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Posts posted by Bob_Loblaw

  1. 3 minutes ago, Sovera said:


    You obviously do not know me if you think I do internet insults. My posting history for the past two years is available for perusal.




    Except that is exactly what you did....

    1 hour ago, Sovera said:

    It doesn't hurry things up, but I'm not going to argue with you further. This is another one of those arguments where I can show up with mathematical proof and it will be dismissed because 'MY FEELINGS MATTER!'. This is not about the team being faster with one person going left instead of right because the team obliterates a spawn leaving people animating skills that hit corpses, this is about you not liking them doing that. It's based on emotions, not facts. You don't like them to do that. Stop coating the argument with altruistic tones that the team is missing out by having that Scrapper or Brute haring off.



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  2. 49 minutes ago, Sovera said:


    It doesn't hurry things up, but I'm not going to argue with you further. This is another one of those arguments where I can show up with mathematical proof and it will be dismissed because 'MY FEELINGS MATTER!'. This is not about the team being faster with one person going left instead of right because the team obliterates a spawn leaving people animating skills that hit corpses, this is about you not liking them doing that. It's based on emotions, not facts. You don't like them to do that. Stop coating the argument with altruistic tones that the team is missing out by having that Scrapper or Brute haring off.


    There is hardly any objective that the team splitting up will not achieve it faster. Be it kill all, find a random clicky or find a boss. I've played this game long enough and have been the one haring off. I have also played this game for a long time as a Tanker so I do not hare off leaving my squishies undefended. In either case as a TF-leveler there is a distinct improvement in times when someone does part of the content solo. Suddenly watch Synapse not taking 1:30 (or in one infamous case for me, two hours) but rather taking 1:10. If I'm playing with my usual friend who also splits from the team watch Synapse go down to one hour.


    Now with all of this said it remains a game, a hobby we do in our spare time. If it bothers you that people do some of these things (which is perfectly acceptable. My own pet peeve is Controllers spamming mass immobilizes/AoE fears/AoE stuns, or players spamming knockbacks because 'it helps' *narrator: none of it, in fact does help*) then make a team where you state it: steam rolling team doing X. Don't join if you're going to go ahead soloing stuff. Warning, you WILL be kicked off the team.


    Voila, your problem has now been solved.


    To be fair I could do with my teams and state I do not accept Controllers or that people who knockback will get one warning to stop and then they will be kicked, but I don't. It's a pet peeve not a phobia, I can live with the small annoyance of mass immobilizes/fears/stuns.


    No, this doesn't have anything to do with my feelings. You are making it about feelings because you really have no argument other than the classic ad hominem attack and call me out on "feelings". I'm actually amazed you didn't call me a snowflake or cuck. *SMH* Go ahead with your math, show me how every single time a group is formed is faster/more efficient for one person to the same content a group can do. Please, really, I want to see this....

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  3. My point is that breaking away from the group does slow things down and running off on your own is a selfish attitude. This is especially evident when the group isn't doing lvl50+, or farming, or "kill most", content. Lower level groups, and new players, actually rely on each other. They rely on people to play their respective roles, rely on heals/buffs, rely on the tank taking aggro, rely on the damage dealers to do big AoE damage. It also teaches the new players how to properly play their respective roles. Obviously, this doesn't apply if the group has a plan for specific content (for example: stealthing to the boss and then teleporting the group). But, how can you kill mobs faster on your own than with 7 other people supporting you with more damage/buffs/heals/etc? You can't, period. It's a lie people are telling themselves to justify their selfish attitude. Saying that it's making things better by going solo from a group is not true. The idiom "United we stand, divided we fall" has been around since the 6th century. Why? Because, in general, it's true and factual.


    Now, if you require instructions in order to group, and none are given, then ASK. It's simple, just ask what the group is doing, or what the intention is. Not getting detailed instructions is not carte blanche to run off and do whatever you want; that is what solo is for. Someone running off to do whatever they want just because someone hasn't specifically told them what to do is very self-centred. It's even worse if someone does say something, but, that person ignores the request and continues to do whatever the hell they want anyway. If you want to do things your way, that's fine, go solo, do things "your way" to your heart's content, or start your own group and tell everyone they can just run around and do whatever they want.


    Something that nobody has been able to answer with any kind of logic: If you are not going to be with the group, why be in a group at all?


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  4. I've noticed this trend, and it seems to be happening more and more over the past year or so; when I join a group there is almost always one, sometimes two, people that just run off on their own to solo. Not just going the wrong way down a tunnel and getting split from the group, but, rather purposely going off on their own. Why join a group just to solo? All it does is weaken the main group and slow progress. Is it a "look at what I can do?" (i.e. Stuart from MadTV), thinking that everyone else in the group will be impressed? I am genuinely stumped as to why. *SMH* Why not go solo the same content on your own? It's easy, click the little word bubble in the bottom right corner of the chat window, go to Set Notoriety, then Team Size, and click on 8. Boom! Now go solo whatever you want. Then the group that wants to stick together and play as a team can get someone who wants to participate.

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