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Reddy Kilowatt

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  1. Thank you very much for your help
  2. huang3721 - thanks for the reply. I know how to open and close chat. It isn't the whole chat window. I closed the top of the two windows in chat. The "Global part of chat is what I want to restore"
  3. I accidently closed the Global/Help/Combat chat box. How can I restore it.
  4. Is there a "how to run Badger for Idiots" post somewhere. can't seem to get this one to work.
  5. Found the folder name, I'm good to go
  6. It's been a year or more, I must be misspelling my account name, is there a way to recover an account or should I just start over ....
  7. Already remade you build, thank you.... I had missed the Mids Reborn, wasn't trying to be rude. Thanks for pointing that out. Now tracking down and deleting all of the old out of date hero builders 😉
  8. Some great stuff that you posted, but you Hero Designer stuff uses Mid's, Not compatible with Pine's, the latest updated hero designer
  9. I made one last night, went to pocket D, talked to the sea gull and an to King's Row and took the train to Atlas.. I ran the first 3 missions, leveled twice. Then I notice I wasn't gaining any influence... Do I have to level and Arachnos Soldier on Red side, then use tips and that story line to move to the blue side?
  10. I remember an Arachnos build that had 6 pets... Am I wrong? I can't seem to figure out how to build in in Pine's Builder... Help
  11. I was bad and made a copywrited toon concept costume and name... I log'd into a different toon and saw a message about a name change. Figured I would do it later... Log'd into the toon that need a name change, how do I change the name...???
  12. I accidentally :o started a Positron TF solo. That character can't finish it and I can't find a way to cancel out of the contact or mission... HELP>>>>> ???
  13. Well, isn't this a revolting development..... I can't abandon the Clockwork King mission....
  14. Well, It was fun to try, but a solo fire fire tank can't beat a Purple Arch Villain....
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