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Everything posted by skuishe

  1. Done, dropped hover and afterburner slightly and moved Mind Link to 26. Also moved my +5% Res(All) off hover to Combat Training: Defensive since I figure it's more useful at lower levels than 7.5% global recharge, and I don't need any extra Melee Defense anyway. So that sounds great, but I'm largely considering this char as the one I do a lot of the solo content on too (going back and running all the story arcs etc.). How does the solo proc rate for that compare to just having it in Aim on demand? I'm also not super sure how I would bump it up if I did the obvious thing and replaced TT: Assault with it. Everything is so tight and feels like it could be so valuable exemplaring =P I have 4pc Superior Spider's Bite in TK Blast including the Global Toxic. I had Superior DoA in Follow-up but based on your comments I decided to drop Frozen Blast out of Psi Tornado and 5 slot it in there instead. This let me 6 slot Mako's in Followup so i got back a lot of ranged defense for the AoE defense lost which is nice. Also in the ensuing melee proc shuffle went with 6 pc Hetacomb and 5pc Touch of Death for some extra resistances. Sweet shuffle all around! The only place I could see to take out a slot was from Afterburner, moving my LotG there and slotting a pair of Red Fortunes in TT: Maneuvers. Then I saw it bumped it a total of 1.2% I thought, screw my teammates. Gotta go fast! I did end up taking a slot out of sprint and building the full 6pc Reactive Defense on Mind Link though and shuffling some other things around to also cap Ranged defense. The defense diminishing returns kicks in so early! It feels like it would take a lot to push TT: Maneuvers much over 7%, or am I doing something wrong? Yeah I think this is where it's tricky for me. I'm definitely looking at this more like a solo character, but it seems like a waste of the archetype to fully commit to that so I'm trying to pick up what team utilities I can. I think for me there's a bit of a Corrupter thing going on, I have some support, but it's not the priority! Anywho thanks for commenting! And thanks for your original post that inspired me to finally download Pines (although really part of me hates you for that =P). Updated Build: Data:
  2. Updated with following changes: Dropped Gloom, picked up Subdue early Dropped a Stamina slot to 6 slot subdue Dropped Combat Training: Offensive for Tactical Training: Assault because why not Also for some reason my FF proc in TK Blast is toggling a 26.5% damage buff and making everything look stronger than they are. Is this a bug? O.o Build: Data:
  3. Hey guys, I'm a Homecoming Baby with double digit 20-40 alts still looking for that main, and I thought I'd give building a Fortunata a try. I have a rough idea of what to go for, but I'm pretty unfamiliar with IO sets (I mostly just looked around at what other people's builds were slotting and cherry picked what I thought looked good), so any feedback there would be welcome! The build is largely inspired by Sovera's Build but also with Gulbassaur's Build for certain reference points. I think the main difference from Sovera's to mine is I threw in Strike early so I had to reshuffle, then also took Mind Link at the end to feel extra helpful. Some thoughts on the build: Single target melee chain of Follow Up --> Lunge --> Strike which under Hasten works, but otherwise can throw in an optional TK Blast to proc FF Recharge Single target ranged chain of Dominate --> Gloom --> TK Blast, lower dps but nice to have the option Spin, Psi Tornado, Psychic Wail AoE goodness Perma Mind Link under almost perma Hasten (I think?!) but I softcap Melee defense without it and have reasonably high Ranged/AoE so I figured that's good enough. Side note I thought capping defense was a breeze until I realized Mask Presence was showing an extra 5% Def (All) since it uses the stealthed value. Last power is flexy. Do I need the extra accuracy? I didn't want to take another toggle for fear of End issues Fly/Afterburner is personal travel taste. I probably plan on mostly fighting with hover off while in melee I don't really know what I'm doing so feel free to question any/everything! Build: Import Data:
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