alpha (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Atomic (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Battle Fury (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Beastly Rage (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Binary (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Cryo (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Electricity (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Fairy Dust (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Fire (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Fire Flies (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Gaseous (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Glow (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Omega (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Pixels (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Smouldering (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Snow (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Sparkle (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Sparks (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Starburst Glow (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Tendrils (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Thunderhead (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Volcanic (Right Eye, Left Eye, +Combat) Aether Shop Rewards [Focused Feedback] Prismatic Aether salvage now drops from the Weekly Strike Target at all levels, no longer requires being Level 50. 🎉 Tier 1 Reward Additions New NPC costumes added to the Tier 1 Aether reward vendor offerings: Costume: Banished Pantheon Totem Costume: Luddite Costume: Luddite Crusader Costume: Malta Tac Ops Commander Costume: Malta Hercules Titan Costume: Rikti Ambassador Costume: Rikti Scientist Costume: Rikti Specialist Costume: Talons Sibyl (Earth) Costume: Talons Sibyl (Fire) Costume: Talons Sibyl (Ice) Costume: Talons Sibyl (Shadow) Costume: Talons Sibyl (Storm) Costume: Rogue Arachnos Blood Widow Costume: Warrior Hewer Gladiator Costume: Warrior Hoplite Gladiator Costume: Warrior Pankratiast Gladiator Tier 2 Reward Adjustment The following costume power is being moved from Tier 1 to Tier 2: Costume: Legacy Warrior Thug Tier 3 Reward Additions New cosmetic effects added to the Tier 3 Aether reward vendor offerings: Effect: Vision Filter (Monochrome and Sepia Tone screen filters) This power requires the game client's 'Desaturation Effects' graphic option be enabled in order to function! Applies a screen filter to your game client: Just like the old days... Wait, that doesn't seem right... Tier 4 Reward Additions New premium costume added to the Tier 4 Aether reward vendor offerings: Costume: Block Mode + Costume: Block Mini Mode Grants both power regular and mini versions with singular purchase! This power has five customization options: Cutting-edge high-definition costumes, quality assured by GM_Bot itself! Vanguard Merit Reward Additions New NPC costumes added to the Vanguard Merit worktable offerings: Costume: Vanguard Shield HVAS Costume: Vanguard Sword HVAS Various Additions, Enhancements, & Fixes New Pocket D Friend: Blarf [Focused Feedback] Abnormal or adorable? You decide! Blarf is a for-fun zone mini pet that spawns near the unique wet floor sign on the red-side ground floor where the former nauseous man used to be. Clicking on Blarf will engage in affection-giving physical contact. WARNING: DJ ZERO & POCKET D ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INCIDENTS RELATED TO HEALTH DEGRADATION FROM CONTACT WITH UNIDENTIFIED MATTER, PLEASE EXERCISE CAUTION AND RESTRAINT WHEN ENGAGING WITH BLARF! DO NOT FEED BLARF UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! Blarf's location within Pocket D is tracked on the mini-map with a blue-green dot, and updated in real-time. Blarf will become friends with the first person who clicks them, becoming attached and following them around anywhere they go within Pocket D for a while. Blarf has a short attention span. After 3-minutes it can be distracted and become attached to a new person who clicks on them. If you move too far away from Blarf for too long (>20ft, for 5 seconds), they will lose interest in their current friend. Blarf does not have any collision, but is fast and affectionate. Blarf doesn't like to go to the certain locations, and will return to their spawn if their current friend goes into any of the following places: Architect Entertainment Ski Chalet VIP Lounge Hospitals Elevator Entrance Hallways Blue-side Upstairs Bar Blarf can fly! Airborne friends are supported by Blarf. Blarf will give a "gift" to anybody who clicks them, even if they don't become their next friend. These "gifts" are on a 10-minute cool-down timer. Vanity Pets [Focused Feedback] New Pets Recipes The following Very Rare recipes have been added and