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GM Smol

Game Master
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Posts posted by GM Smol

  1. 3v3 PvP Tournament 


    Hosts: GM Smol, Void, Wombo, Daniel 

    Where: Indomitable, Pocket D above the monkey cages

    Discord: https://discord.gg/2HYfEME Homecoming PvP 

    Date/Time: Friday, October 9th at 9pm EDT 


    The Basics
    • Round based point system - number of rounds dependent on number of signups - ie 8 teams / 6 rounds
    • 10 minute match, no sudden death
    • Win = 2 points, Draw = 1 point, Loss = 0 point
    • Ties in overall standings will be broken by most kills, then least deaths
    • Championship match comprised of the 2 teams w/ the most points


    Match Settings

    • 10 minute round
    • T1 Inspirations only
    • Only Arena Temp Powers allowed. Non Arena Temp Powers will be disabled. 
    • No heal decay
    • No travel suppression
    • Maps - Caves, Stadium, Outbreak, Cargo, Perez, Graveyard



    • Team comps must contain 3 different ATs using ONLY 1606's (Defender\Controller\Corruptor\Dominator)
    • Blast sets can be the same

    • Buff/debuff powers must be different, ie: no dual\triple Thermals
    • Teams can use one Sonic Resonance or one Forcefield, not both.
    • All Alignment powers are banned
    • Emote animation canceling is banned, Crey Pistol is allowed.
    • Alpha only incarnate powers. Other incarnates will need to be un-slotted for the event
    • If a player DC's in the first 2 minutes, restart the match. The rematch will play out regardless of further DC's
    • No switching characters mid event, you play on the same character you sign up with (multiple builds allowed)


    Banned Powers/Sets
    • Trick Arrow on all ATs
    • Gravity Control for Controllers/Dominators
    • Presence pool


    Prizes - Influence + Merits 

    1st 4.5bil + 3600 merits (1,200ea) + In game Gold Titles
    2nd 3bil + 2400 merits (800ea)
    3rd 2.1bil + 1650 merits (550ea)
    4th 1.8bil + 1200 merits (400ea)
    5th 1.5bil + 600 merits (200ea) 
    Last 3 respec recipes

    5 Raffles - 100 merits each  


    • Like 1
  2. 3v3 PvP Tournament 


    Hosts: GM Smol, Void, Wombo, Daniel 

    Where: Indomitable, Pocket D above the monkey cages

    Discord: https://discord.gg/2HYfEME Homecoming PvP 

    Date/Time: Friday, October 9th at 9pm EDT 


    The Basics
    • Round based point system - number of rounds dependent on number of signups - ie 8 teams / 6 rounds
    • 10 minute match, no sudden death
    • Win = 2 points, Draw = 1 point, Loss = 0 point
    • Ties in overall standings will be broken by most kills, then least deaths
    • Championship match comprised of the 2 teams w/ the most points


    Match Settings

    • 10 minute round
    • T1 Inspirations only
    • Only Arena Temp Powers allowed. Non Arena Temp Powers will be disabled. 
    • No heal decay
    • No travel suppression
    • Maps - Caves, Stadium, Outbreak, Cargo, Perez, Graveyard



    Team comps must contain 3 different ATs using ONLY 1606's (Defender\Controller\Corruptor\Dominator)
    • Blast sets can be the same, buff/debuff powers must be different, ie: no dual\triple Thermals
    • Teams can use one Sonic Resonance or one Forcefield, not both.
    • All Alignment powers are banned
    • Emote animation canceling is banned, Crey Pistol is allowed.
    • Alpha only incarnate powers. Other incarnates will need to be un-slotted for the event
    • If a player DC's in the first 2 minutes, restart the match. The rematch will play out regardless of further DC's
    • No switching characters mid event, you play on the same character you sign up with (multiple builds allowed)


    Banned Powers/Sets
    • Trick Arrow on all ATs
    • Gravity Control for Controllers/Dominators
    • Presence pool


    Prizes - Influence + Merits 

    1st 4.5bil + 3600 merits  (1,200ea) + In game Gold Titles
    2nd 3bil + 2400 merits (800ea)
    3rd 2.1bil + 1650 merits (550ea)
    4th 1.8bil + 1200 merits (400ea)
    5th 1.5bil + 600 merits (200ea) 
    Last 3 respec recipes

    5 Raffles - 100 merits each  

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  3. Hey guys!! Smol KB is returning September 19th, 2020 at 8PM EST, 5PM PST, 1AM BST, 7PM CST!!


