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  1. Oh! lol not a problem! thank you! hungry and tired does tend to do that to us lol
  2. That makes a lot of sense, I'm not the most knowledgeable when it comes to what combos I would want to pick. I've only been playing for a few years now and not super consecutively. I guess my idea is I was wanting a "blapper" like play style, be able to dive in with the Hail of Bullets and not have to worry too much about dying. Mainly play with a friend of mine and we tend to duo most things. Sorry for not having a super clear idea on it. another question though, would this concept be similar to your DP/Ninja training that you have posted?
  3. @JJDrakken Hello! returning player here, I was going through the doc and I don't see the DP/Martial on the page that it takes me to. was wondering If I'm just blind or its not there currently.
  4. The DP/Martial blaster sounds absolutely amazing, do you happen to have a mids for that build? I've been thinking about coming back to the game for a minute, and the haven't ever played DP but always thought they would be super satisfying.
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