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Everything posted by Eternaldarkness

  1. Honestly feel it is or should be a crime that you all can't make bank off this game right now. I have paid much more for much less from other "big" game companies. You you are all amazing !! I just can't express my love for you enough 😄
  2. lol, same, so happy to have my Precious back i'm content to sit and wait 🙂 keep up all the good work you wonderful beautiful sexy people bringing this back to us 😄
  3. So I already through out a TY, but as sit here laughing about my situation wanted to share it and say I can't thank devs enough for this. I've since downloaded the game and have like 8 hrs into it yet haven't got past the tutorial. Oh no I'm not having problems with the game, everything is working perfectly. It's just one of my favorite things about CoX is the character customization options . So happy to make my characters all over again that's all I've done so far. 8+ hours in the character creator lmao
  4. For the umpteenth time in the last several years my daughter and I recently brought up CoH again and the hole left in are hearts when it was takin from us. How no other MMO has been as fulfilling as our good old CoH/CoV days. Two days later she calls me and tells me her bf found it online.. it's still around or back or something, and I'm like no effin way. My jaw hanging open as so many thoughts swim through my brain.. just no freaking way!! As I wait for the download my eyes are bit watery from the overwhelming joy. To the devs I wish you a heartfelt THANK YOU and god bless you. You are my heroes 😄
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