    We're adding a TWiST! A lot of you have been on this Smol KB journey with us since January, and we want to make it a little more challenging for you! 

    How will this work?

    We will begin our PvP night beginner friendly and then ramp up the competition by the second half of the night. With individual prizes during the first half, and during the second half drafted teams will be competing against each other for FULL TEAM PRIZES! We welcome all beginners and vet's to this event. This will be our first time amping up the competition at Smol KB. It'll be a good time to put our target calling, emping and target practice that we've learned over the past 8 months to the test and to experience a more challenging setting in PvP for those of you who haven't yet. 

    Smol KB Introduction: 

    If you're unfamiliar with Smol KB, it's an organized 8v8 team PvP event hosted in the arena. Along with our main focus of helping new/returning PvP'ers learn the ropes in the arena, we hold costume contests, bio contests and have several ways of opportunity to win a variety of prizes! 

    Are you a new or returning PvPer? Never PvP'd before but would like to learn? Come on out to Smol KB hosted in Pocket D on Indomitable (the unofficial PvP server). The purpose of Smol Kickball is to provide a welcoming environment to casual and experienced PvPers to have fun, compete, and share knowledge in a low-stakes setting. 

    For new and returning PvPers: We will help you learn all of the basic skills you need to dive into your first kickball night such as PvP specific builds, helpful macros & binds, and the basics of target locking, spiking, evasion and inspiration management. For a primer on how kickball is ran, please refer to this very handy-dandy guide created by @Xhiggy:



    The Basics:

     Two experienced PvPers will be selected as Captains of Blue and Red teams each round and draft from a pool of players in the Green team. (Players that are not drafted will get priority selection in the following round so no one will sit out two matches in a row.)
    • A 10 minute match will take place on a predetermined map using only small inspirations and with movement suppression and heal decay turned off.
    • After each round, we will take time for people to ask questions and get advice before starting the next match.


    Prizes and Contests:

     To keep in spirit with the light-hearted nature of Smol KB, there will be several mini-contests that will take place as the night goes on. We will be on the look-out for best costume and best character biography throughout the first half of the night. As well as a few clutch players.

    Prizes will be available each round during the first half for the following categories: 

     Support Players (Playing support is difficult as it is and should always be awarded)
     Raffle Prizes each round to a random participant (To include Green Team players that were not drafted)
     Stand out player (Awarded each round by the winning captain to a stand out player on their team)
     Target callers
     Team Captains


    *NEW* Prizes for the second half of Competitive Smol KB include:

     Each winning draft team will be rewarded merits per player
     Stand out booster pack (Each winning captain will nominate one standout player of their choice) 
     Target caller booster pack (winning team)
     Support booster pack - 2 Primary support players (winning team) 

     Potential prizes include: Reward Merits, Booster Packs, IO sets and Gold Titles for your individual characters in game. 


    Please note: As discussed prior to scheduling, this event will be overlapping Xhiggy's Saturday night KB time slot. Please feel free to join us on our Smol KB discord: https://discord.gg/xxbkpnR

    • Like 9
    • Haha 1
  4. Hey guys!! Smol KB is returning September 19th, 2020 at 8PM EST, 5PM PST, 1AM BST, 7PM CST!!


    We're adding a TWiST! A lot of you have been on this Smol KB journey with us since January, and we want to make it a little more challenging for you! 

    How will this work?

    We will begin our PvP night beginner friendly and then ramp up the competition by the second half of the night. With individual prizes during the first half, and during the second half drafted teams will be competing against each other for FULL TEAM PRIZES! We welcome all beginners and vet's to this event. This will be our first time amping up the competition at Smol KB. It'll be a good time to put our target calling, emping and target practice that we've learned over the past 8 months to the test and to experience a more challenging setting in PvP for those of you who haven't yet. 

    Smol KB Introduction: 

    If you're unfamiliar with Smol KB, it's an organized 8v8 team PvP event hosted in the arena. Along with our main focus of helping new/returning PvP'ers learn the ropes in the arena, we hold costume contests, bio contests and have several ways of opportunity to win a variety of prizes! 

