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  1. This would explain why there are so few posts about Kin. Sort of disappointing as I like playing concepts that are built well rather than purely optimized flavors of the month. I have an EM tank. Not sure which option I'll go with. I'm curious to how much I can squeeze out on some builds. I do this with any build in Mids. I may attune enhancements. Though I do have a couple of builds where I have done this. Perhaps it is a bit wasteful. Thanks for pointing that out. Not sure if I would exemplar down or not. But I do appreciate the point.
  2. Hello Brutes! This is my first attempt at a brute. It's also my first trip through CoV. I've missioned my way through 20 so far and have enjoyed the trip. I have experience with an inv/energy tank. Outside that, my toons are mostly ranged. Kin and Energy seemed interesting to me. The animations are a touch slower than I'd like but not as bad as Energy's total focus and pre-27 Energy Transfer. So, no big deal. Endurance usage is manageable so far. Goals: I like to team up but am happy to solo. I don't intend to tank but would be happy to do so for a group, if needed. I'd join a farm but don't intend to be a full-time farmer. Honestly, I just want to punch a lot of things in the face. Questions for the group: As my only melee is an INV tank, I am not used to seeing such low resistance numbers. Is this typical for brutes or just energy brutes? The defense numbers are ok for S/L/E/Fire/Cold but resistance numbers are horrible. The epics for brutes seem rather meh. Thoughts on energy mastery? Would something else be a better pick? Curious to hear what other brutes like.
  3. I hit 50 a few days back. I went with your revised build and am having a lot of fun with this. Hot Fee and Bonfire are much more than I expected. Grateful for the advice as they are very effective. Fire swords are pretty good too. So, I don't stay ranged as often as originally planned but the playstyle is tons of fun. Still grinding for enhancement influence/merits. I made a minor tweak ... Overwhelming Presence KD went to Rise of the Phoenix. Apparently, that has knockback. So Sudden Impact is in Bonfire. For added fun, I have Pyronic Judgement. Ion seems like the choice for the entire player base, but Pyronic is pretty good. At tier three it will evaporate minions (lots of them) and at decent range. I am looking forward to upgrading to pyronic core final judgement. I started to do my own farming at +2/+4. My biggest issue is not seeing an elite boss in the pack until it's too late. Outside that, I can move from pack to pack relatively well. If I do fall, Rise is useful. Edit: Any particular AE missions you like?
  4. I didn't know that. That's handy to know too
  5. This was very thoughtful, and I greatly appreciate the work on this. It always amazes me how well some folks understand the game mechanics that they can produce some interesting and effective builds. You provided something here that retained things important to me. I am excited to try this out. The slotting is interesting. At first it seemed odd for fire blast and fire sword being slotted post 40 for the most part. But fireball, rain of fire and fire sword circle well slotted by 20 and make this playable for any flashback missions. You saved a ton of slots with Tough, Weave and Fire Shield. My originally planned build was heavy in those. I was thinking that all the emphasis was a waste and not buying much. Your approach confirms what I had suspected. Enough so that I need to revisit one of my other heroes. I’ll be on this evening to respect and try this out. Thank you so much!
  6. Hi all, was hoping the community could share some insights on fire/fire/fire. I’ve levelled my current fire blaster to 39. My preference is to play in groups over solo. Playstyle would be damage, more damage and damage some more. Prior to homecoming, I hadn’t played a blaster since issue 9 (and only reached 40). First the real general stuff. It seems like for slotting, six slots aren’t all that much better than five slots. Many of the builds I’ve reviewed on the boards seem to limit to five slots. Is that a common rule of thumb? In group, I generally use inferno, rain of fire, fireball, fire blast, blazing bolt and blaze. I have ring of fire but never use it. Even if I were to run solo, is immobilizing just one mob worth it? Do folks slot this much? Fire Manipulation seems so-so to me. Do you find burn useful? It seems too short lived, requires to be in melee range. I’ve just picked up consume and I’m not sure if I like it or not. Are there blasters that use this a lot? I haven’t picked up fire sword/fire sword circle. I haven’t picked up hot feet either. The only two must have powers seem like build up and cauterizing aura but I’d really appreciate other thoughts on it. For flame mastery, I plan to take bon fire, fire shield and rise of the phoenix. I ran a task force with someone who had bon fire and it seemed handy to keep mobs away from you. Would knockback to knockdown make that more useful? Fire Shield seems a good choice. Rise of the phoenix is a concept thing. It seems amusing to pop back up and fight on. And who cares about debt post incarnates anyway? Pools would be standard with Speed, Flight, Fighting and Leadership. I like flight, everyone has hasten and minimal defense seems common sense. Leadership for tactics and assault seems a good idea.
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