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  1. Thank you both for helping me, I think I have it figured out now.
  2. So I should wait for everyone to exit the map before I talk to contact? I'll give it a try. Edit: I think yo may be right on this, after a few more runs today, I waited and now I'm getting more feedback's.
  3. I made a Fire Farm and I'm having fun running folks thru it. At the end, I will ask them to please rate the farm. Some of them say they never get the option to rate the farm, including ones that never been on that farm before. Is that normal? How does that work? Also, as the creator, can I go back and see how its been rated and the comments made? I just see the average star rating and a (#) next to it. Is that how many have rated it?
  4. Thanks, I'll give them a try
  5. I see that Malta are good for isolating sappers and farming the time held badges, does anyone have a favorite mission for this?
  6. What is the new Winter Badge that was added this year?
  7. Anyone have a good Elec/Rad build for a Fire Farm, the ones here are for S/L Farms
  8. Thank you! That seems to have fixed it.
  9. I'm getting frustrated, I can't seem to find how to fix my camera. The camera stays behind me giving me a forward view when I move my toon, but when in fights, my toon will turn to the next target but the camera wont turn with her. How do I get the camera to always stay behind her and point the same direction she is facing? I've tried switching between classic and modern but it doesn't change.
  10. A few of mine… Aquaholic Water/Ice Blaster Plantasy Plant/Storm Controller Tankasaurus Rex Bio/Spines Tanker Plug n Play Elec/Elec Defender Final Pestination Rad/Poison Corrupter Phoney Saprano Assault/Mind Blaster
  11. no worries, Ive put together a build that is getting me by for now, but i know it can be improved.
  12. Infinitum, another build request please, I have a concept hero I need a build for, Electric Armor/Battle Axe. influence is not an issue, I have an AFK Fire Farmer and I’d like Super Jump fairly early in the build. Thanks
  13. Paladin event started today in Kings Row and I tried to convince folks that you have to prevent the construction to get the badge, but they didn’t listen or didn’t care. So Paladin was completed and all I got were a few merits.
  14. It’s always great to find that special toon that you connect with. We ran a few TF’s together the other day. I was on my favorite, El Pollo.
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