    Are you a new or returning PvPer? Never PvP'd before but would like to learn? Come on out to Smol KB hosted in Pocket D on Indomitable (the unofficial PvP server). The purpose of Smol Kickball is to provide a welcoming environment to casual and experienced PvPers to have fun, compete, and share knowledge in a low-stakes setting. 

    For new and returning PvPers: We will help you learn all of the basic skills you need to dive into your first kickball night such as PvP specific builds, helpful macros & binds, and the basics of target locking, spiking, evasion and inspiration management. For a primer on how kickball is ran, please refer to this very handy-dandy guide created by @Xhiggy:



    The Basics:

     Two experienced PvPers will be selected as Captains of Blue and Red teams each round and draft from a pool of players in the Green team. (Players that are not drafted will get priority selection in the following round so no one will sit out two matches in a row.)
    • A 10 minute match will take place on a predetermined map using only small inspirations and with movement suppression and heal decay turned off.
    • After each round, we will take time for people to ask questions and get advice before starting the next match.


    Prizes and Contests:

     To keep in spirit with the light-hearted nature of Smol KB, there will be several mini-contests that will take place as the night goes on. We will be on the look-out for best costume and best character biography throughout the first half of the night. As well as a few clutch players.

    Prizes will be available each round during the first half for the following categories: 

     Support Players (Playing support is difficult as it is and should always be awarded)
     Raffle Prizes each round to a random participant (To include Green Team players that were not drafted)
     Stand out player (Awarded each round by the winning captain to a stand out player on their team)
     Target callers
     Team Captains


    *NEW* Prizes for the second half of Competitive Smol KB include:

     Each winning draft team will be rewarded merits per player
     Stand out booster pack (Each winning captain will nominate one standout player of their choice) 
     Target caller booster pack (winning team)
     Support booster pack - 2 Primary support players (winning team) 

     Potential prizes include: Reward Merits, Booster Packs, IO sets and Gold Titles for your individual characters in game. 


    Please note: As discussed prior to scheduling, this event will be overlapping Xhiggy's Saturday night KB time slot. Please feel free to join us on our Smol KB discord: https://discord.gg/xxbkpnR

    • Like 10
  5. Hey guys!! Smol KB is returning September 19th, 2020 at 8PM EST, 5PM PST, 1AM BST, 7PM CST!!


    We're adding a TWiST! A lot of you have been on this Smol KB journey with us since January, and we want to make it a little more challenging for you! 

    How will this work?

    We will begin our PvP night beginner friendly and then ramp up the competition by the second half of the night. With individual prizes during the first half, and during the second half drafted teams will be competing against each other for FULL TEAM PRIZES! We welcome all beginners and vet's to this event. This will be our first time amping up the competition at Smol KB. It'll be a good time to put our target calling, emping and target practice that we've learned over the past 8 months to the test and to experience a more challenging setting in PvP for those of you who haven't yet. 

    Smol KB Introduction: 

    If you're unfamiliar with Smol KB, it's an organized 8v8 team PvP event hosted in the arena. Along with our main focus of helping new/returning PvP'ers learn the ropes in the arena, we hold costume contests, bio contests and have several ways of opportunity to win a variety of prizes! 

    Are you a new or returning PvPer? Never PvP'd before but would like to learn? Come on out to Smol KB hosted in Pocket D on Indomitable (the unofficial PvP server). The purpose of Smol Kickball is to provide a welcoming environment to casual and experienced PvPers to have fun, compete, and share knowledge in a low-stakes setting. 

    For new and returning PvPers: We will help you learn all of the basic skills you need to dive into your first kickball night such as PvP specific builds, helpful macros & binds, and the basics of target locking, spiking, evasion and inspiration management. For a primer on how kickball is ran, please refer to this very handy-dandy guide created by @Xhiggy:



    The Basics:

    Two experienced PvPers will be selected as Captains of Blue and Red teams each round and draft from a pool of players in the Green team. (Players that are not drafted will get priority selection in the following round so no one will sit out two matches in a row.)
    • A 10 minute match will take place on a predetermined map using only small inspirations and with movement suppression and heal decay turned off.
    • After each round, we will take time for people to ask questions and get advice before starting the next match.


