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Posts posted by _Kai_

  1. It's Halloween and amongst the witches, pumpkins and vampires, you've gotten a lot of costumes. What are you supposed to do with them? Bring them to The Midnight Oil for a night of games and costume fun!


    Tuesday, October 29th, 9pm Pacific(that's Midnight Eastern) until Midnight(that's 3am Eastern) come to the rooftop at MIDNIGHT-8903


    For those looking for a place to design, offer alternate costumes for our volunteers for prize money, they will give 3 keywords for you to use and the other volunteers will be the judges(one round per hour)


    For those looking to have some fun out in the city, each half hour will have a 'scene' like 'rescue gone wrong' and its up to your team(hopefully enough attendees to get a handful of 2 or 3 person teams) to use those temporary costume powers to stage your best attempt at it and return back to see who won(best scene each round gets inf!)


    For those looking for a place to chill, come join a game of Salvage to Apples, where the host will giving a prompt, like 'worst pizza topping', and the players will trade a piece of salvage to try and get the best match, save the one whose turn it is. The host will offer the names of the salvage offered, the player whose turn it is picks the best match and the winner gets all the pieces of salvage offered, play will go as long as there is interest!


    ((There will be at least 25mil in prizes, subject to increase! Screenshots will be accepted for the costume entries as well as used for the scenes, info about how and where to tag up photos will be announced at the event!))

  2. It's Halloween and amongst the witches, pumpkins and vampires, you've gotten a lot of costumes. What are you supposed to do with them? Bring them to The Midnight Oil for a night of games and costume fun!


    Tuesday, October 29th, 9pm Pacific(that's Midnight Eastern) until Midnight(that's 3am Eastern) come to the rooftop at MIDNIGHT-8903


    For those looking for a place to design, offer alternate costumes for our volunteers for prize money, they will give 3 keywords for you to use and the other volunteers will be the judges(one round per hour)


    For those looking to have some fun out in the city, each half hour will have a 'scene' like 'rescue gone wrong' and its up to your team(hopefully enough attendees to get a handful of 2 or 3 person teams) to use those temporary costume powers to stage your best attempt at it and return back to see who won(best scene each round gets inf!)


    For those looking for a place to chill, come join a game of Salvage to Apples, where the host will giving a prompt, like 'worst pizza topping', and the players will trade a piece of salvage to try and get the best match, save the one whose turn it is. The host will offer the names of the salvage offered, the player whose turn it is picks the best match and the winner gets all the pieces of salvage offered, play will go as long as there is interest!


    ((There will be at least 25mil in prizes, subject to increase! Screenshots will be accepted for the costume entries as well as used for the scenes, info about how and where to tag up photos will be announced at the event!))

  3. From what I've pieced together(this is all speculation by other peoples comments and such), she was in a relationship with someone who took advantage of her, and gained credentials to many accounts and used them maliciously in revenge for her ending it, not hacking in the sense of dA breach, but who knows.

    • Thanks 2
  4. So she had some personal issues, and that led to stalking and harassing on dA that dA's solution for was 'make a new account', which she did, and the harasser found shortly thereafter. She is still reachable by email for things, but yeah, sucks 😞

  5. Do need to fix the goggles and I apparently didn't unhide the rest of the face shadows after working on eyes, whoops! Light is supposed to be right, slightly higher than center, and her left (right to us) leg is bent slightly, calf forward of her right (left to us) which gives a little light to it, but mostly shadow, have to work on that knee a bit to try and make that clearer, maybe take the light off the front of the boot too

    • Like 1
  6. Blacklight hasn't really gotten any members, either, but if you are on late (after 9pm pacific) and want company, hit me up @Kai 

    I still play Phaseshift who is redside as heroic intentions to protect civvies, not so much heroic methods 🙂

  7. I got behind with prep and completely forgot to edit this with the base code, so sorry! >.<  The code is MIDNIGHT-8903 if you'd like to visit though, hope to be using it for more events in the future, and its open for everyone to have their own RP or events there!

  8. I got behind with prep and completely forgot to edit this with the base code, so sorry! >.<  The code is MIDNIGHT-8903 if you'd like to visit though, hope to be using it for more events in the future, and its open for everyone to have their own RP or events there!

    • Like 1
  9. Not all heroes sleep through the night, and it can be lonely out in the dark. The Midnight Oil is opening its doors Friday September 27th at midnight eastern(9 Pacific) on the roof of the Blackwell Building in King's Row. A place to recharge, meet fellow night owls, plan your next move, or just stop in while waiting for a lab or informant to get back to you, we are your late night relaxation station in costume and out. Our opening is happy to host Speed Icebreaking, attendees will be paired with each other for ten minutes of conversation on a topic selected by our moderator while taking advantage of our amenities. ((Stay tuned for base code, and link for background music, don't want to spoil it yet!))

