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  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you, will try it out as built for sure.
  2. Super Jump, it's a Bunny Toon. the rest I'm good with to get best numbers ?
  3. Thank you, yeah it's for a themed build.
  4. Infinitum, I'm looking for a Super Reflexes/Savage Melee build like your Quantum build, I can't find anything that works For SR/SM can you help ? I'm doing the Quantum build now and having fun with it.
  5. Well, that's a bummer sorry to hear that. I went though most of it. I did find a build but was melee. I guess I will take the ranged Ill/Elec build and modify it. Thanks for letting me know.
  6. Hi, Looking for a ranged Illusion/Energy Dominator plz
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