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Everything posted by Shadowstorm86

  1. I was planning to turn exp off on my characters at vet lvl 100 (because i'm OCD and i wanted to get them to this round number) it seemed to make sense because you get no emps after 99 but now the inf gain for doing it is gone it seems like turning it off is now just shooting myself in the foot, i get nothing for turning it off where as i could still technically get levels (for the sake of it) I've seen people with characters of 1000+ vet levels, I honestly don't see how this was hurting people :S (i've never actually benefited from this because im not at vet 100 with a single character yet I make too many alts) I don't like farming (i get bored of it) but I have to do it as the only viable way to get inf to gear up an alt, I had 38 fully completed 50's on live, I'm trying to rebuild what I had an most of my toons barely have 1 mill because as soon as I get it I need to spend it on something else that I need for that toon or another, meanwhile some people already have billions of inf. most of my toons I'd love to build fun alternative costumes for but I already have to prioritise my inf income on getting them the enhancements they need that most only have 1 or 2 costumes (using the free tailor token for 2nd one), I also must be the only person ever who likes redraw animations on weapons, i don't like it if a weapon just appears from nowhere, *sigh* also people will say "it's all faster than it was on live" yes you are right, but when you already did all that work on live, the faster you can get something back the better, I want to be able to play the parts of the game I enjoy, not have to farm endlessly in AE for hours just to get a toon into a properly playable state.
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