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  10. Not all heroes sleep through the night, and it can be lonely out in the dark. The Midnight Oil is opening its doors Friday September 27th at midnight eastern(9 Pacific) on the roof of the Blackwell Building in King's Row. A place to recharge, meet fellow night owls, plan your next move, or just stop in while waiting for a lab or informant to get back to you, we are your late night relaxation station in costume and out. Our opening is happy to host Speed Icebreaking, attendees will be paired with each other for ten minutes of conversation on a topic selected by our moderator while taking advantage of our amenities. ((Stay tuned for base code, and link for background music, don't want to spoil it yet!))

  11. Right, so...I'm bored. I play 9pm to Midnight Pacific time. Occasionally people will respond when I offer to start RP, sometimes people will come with if I start an RP team that isn't level 50, but it's once or twice out of four or five times.


    Does anyone else play then that RPs? Are any SGs active? I've kind of given up finding themes that fit for characters I want to play, I'll muddle through making characters fit a theme to get a little more interaction, the reason this game was so fun was always other people...

  12. Man, Bobby.....I commissioned him for a 5 character piece.  I expected a couple of sketches and one finished one.  Each of the players got a full size sketch, color, color with effects file of their character, and he made like....4 or 5 different 'cuts' of the finished piece, I was like 'we did not pay you that much, are you sure you want to spend all that time'.  I have a Celtic Bolt in my collection too, that was also sheer craziness, the level of art that was done for free.  I was grabbing refs and sketching some not-terrible stuff over a week and bam, 2 hours, full color with effects, CB posts another one for somebody.

  13. The best/worst thing is when I see someone who I used to buy art from with a full queue at higher prices 😄  I love your art Flashtoo, and its totally worth what you charge! I, personally, can't afford it but that shouldn't matter so long as you are getting the amount of business you want, and spending the amount of time you want on it.  I er...let things get out of hand with the art spending so I had to put a cap on my per piece allowance and instead have decided its my role to find new cool artists, commission them, and share their awesome until they get so good/popular that I can't afford them 😄

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  14. The character is Flow, she's a total homage to Jet Set Radio Future, so yes, she's on inlines(prestige slide). I was messing around with water blast in a yellow-green thinking radioactive water but it looked way more like spraypaint and had a 'wait...wait...I could totally make a character who goes around grafetting Arachnos soldiers in neon colors...' moment. >.>  I decided to draw her first because I'm comfortable with a lot of her outfit elements, having drawn them before for other characters in the past.


    The Surface is doing good! I can use the same stylus as my X61 as they are both Wacom pen tech, Surface 3 and above you have to use the Microsoft one.  It has about 3hrs of battery life which is perfectly fine.  Its definitely heavier than newer Surfaces or iPads but still lighter than my X61.  I am one of those people who can't draw in one place and see it in a different place, so all the wacom tablets and such never worked for me.  When I was looking, there were a number of 'second monitor' tablets, which I could draw on screen but required being plugged into a computer and though they were cheaper, I liked the idea of being able to take the whole thing with me wherever. It does run a bit hot if you are actively doing stuff for a couple hours but I figure that's to be expected.

    2019-07-07 12_20_10-City of Heroes.png

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  15. Sometimes I draw stuff. It's not always good. But I'm going to share anyway.

    So my lovely ThinkPad X61 Tablet was slowly dying, so I flailed about what to get. Ended up with a 1st gen Surface I drew this in Autodesk Sketchbook and started coloring in Illustrator. So far so good!

    I'm used to drawing in pencil, scanning, and then starting the vector cel color, so happy that I managed to get a decent completely digital sketch.  WIP1 is colors at half opacity so the sketch can be seen, WIP2 is the current flat colors in, shadows, highlights, and details TBD.




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  16. Oh goodness, I'd fill up pages and pages and pages...... how about this one, this was near closure and I went all out with a set of mine and a good friend's characters in an extended family portrait based around Blackstar Rising and Roxy Acetylene/Black Radiance, all of them save two existed in CoH. MaHenBu on deviantArt is the artist.




    Left to right:

    Kyle Rymes - Roxy's half brother, Jason and Sonja's son in Prime

    Bya-ko(Tianyi Xu) - Kyle's wife, Laurel's former roomate

    Black Symphony(Azkythe and Zeke Covington) - Laurel's husband and his demon

    Blackstar II(Laurel Smith) - David's daughter

    Blackstar Rising(David Smith)

    Whitestar(Hope Smith) - David and Roxy's daughter when older(we played some time travellers who ended up in Praetoria at one point)

    Roxy Acetylene/Black Radiance

    Radiance - Roxy's Echo in Champion's Online

    Gina Myers - Jason and Sonja's daughter in Praetoria

    Sonja - Never existed in game, but was referenced a lot

    Jason Myers - Roxy and Kyle's father(he got drawn a bit young, but what can you do)

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