    Prizes and Contests:

    To keep in spirit with the light-hearted nature of Smol KB, there will be several mini-contests that will take place as the night goes on. We will be on the look-out for best costume and best character biography throughout the first half of the night. As well as a few clutch players.

    Prizes will be available each round during the first half for the following categories: 

    Support Players (Playing support is difficult as it is and should always be awarded)
    Raffle Prizes each round to a random participant (To include Green Team players that were not drafted)
    Stand out player (Awarded each round by the winning captain to a stand out player on their team)
    Target callers
    Team Captains


    *NEW* Prizes for the second half of Competitive Smol KB include:

    Each winning draft team will be rewarded merits per player
    Stand out booster pack (Each winning captain will nominate one standout player of their choice) 
    Target caller booster pack (winning team)
    Support booster pack - 2 Primary support players (winning team) 

    Potential prizes include: Reward Merits, Booster Packs, IO sets and Gold Titles for your individual characters in game. 


    Please note: As discussed prior to scheduling, this event will be overlapping Xhiggy's Saturday night KB time slot. Please feel free to join us on our Smol KB discord: https://discord.gg/xxbkpnR


    • Like 10
    • Thanks 5
  6. Hey guys!! This is a reminder that Smol KB is hosting a special night of fun for our EU friends. We recognize that some of our friends around the world aren't able to come due to time zone differences. We will be hosting the next Smol KB on a more EU friendly time of day. If you're unfamiliar with Smol KB, it's an organized 8v8 team PvP event hosted in the arena. Along with our main focus of helping new/returning PvP'ers learn the ropes in the arena, we hold costume contests, bio contests and have several ways of opportunity to win a variety of prizes! 

       Are you a new or returning PvPer? Never PvP'd before but would like to learn? Come on out to Smol Kickball hosted in Pocket D on Indomitable (the unofficial PvP server). The purpose of Smol Kickball is to provide a welcoming environment to casual and experienced PvPers to have fun, compete, and share knowledge in a low-stakes setting. 

     For new and returning PvPers: We will help you learn all of the basic skills you need to dive into your first kickball night such as PvP specific builds, helpful macros & binds, and the basics of target locking, spiking, evasion and inspiration management. For a primer on how kickball is ran, please refer to this very handy-dandy guide created by @Xhiggy:




    The Basics:


    Two experienced PvPers will be selected as Captains of Blue and Red teams each round and draft from a pool of players in the Green Team. Players that are not drafted will get priority selection in the following round so no one will sit out two matches in a row. 


    A 10 minute match will take place on a predetermined map using only small inspirations and with movement suppression and heal decay turned off.


    After each round, we will take time for people to ask questions and get advice before starting the next match.


    Prizes and Contests:


    To keep in spirit with the light-hearted nature of Smol KB, there will be several mini-contests that will take place as the night goes on. We will be on the look-out for best costume and best character biography throughout the first half of the night. As well as a few clutch players.


    Prizes will be available each round for the following categories: 


    Support Players (Playing support is difficult as it is and should always be awarded)


    Raffle Prizes each round to a random participant (To include Green Team players that were not drafted)


    *New* Smol Contributor Award (Awarded each round by the winning captain to a stand out player on their team)


    *New* FFA Winner (Overflow players who don't make it into main matches compete in a free for all)


    Potential prizes include: Reward Merits, Booster Packs, IO sets and Special name titles on the Homecoming PvP and Smol KB discords.


    For Veteran PvPers: Smol KB isn't just for newbies. We encourage Veteran PvPers to participate and provide mentorship. If you are an experienced target caller, support player or just have good general advice to share, please come out to play! The matches may not be as competitive as regular KB nights or scrims, so keep that in mind if you aren't hearing everyone lock or a newbie target caller isn't calling 60 targets a match. If you are interested in helping out with being a designated captain or target caller, please reach out to @Smallz in game or on discord. 

    Hope to see everyone tomorrow!! 

