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Posts posted by Moonscribe

  1. Well, this would be a lot of work presumably, but I think it would be great if there were individual defeat badges for basically every unique AV and EB in the game. ("Unique" as in Frostfire and Requiem would each get a badge, but Longbow Ballistas would not, though Tendaji would.) Defeating a powerful supervillain/superhero seems very badge-worthy to me, but in many cases there is no particular reward for doing it, especially with older content.


    Of course, I know that many AVs/EBs are part of task forces, trials and the like and those have badges associated with them already, but many others either can't be found there or can ALSO be found in solo content (which sometimes allows you to avoid the AV, so it would be fun to reward you for fighting the AV anyway). So it doesn't seem redundant to add new badges for the AVs/EBs themselves. Dimensional Warder already tracks Praetorian AV victories this way - and it would be easier to keep track of which ones you'd already taken down for that badge if there were a separate badge for each one of them! There could even be new, similar badges for defeating every prominent member of, say, the Council.


    This also seems like it shouldn't be too grindy since you only have to defeat a single opponent per badge, though in some cases there might be a bit of a grind to get to that opponent depending on where they can be found. But even that could be mitigated if need be by adding new content where those opponents also show up, which would be fun for other reasons.

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  2. Epidemiologist: Defeat Dr. Vahzilok during the 'Put an end to Vahzilok plague' mission from Olivia Chung et al. "Medical credentials or no, you've shown Dr. Vahzilok you're more than capable of handling emergency medical situations."


    True Monster: Defeat 100 Forlorn. "They may look hideous, but after mowing down this many innocent Forlorn soldiers, perhaps you're the true monster."

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