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Everything posted by clearsong

  1. This bug isn't very important, but it's kind of hilarious. I went to Kallisti Wharf to take some screenshots, because it's usually well-lit and has some nice scenery to pose in front of. And I found this:
  2. I had the same problem. I eventually found Manticore. He was invisible, with just a slight aura visible. And he was bouncing around a corner and didn't respond when clicked on. https://youtu.be/7sYrF7ZpCD4 I had to log out, back in, and complete the mission from the contact.
  3. This helped me quite a bit - I'm using a 1080ti on a Ryzen and none of the in-game graphics settings made much of a difference - even changing antialiasing from 32x to off didn't help. Reducing world detail from 200% to 100% got me a few frames, but going lower didn't help more. This got me from ~38 fps up to 55-70. Which is still awfully low, but it's a whole heck of a lot better!
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