  7. Hey guys!! This is a reminder that Smol KB is hosting a special night of fun for our EU friends. We recognize that some of our friends around the world aren't able to come due to time zone differences. We will be hosting the next Smol KB on a more EU friendly time of day. If you're unfamiliar with Smol KB, it's an organized 8v8 team PvP event hosted in the arena. Along with our main focus of helping new/returning PvP'ers learn the ropes in the arena, we hold costume contests, bio contests and have several ways of opportunity to win a variety of prizes! 

       Are you a new or returning PvPer? Never PvP'd before but would like to learn? Come on out to Smol Kickball hosted in Pocket D on Indomitable (the unofficial PvP server). The purpose of Smol Kickball is to provide a welcoming environment to casual and experienced PvPers to have fun, compete, and share knowledge in a low-stakes setting. 

     For new and returning PvPers: We will help you learn all of the basic skills you need to dive into your first kickball night such as PvP specific builds, helpful macros & binds, and the basics of target locking, spiking, evasion and inspiration management. For a primer on how kickball is ran, please refer to this very handy-dandy guide created by @Xhiggy:




    The Basics:


    Two experienced PvPers will be selected as Captains of Blue and Red teams each round and draft from a pool of players in the Green Team. Players that are not drafted will get priority selection in the following round so no one will sit out two matches in a row. 


    A 10 minute match will take place on a predetermined map using only small inspirations and with movement suppression and heal decay turned off.


    After each round, we will take time for people to ask questions and get advice before starting the next match.


    Prizes and Contests:


    To keep in spirit with the light-hearted nature of Smol KB, there will be several mini-contests that will take place as the night goes on. We will be on the look-out for best costume and best character biography throughout the first half of the night. As well as a few clutch players.


    Prizes will be available each round for the following categories: 


    Support Players (Playing support is difficult as it is and should always be awarded)


    Raffle Prizes each round to a random participant (To include Green Team players that were not drafted)


    *New* Smol Contributor Award (Awarded each round by the winning captain to a stand out player on their team)


    *New* FFA Winner (Overflow players who don't make it into main matches compete in a free for all)


    Potential prizes include: Reward Merits, Booster Packs, IO sets and Special name titles on the Homecoming PvP and Smol KB discords.


    For Veteran PvPers: Smol KB isn't just for newbies. We encourage Veteran PvPers to participate and provide mentorship. If you are an experienced target caller, support player or just have good general advice to share, please come out to play! The matches may not be as competitive as regular KB nights or scrims, so keep that in mind if you aren't hearing everyone lock or a newbie target caller isn't calling 60 targets a match. If you are interested in helping out with being a designated captain or target caller, please reach out to @Smallz in game or on discord. 

    Hope to see everyone tomorrow!! 

  8. Hey guys!! This is a reminder that Smol KB is hosting a special night of fun for our EU friends. We recognize that some of our friends around the world aren't able to come due to time zone differences. We will be hosting the next Smol KB on a more EU friendly time of day. If you're unfamiliar with Smol KB, it's an organized 8v8 team PvP event hosted in the arena. Along with our main focus of helping new/returning PvP'ers learn the ropes in the arena, we hold costume contests, bio contests and have several ways of opportunity to win a variety of prizes! 

       Are you a new or returning PvPer? Never PvP'd before but would like to learn? Come on out to Smol Kickball hosted in Pocket D on Indomitable (the unofficial PvP server). The purpose of Smol Kickball is to provide a welcoming environment to casual and experienced PvPers to have fun, compete, and share knowledge in a low-stakes setting. 

     For new and returning PvPers: We will help you learn all of the basic skills you need to dive into your first kickball night such as PvP specific builds, helpful macros & binds, and the basics of target locking, spiking, evasion and inspiration management. For a primer on how kickball is ran, please refer to this very handy-dandy guide created by @Xhiggy:




    The Basics:


    Two experienced PvPers will be selected as Captains of Blue and Red teams each round and draft from a pool of players in the Green Team. Players that are not drafted will get priority selection in the following round so no one will sit out two matches in a row. 


    A 10 minute match will take place on a predetermined map using only small inspirations and with movement suppression and heal decay turned off.


    After each round, we will take time for people to ask questions and get advice before starting the next match.


    Prizes and Contests:


    To keep in spirit with the light-hearted nature of Smol KB, there will be several mini-contests that will take place as the night goes on. We will be on the look-out for best costume and best character biography throughout the first half of the night. As well as a few clutch players.


