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Everything posted by TNMMike

  1. Hello Laucianna, and thank you for your dedication to the promotion of all things Kheld related. I would like to share my proposal for a Warshade build, especially geared for survivability (and some ability to hit) in a fire farm environment. The build is appended as a Mids build, as well as in .pdf and text only form. The build is dual form - Dwarf was included for the purposes of utilising Taunt and Mire, after which it is advisable to shift back to humanoid form with all toggles already set. It works well following a lead Tanker or Brute, contributing to the lead's defenses and offering additional firepower. Tactics include: Dwarf-Stepping into a mob and firing off Dwarf-Mire and optionally Taunt and/or Drain, then quickly shifting to humanoid form to utilise its own defenses, heals and offenses. Tapping Dark Extraction just once selects a fallen opponent - either tap it again to extract the essence for increased firepower or if in a large mob where the extracted essence is vulnerable it may be preferable to fire off Unchain Essence in the manner of an additional Nova type attack. AoE attacks and effects included are: Orbiting Death, Sunless Mire, Unchain Essence and Quasar, the latter being the build's main Nova power. A KB to KD proc was considered but deferred since inclusion would result in a reduction to Fire/Cold defense, but could easily be slotted at the player's discretion. Equally Aegis was originally five-slotted in Tough for additional Fire/Cold defense and Ebon Eye and Black Dwarf Strike were only two-slotted, but the slots were reallocated to the latter to take advantage of the damage buff afforded by Overwhelming Force. Again, either allocation is viable, depending upon one's preference for either Fire/Cold defense or two universal damage buffs. It should perhaps go without saying that the Warshade can't compete with a well built Tanker or Brute for the purposes of farming, but playtesting this build in quite extreme conditions (+4 x8 with large mobs) has proved effective, challenging and enjoyable. It isn't durable enough to afk farm - end and health need monitoring and maintaining through the various drains included in the build), nor packs the powerful 'punch' of a well built farming Brute, for example, but holds its own in the farm environment and offers alternative strategy and gameplay. I hope the build is of some interest to some Kheldian aficionados! WS Fire Farmer - Warshade (Umbral Blast - Umbral Aura).mbd WS Fire Farmer - Warshade (Umbral Blast - Umbral Aura).pdf WS Fire Farmer Build.rtf
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