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Everything posted by HawaiiMike

  1. Pretty new to the game and created a Dark/SR tanker. I was reading that SR doesn't have the resistances that invul/WP and some of the other sets do. The char isn't too high to recreate. Would it be better to reroll or can SR suffice as a tanking defense?
  2. So that's the wrong command. The "options" are things like profanity filter on or off (but apparently not windowscale 120% grrrrr). The keybinds are a separate save/load. When you're on the keybinds window the options save/load dialog is at the very bottom, but at the TOP there's another save/load button area and that's for your keybinds. That was so obvious but I missed it completely. My eyes stuck to the bottom of the dialog. Thanks for the help.
  3. I'm new to the game and didn't see any reporting so I figured I'd put the issue in here. I've notice that after setting up keybinds for a hero character and then choosing "Save Options to File" that it doesn't work using "Load Options from File" on a new character. It shows a write message when loading or savings but doesn't seem to actually work. Not a major issue but just thought I'd list it. Thanks,
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