    Prizes will be available each round for the following categories: 


    Support Players (Playing support is difficult as it is and should always be awarded)


    Raffle Prizes each round to a random participant (To include Green Team players that were not drafted)


    *New* Smol Contributor Award (Awarded each round by the winning captain to a stand out player on their team)


    *New* FFA Winner (Overflow players who don't make it into main matches compete in a free for all)


    Potential prizes include: Reward Merits, Booster Packs, IO sets and Special name titles on the Homecoming PvP and Smol KB discords.


    For Veteran PvPers: Smol KB isn't just for newbies. We encourage Veteran PvPers to participate and provide mentorship. If you are an experienced target caller, support player or just have good general advice to share, please come out to play! The matches may not be as competitive as regular KB nights or scrims, so keep that in mind if you aren't hearing everyone lock or a newbie target caller isn't calling 60 targets a match. If you are interested in helping out with being a designated captain or target caller, please reach out to @Smallz in game or on discord. 

    Hope to see everyone tomorrow!! 

  9. Hey guys!! This is a reminder that Smol KB is hosting a special night of fun for our EU friends. We recognize that some of our friends around the world aren't able to come due to time zone differences. We will be hosting the next Smol KB on a more EU friendly time of day. If you're unfamiliar with Smol KB, it's an organized 8v8 team PvP event hosted in the arena. Along with our main focus of helping new/returning PvP'ers learn the ropes in the arena, we hold costume contests, bio contests and have several ways of opportunity to win a variety of prizes! 

       Are you a new or returning PvPer? Never PvP'd before but would like to learn? Come on out to Smol Kickball hosted in Pocket D on Indomitable (the unofficial PvP server). The purpose of Smol Kickball is to provide a welcoming environment to casual and experienced PvPers to have fun, compete, and share knowledge in a low-stakes setting. 

     For new and returning PvPers: We will help you learn all of the basic skills you need to dive into your first kickball night such as PvP specific builds, helpful macros & binds, and the basics of target locking, spiking, evasion and inspiration management. For a primer on how kickball is ran, please refer to this very handy-dandy guide created by @Xhiggy:




    The Basics:


    Two experienced PvPers will be selected as Captains of Blue and Red teams each round and draft from a pool of players in the Green Team. Players that are not drafted will get priority selection in the following round so no one will sit out two matches in a row. 


    A 10 minute match will take place on a predetermined map using only small inspirations and with movement suppression and heal decay turned off.


    After each round, we will take time for people to ask questions and get advice before starting the next match.


    Prizes and Contests:


    To keep in spirit with the light-hearted nature of Smol KB, there will be several mini-contests that will take place as the night goes on. We will be on the look-out for best costume and best character biography throughout the first half of the night. As well as a few clutch players.


    Prizes will be available each round for the following categories: 


    Support Players (Playing support is difficult as it is and should always be awarded)


    Raffle Prizes each round to a random participant (To include Green Team players that were not drafted)


    *New* Smol Contributor Award (Awarded each round by the winning captain to a stand out player on their team)


    *New* FFA Winner (Overflow players who don't make it into main matches compete in a free for all)


    Potential prizes include: Reward Merits, Booster Packs, IO sets and Special name titles on the Homecoming PvP and Smol KB discords.


    For Veteran PvPers: Smol KB isn't just for newbies. We encourage Veteran PvPers to participate and provide mentorship. If you are an experienced target caller, support player or just have good general advice to share, please come out to play! The matches may not be as competitive as regular KB nights or scrims, so keep that in mind if you aren't hearing everyone lock or a newbie target caller isn't calling 60 targets a match. If you are interested in helping out with being a designated captain or target caller, please reach out to @Smallz in game or on discord. 

    Hope to see everyone tomorrow!! 

     Hey guys!! Smol KB is hosting a special night of fun for our EU friends. We recognize that some of our friends around the world aren't able to come due to time zone differences. We will be hosting the next Smol KB on a more EU friendly time of day. If you're unfamiliar with Smol KB, it's an organized 8v8 team PvP event hosted in the arena. Along with our main focus of helping new/returning PvP'ers learn the ropes in the arena, we hold costume contests, bio contests and have several ways of opportunity to win a variety of prizes! 

