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Blue Pulsar

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Everything posted by Blue Pulsar

  1. When someone says "This rule is crap/awful/stupid," "You guys just hate altitis," etc, it's complaining. And name-policy opponents here have done so. One even threatened to quit, saying that others will too. That's childish. Saying "I understand your concerns, but how about we adjust the policy to fit X problem?" is not complaining, and a few here have done so. This is actually the case with some people. Obviously 400 is a exaggeration, but not hyperbole. Some people have literally over 100 toons. If you have 5 characters, and play 1 hour a day, only play one character a day, skip 2 days a 1 week, and only play 1 week a month, you should have NO problem having all your characters to a level where their names are safe. This policy will literally have no effect on you. And at 30, you're name will be safe for an entire year. While it's not a bad idea, accounts are free, and this would be a workaround to the rule. Make a new account, lock 2 names, wash, rinse, repeat. The big issue I have with those that don't like the naming policy is that they all seem to be acting like they will lose access to the game... No, you won't. You won't lose your character, you won't lose your costume, your supegroup, your levels, your powers, your friends, your global, your slots, your enhancements, etc, etc, etc... And you will likely even get a rename token. Which means what? If you camp 10 toons at 6 or higher, and then leave them game for many months or longer, you MIGHT... MIGHT have a character or 2 that needs a new name... and with the vast amount of languages, words, names, and ideas out there, you can very easily get something close or better.
  2. As I mentioned in another post, if multiple people are playing on the same server and have the same name, it messes with every single slash command that you would use to invite a player to a team, a supergroup, send a tell, add them as a friend, etc. Other things like target calling in PvP, quickly made binds and macros** for teams, etc, where if you happened to team with or against two players of the same name, it would cause some issues. (**If you're a healer/buffer you can make a macro called, say, TANK, where it's a one-button push to target, heal, and buff the tank (or any power combo). When you join a team, simply edit the character name in the macro to the member of the team you consider the tank and want to do all that to. Or for any other player too. Or for non-buffers to use an attack on whomever the teammate of their choice is targeting. etc.) The game does not use character name and global interchangeably. Globals only exist for the purposes of the chat server - they have nothing to do with character data. This solution would be ideal, and obviously literally anything can be coded into anything else, but there is no expectation for this anytime soon. I think what he means by "tied to global" is more like "tied to account" in the aspect that a global is the same across the account. Be that as it may, how would implementing this sort of naming policy deal with the issues stated above? Since there would need to be SOME way of differentiating between different "Hero Man" characters when using slash commands.
  3. This would upend a lot of the way local names (non globals) work; effecting friends lists, invite commands, friend commands, make chat confusing, target calling in PvP, etc, etc. Obviously, there was a reason they didn't.
  4. Are you suggesting I or others don't have a job? lol My career job keeps me busy 5 days a week, 8 hours a day or longer. My family keeps me busy when I'm not working. My personal projects take up a lot of time too... But I can easily get on here and level a toon to the teens in a short night. Well over 20 if I have a whole day to do so.
  5. Actually, this is fairly similar to something they did on live. The old devs knew people were hoarding names. In fact, iirc, there were some that sat on names and were trying to sell them... Anyway, there was a period of time when the devs instituted a policy of low-level inactive toons getting their name's unlocked... Not erased, mind you. Just unlocked until they logged in again. ALSO CONSIDER that this was on a server with, what was it... a dozen shards? And now there are people making dozens, if not hundreds of toons on just 5 shards. And as others have said, just log in on a toon if the name is THAT important.
  6. I mean, I see what you're saying. I guess I'm just not thinking that anyone should be in the stage for asking for extra stuff... I mean, we have the game. With the extra features and so many people on, it's easier than ever to level. Not to be snappy or sound like an old grandpa telling his grandkids how they have it so easy, so I'll save you the "back in my day" speech.
  7. The servers are brand new, and they are working bugs out as they come up. This sort of thing happens with new games in beta testing, and that is essentially what this is. There will be lots of DCing, Mapserving, failure to connects, etc... It's too be expected. Believe it or not, this game is running a LOT better than you should expect. Most infrastructures are in testing for months if not years before public release. And these are less than a week old.
  8. A couple weeks? Geez you people really want everything so easy, lmao.
  9. Leandro is assisting these guys, and he gave them specific specs for servers... Servers that, when new, cost upwards of 10k USD. Many people are pooling hundreds, and even thousands of euros/quid/bucks/whatever in order to run these, and several of the people doing so are experts... Which is clearly evident since this specific team had the game up and running in 24 hours of getting the code, and have been keeping it surprising stable considering all things. Especially since this shards are getting slapped hard. Also considering the shards have 4k people on them each, and the official ones ran by NCSoft couldn't have more than 1500, and got unstable around 1200. Technically, you'd be hard pressed to run this for 20 people on a well build home machine. So, yeah, I think they know.
  10. They are currently in the process of restarting the servers.
  11. This happened before, but only to the last character I played. When I go to log in, after being DCed, the character select screen would say that my toon is on an unknown map. Apparently the amazing people running the server had to take it down for a moment, and then all was fixed. But, now it seems that all my characters are suffering from the same problem, and none can log in. Any ideas on what the deal is? If a fix is in the works, it's cool. I can be patient.
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