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  1. Invincibility description says "up to 10 foes can contribute to you Defense and ToHit Bonus." I'm pretty sure it was supposed to say your Defense and ToHit Bonus. Shortly afterwards I saw Wild Fortress say "You encase yourself and in a protective barrier" where there's no subject referred to after the and. I'm not sure if the and was supposed to be there or if the second subject in that sentence was forgotten about or clipped out by accident.
  2. Seems like more than one person answered my question about skunks.
  3. What do you all think of skunks? They're pretty nice animals. More importantly, were there other animal heads, like the monster ones and the piranha/bull/eagle ones, planned for the game? If so then which one was next to be added before the shutdown occurred, and what were long term planned additions?
  4. So fan servers are more populated now than the official servers just before the shutdown? Very impressive. What about right now VS when the game first launched in the early 2000s?
  5. The City of Heroes game was running at a poor framerate of 10 FPS or lower throughout the two beta tests, but no crashes occured.
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