       Are you a new or returning PvPer? Never PvP'd before but would like to learn? Come on out to Smol Kickball hosted in Pocket D on Indomitable (the unofficial PvP server). The purpose of Smol Kickball is to provide a welcoming environment to casual and experienced PvPers to have fun, compete, and share knowledge in a low-stakes setting. 

     For new and returning PvPers: We will help you learn all of the basic skills you need to dive into your first kickball night such as PvP specific builds, helpful macros & binds, and the basics of target locking, spiking, evasion and inspiration management. For a primer on how kickball is ran, please refer to this very handy-dandy guide created by @Xhiggy:




    The Basics:


    Two experienced PvPers will be selected as Captains of Blue and Red teams each round and draft from a pool of players in the Green Team. Players that are not drafted will get priority selection in the following round so no one will sit out two matches in a row. 


    A 10 minute match will take place on a predetermined map using only small inspirations and with movement suppression and heal decay turned off.


    After each round, we will take time for people to ask questions and get advice before starting the next match.


    Prizes and Contests:


    To keep in spirit with the light-hearted nature of Smol KB, there will be several mini-contests that will take place as the night goes on. We will be on the look-out for best costume and best character biography throughout the first half of the night. As well as a few clutch players.


    Prizes will be available each round for the following categories: 


    Support Players (Playing support is difficult as it is and should always be awarded)


    Raffle Prizes each round to a random participant (To include Green Team players that were not drafted)


    *New* Smol Contributor Award (Awarded each round by the winning captain to a stand out player on their team)


    *New* FFA Winner (Overflow players who don't make it into main matches compete in a free for all)


    Potential prizes include: Reward Merits, Booster Packs, IO sets and Special name titles on the Homecoming PvP and Smol KB discords.


    For Veteran PvPers: Smol KB isn't just for newbies. We encourage Veteran PvPers to participate and provide mentorship. If you are an experienced target caller, support player or just have good general advice to share, please come out to play! The matches may not be as competitive as regular KB nights or scrims, so keep that in mind if you aren't hearing everyone lock or a newbie target caller isn't calling 60 targets a match. If you are interested in helping out with being a designated captain or target caller, please reach out to @Smallz or @Void in game or on discord. 


    Date: Saturday, March 14th, 2020

    Time: @ 6 PM GMT / 1 PM EST / 10 AM PST

    Server: Indom

    Place: Pocket D, above the monkey cages 


    See you there!


    Link to Smol KB Discord: https://discord.gg/kHZ6nsc

    • Like 10
     Hey guys!! Smol KB is hosting a special night of fun for our EU friends. We recognize that some of our friends around the world aren't able to come due to time zone differences. We will be hosting the next Smol KB on a more EU friendly time of day. If you're unfamiliar with Smol KB, it's an organized 8v8 team PvP event hosted in the arena. Along with our main focus of helping new/returning PvP'ers learn the ropes in the arena, we hold costume contests, bio contests and have several ways of opportunity to win a variety of prizes! 

       Are you a new or returning PvPer? Never PvP'd before but would like to learn? Come on out to Smol Kickball hosted in Pocket D on Indomitable (the unofficial PvP server). The purpose of Smol Kickball is to provide a welcoming environment to casual and experienced PvPers to have fun, compete, and share knowledge in a low-stakes setting. 

     For new and returning PvPers: We will help you learn all of the basic skills you need to dive into your first kickball night such as PvP specific builds, helpful macros & binds, and the basics of target locking, spiking, evasion and inspiration management. For a primer on how kickball is ran, please refer to this very handy-dandy guide created by @Xhiggy:




    The Basics:


    Two experienced PvPers will be selected as Captains of Blue and Red teams each round and draft from a pool of players in the Green Team. Players that are not drafted will get priority selection in the following round so no one will sit out two matches in a row. 


    A 10 minute match will take place on a predetermined map using only small inspirations and with movement suppression and heal decay turned off.


    After each round, we will take time for people to ask questions and get advice before starting the next match.


    Prizes and Contests:


    To keep in spirit with the light-hearted nature of Smol KB, there will be several mini-contests that will take place as the night goes on. We will be on the look-out for best costume and best character biography throughout the first half of the night. As well as a few clutch players.


