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Posts posted by Gunnarr

  1. There is actually a whole guide to Low Budget Fire Farming, using a Spines/FA, here on the forums.

    I've followed it and had great success. My build is now evolved from it somewhat (as I could  afford improvements) and I'm very pleased with how I went from "You have zero inf and no insps" to "You are level 50 now and can farm +4/x8 without a purple pill addiction". I don;t make as much as the high end builds, but I make enough  to be pleased with the results 🙂

  2. On 1/8/2020 at 1:05 AM, Nemeroff said:

    GOT IT!

    Thanks to HeroReborn I modified what he posted, tested it ingame, and success!

    /macro FRGE “tell $target, ++FORGE++.$$powexecname forge”

    Buffs team mate/player with Forge and tells them.

    Does this automatically put the "Granting you" words in there?

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  3. 1 hour ago, Myrmidon said:

    As a proponent of Willpower Tanking (mine is also WP/StJ), I have two suggestions.


    1. Place a Taunt IO in Rise to the Challenge. It has the lowest taunt magnification and duration of all of the aggrieved auras and really benefits well from this.


    2. Take Taunt. It’s an invaluable power for controlling aggro and should not be left out on a Tanker.

    How would you revise the build, to include Taunt? Can it be left for later in the build or is it something you need early and often?


  4. I have created my first tanker in about a decade (lol) and want to use WP/StJ for the power sets. I also intend to take Mako's PPP (Leviathan Mastery). This is all for thematic reasons and appearance (see pic, this is "Orcinus" and he's actually quite pleasant in person). I wanted to avoid really flashy visual effects where possible, and just have fun with him. I've been running amok in Atlas beating up the local punks for their lunch money, but it's time to sit down and actually make a build to follow. 

    I'd like your help with that, if you have a build for me, or advice that will help me ("Roll a brute" is not helping, and is what I got when asking for advice in game, lol). 

    Thanks in advance for your help!




  5. When I am creating a character, I get the option to choose different colors  (on most powers) like having blue energy blasts instead of pink, and so forth. Can I change those later in game, after I start play? As an example, can I reskin "Freezing Rain" to be more molten red, like a fiery rain would look? Or do I need to make those decisions before I play?

    I know I get 'costume changes' every so many levels, but I am specifically asking abou tthe power effects like "Soul Noir", or "Bright Cast" and such.

  6. As the title says, I am interesting in making a character specifically for collecting badges, but it has been ages since I tried to collect badges. I remember (vaguely) one set of badges required you to heal a lot of people, so I assume I want an AT combo that can heal others, and of course travel/stealth. Any suggestions?

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