have a 0.1% (1 in 1000) chance to drop one from any Nictus or Void Hunter group Boss rank defeat: Pet: Mini Kheldian Bright Nova Pet: Mini Kheldian Black Dwarf Pet: Mini Kheldian Dark Nova Pet: Mini Kheldian White Dwarf Like other pet recipes, these can be traded or sold on the Auction House. Pet Adjustments Giant Monster's Mini Pet Recipes (Rare quality) can now be sold to vendors for 100,000 Influence each. Peacebringers and Warshades can now use vanity pets while transformed. New Badges (15) [Focused Feedback] Accolade 'Conqueror of the Labyrinth' - Collect the following badges in order to unlock this accolade: Grants: 'Core Attunement' - Self: Teleport between the Labyrinth of Fog's lobby and the Core of the Labyrinth. (Only available from those locations) Collect the following badges in order to unlock this accolade: Slayer of the Minotaur (New, The Minotaur In The Fog defeat) Malevolent Intoxication (New, 5 Malevolent Fog defeats) Greek Philosopher (New, History) Hidden In Fog (New, Labyrinth of Fog exploration) 'Between Realities' - Collect the following badges in order to unlock this accolade: Grants: 'Mark' & 'Recall' - Instant cast. First usage records your current position as the Mark. Second usage return teleports caster to the location they originally set their Mark. Mark is not consumed until used or the owner leaves the zone. 10 minute cool-down. Unable to be activated on missions where it could cause soft locks. Collect the following badges in order to unlock this accolade: Germinator Terminator (Seed of Hamidon defeat) Full Spectrum (Seedling defeats) Show's Over (Carnival defeats) Lawbreaker (Drudge defeats) Multifacted (New, 25 Alignment Tip missions) The Last Word (History) Eye of the Vortex (First Ward exploration) Stargazer (Night Ward exploration) Dead but Dreaming (Night Ward exploration) 'Protector of Paragon City / Traitor to Paragon City' Grants: 'Sheer Willpower' - Self: Resist Mez Effects for 30 seconds, 10 minute cool-down. Collect the following badges in order to unlock this accolade: 'Force of Justice' (Safeguard Mission accolade) Safeguard Mission side missions have been made to grant credit team-wide. 'Guardian of Forever' (Laura Lockhart story arc) 'The Greater Good' (Agent Watkins story arc) 'Beyond Reasonable Doubt' (Shauna Braun story arc) 'Gallant' (Hero Morality Mission) 'Bicentennial' (History) 'Strike Force Commander / Deep Strike Agent' Grants: 'Sheer Willpower' - Self: Resist Mez Effects for 30 seconds, 10 minute cool-down. Collect the following badges in order to unlock this accolade: 'Binder of Beasts' (Tarikoss Strike Force) 'Leviathan' (Operative Renault Strike Force) 'Air Pirate' (Silver Mantis Strike Force) 'Crystal Keeper' (Ice Mistral Strike Force) 'Gold Standard' (Dr. Aeon Strike Force) Accomplishment 'Bound By NDA' - Complete Ashling Corlette's story arc to earn this badge. 'Nutrient-Rich' - Feed Blarf to earn this badge. Achievement 'Uncommitted' - Complete 5 Alignment Tip missions to earn this badge. Alignment Tip mission complete credit is team-wide for all three badges. 'Adept' - Complete 10 Alignment Tip missions to earn this badge. 'Multifaceted' - Complete 25 Alignment Tip missions to earn this badge. Defeat 'Slayer of the Minotaur' - Defeat The Minotaur In The Fog to earn this badge. 'Malevolent Intoxication' - Defeat 5 of the Malevolent Fog pinatas to earn this badge. 'Phantom Gladiator' - Defeat 25 Gladiators In The Fog to earn this badge. Exploration 'Hidden In Fog' - Locate any of the Labyrinth of Fog's secret areas to earn this badge. 'Lab Rat' - Cross the maze found in the Endless Colonnade to earn this badge. History 'Greek Philosopher' - Discover all five history plaques found in the Core of the Labyrinth to earn this badge. Badge Changes Day Jobs 'Arachnos Official / Arachnos Traitor' - Fixed this badge using the hero version text when on a villain character. Defeats 'Mythical' - Incarnate Nictus Minotaurs and The Minotaur In The Fog now also count for this badge. 'Gear Smasher' - Psychic Clockwork Gears now count for this badge. Zones Contacts Mercedes Sheldon (Midnighter Club) Moved from her confusing position in one of the duplicate entrance hallways, now found in the main Midnighter Club hall. Mercedes Sheldon (Pocket D) Corrected the event version of Mercedes Sheldon from appearing in contact introductions. Tasks Mission Maps Enemies Miscellaneous Remove /emailsend, /emailsendattachment, /gmailclaim, and /gmailreturn slash commands. These commands were intended for internal use by the UI and correct usage depends on knowing internal character state that is not visible to the player. Incorrect usage can leave the player's mailbox in a corrupt state that renders it unusable without manual administrator intervention to fix the database records.
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