    Prizes will be available each round for the following categories: 


    Support Players (Playing support is difficult as it is and should always be awarded)


    Raffle Prizes each round to a random participant (To include Green Team players that were not drafted)


    *New* Smol Contributor Award (Awarded each round by the winning captain to a stand out player on their team)


    *New* FFA Winner (Overflow players who don't make it into main matches compete in a free for all)


    Potential prizes include: Reward Merits, Booster Packs, IO sets and Special name titles on the Homecoming PvP and Smol KB discords.


    For Veteran PvPers: Smol KB isn't just for newbies. We encourage Veteran PvPers to participate and provide mentorship. If you are an experienced target caller, support player or just have good general advice to share, please come out to play! The matches may not be as competitive as regular KB nights or scrims, so keep that in mind if you aren't hearing everyone lock or a newbie target caller isn't calling 60 targets a match. If you are interested in helping out with being a designated captain or target caller, please reach out to @Smallz or @Void in game or on discord. 


    Date: Saturday, March 14th, 2020

    Time: @ 6 PM GMT / 1 PM EST / 10 AM PST

    Server: Indom

    Place: Pocket D, above the monkey cages 


    See you there!


    Link to Smol KB Discord: https://discord.gg/kHZ6nsc

    • Like 10
  12.                                           !!SPECIAL EU EVENT!!
     Hey guys!! Smol KB is hosting a special night of fun for our EU friends. We recognize that some of our friends around the world aren't able to come due to time zone differences. We will be hosting the next Smol KB on a more EU friendly time of day. If you're unfamiliar with Smol KB, it's an organized 8v8 team PvP event hosted in the arena. Along with our main focus of helping new/returning PvP'ers learn the ropes in the arena, we hold costume contests, bio contests and have several ways of opportunity to win a variety of prizes! 

       Are you a new or returning PvPer? Never PvP'd before but would like to learn? Come on out to Smol Kickball hosted in Pocket D on Indomitable (the unofficial PvP server). The purpose of Smol Kickball is to provide a welcoming environment to casual and experienced PvPers to have fun, compete, and share knowledge in a low-stakes setting. 

     For new and returning PvPers: We will help you learn all of the basic skills you need to dive into your first kickball night such as PvP specific builds, helpful macros & binds, and the basics of target locking, spiking, evasion and inspiration management. For a primer on how kickball is ran, please refer to this very handy-dandy guide created by @Xhiggy:




    The Basics:


    Two experienced PvPers will be selected as Captains of Blue and Red teams each round and draft from a pool of players in the Green Team. Players that are not drafted will get priority selection in the following round so no one will sit out two matches in a row. 


    A 10 minute match will take place on a predetermined map using only small inspirations and with movement suppression and heal decay turned off.


    After each round, we will take time for people to ask questions and get advice before starting the next match.


    Prizes and Contests:


    To keep in spirit with the light-hearted nature of Smol KB, there will be several mini-contests that will take place as the night goes on. We will be on the look-out for best costume and best character biography throughout the first half of the night. As well as a few clutch players.


    Prizes will be available each round for the following categories: 


    Support Players (Playing support is difficult as it is and should always be awarded)


    Raffle Prizes each round to a random participant (To include Green Team players that were not drafted)


    *New* Smol Contributor Award (Awarded each round by the winning captain to a stand out player on their team)


    *New* FFA Winner (Overflow players who don't make it into main matches compete in a free for all)


    Potential prizes include: Reward Merits, Booster Packs, IO sets and Special name titles on the Homecoming PvP and Smol KB discords.


    For Veteran PvPers: Smol KB isn't just for newbies. We encourage Veteran PvPers to participate and provide mentorship. If you are an experienced target caller, support player or just have good general advice to share, please come out to play! The matches may not be as competitive as regular KB nights or scrims, so keep that in mind if you aren't hearing everyone lock or a newbie target caller isn't calling 60 targets a match. If you are interested in helping out with being a designated captain or target caller, please reach out to @Smallz or @Void in game or on discord. 


    Date: Saturday, March 14th, 2020

    Time: @ 6 PM GMT / 1 PM EST / 10 AM PST

    Server: Indom

    Place: Pocket D, above the monkey cages 


    See you there!


    Link to Smol KB Discord: https://discord.gg/kHZ6nsc

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